【Mission Completed [Forced to Retreat]】

【Obtain reward: Blood Successor +400】

Naruto tried his best to force Orochimaru to retreat, and the system directly rewarded him with a big wave.

The sixth Vajra blockade has not yet exploded.

Over the years, Naruto has a basic understanding of the Blood Succession requirements of the King Kong Blockade: The first King Kong Blockade was first released because Naruto’s Blood Succession limit increased by a hundred points out of thin air on the original basis.

After his perception and calculation, the first stick requires 100 points, the second stick requires 200 points, the third stick requires 400 points, the fourth stick requires 800 points, and the fifth stick requires 1,600 points…….

For each additional one, the blood inheritance points need to be doubled.

At the same time, the intensity of King Kong’s blockade will also increase greatly!

As of now, even if he fully unleashes his potential, Naruto’s limit is the six-rooted Vajra blockade……

However, this does not matter.

Because after the 400 points of blood increased, Naruto could vaguely feel that other abilities had developed in his body…….

As soon as Orochimaru retreated, it only took less than half a minute.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, wearing the armor of the first generation of battle results, rushed to the scene along with a group of powerful ANBU!

As soon as he entered, he saw that the place was full of mess.

In the pit, Naruto’s figure could be seen. The latter had entered sage mode, looking in a direction of nothingness and breathing heavily.

His expression was filled with excitement and joy.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief: It’s okay.

“Naruto, where are the others?”

Landing next to Naruto, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

The latter spread his hands:”Run away.

Hiruzen frowned:”Direction?””

Naruto pointed out his hand, and then said:”I’ve been running for half a minute, can I catch up?”

Knowing the direction, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave his subordinate ANBU a look.

Wearing a mask, he calmly said: Byakugan!

Yes, Hokage, isn’t it normal to have an ANBU of the Hyuga clan?

The latter rolled his eyes and followed the direction Naruto pointed.

After a long time, he shook his head:”There are traces of escape, but the location of that person was not found.”……”

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said,”I understand.”

He knew Orochimaru’s escape skills well.

If you really can’t run away, you can still use reverse necromancy to escape.

As long as they don’t meet face to face, they are difficult to track.

After all, that ANBU is just a member of the Hyuga branch. When the Byakugan’s field of vision is in one direction, it can extend up to about one kilometer, but it won’t be enough if it’s more.

Naturally, Orochimaru’s location could not be found.

If it were the Hyuga clan, for example, Hyuga Hinata could see ten kilometers away, and they could pick him out no matter what!

And for Sarutobi Hiruzen……

Originally, he was ready for battle.

But after knowing that Orochimaru had escaped, the whole person felt inexplicably relaxed…….This is so inappropriate.

He was the Hokage, how could he be so soft-hearted to a rebellious ninja disciple again and again?

After calming down his emotions, he rubbed his yellow-haired head with a smile and said,”Naruto, it’s great that you’re okay.”

By the way, he glanced around and found that there were potholes everywhere.

There are traces plowed on the ground when the large psychic beast was pushed out by the Rasengan; there are pits where the Rasengan shuriken exploded; and there are also the damage caused by the combination of the three escape ninjutsus of wind, fire and earth…….

It is not difficult to deduce what kind of battles have gone on here.

Naruto is a kid who can face Orochimaru and fight till now.

Seriously……A little perverted

“Of course I’m fine.”Naruto looked relaxed. He was just a little tired.

He kept his thoughts to himself, looked in the direction of the two pillars, and said,”Sasuke may be injured. It’s best to have it checked by a medical ninja.”


The lightning flashed, and Sasuke arrived in the blink of an eye.

His clothes were a little tattered and covered in mud, but his whole person looked in high spirits, without any signs of decline.

Staring at Naruto, Sasuke snorted:”What do you mean? Who is injured?

Naruto glanced at him and said in surprise:”Are you recovered?””

“Then why don’t you come and help me?!”

Sasuke:”……I just wasn’t hurt.”

Have you recovered?

Nine-tenths of your chakra has been consumed, which is equivalent to only one-tenth of your physical strength left. Can you recover easily?

But you just heard this yellow hair slandering you from a distance. He Unable to recover any longer, I rushed out with my Thunder Release.

Open your eyes and take a good look. Am I injured?

With Susanoo’s Bodyguard, will I be injured?

Are you kidding!

See these two Still alive and kicking, Sarutobi Hiruzen waved to the medical ninja and said:”Give them both a full body examination!”

Quickly, an ANBU jumped up.

With his hands glowing green, he started to examine the two of them.

“By the way, Grandpa Hokage, I want to ask you something.”Naruto blinked his eyes, and his tone suddenly became sweet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s heart tightened: This guy calls himself ‘Grandpa Hokage’, there must be something wrong!

Last time, Sa Po Wan Guan finalized the right to operate the illusion experience center here. That was the use of genjutsu on the villagers of Konoha…….Can it actually be used to make money?

What do you want to do this time?

“I found a good seedling from Caoyin Village! Naruto introduced:”The red-haired girl is called Xianglin. She is an orphan. She has a special blood inheritance limit. Just bite her to recover from her injuries.”……”

“She is not living a good life in Kusagakure Village and wants to apply for political asylum and immigrate to Konoha. Do you think you can give her permission for this?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened and suddenly raised his eyebrows: red hair, and the ability of this blood successor, I seem to have seen it somewhere before…….

Wait, don’t tell me!

“Where is she? Hiruzen asked.

Naruto said:”I’m protecting him with my shadow clone. It should be in……there.”

He pointed in the direction


The Third Hokage and the ANBU left.

Orochimaru’s traces still need to be traced.

Whether he can catch it or not is another matter.

By the way, Sarutobi Hiruzen announced that the Chunin Exams would continue and asked the two of them to quickly gather at the central tower and then return to the village.

We cannot stay in this forest of death.

Not long after Sarutobi Hiruzen left, there was some slight movement in the woods. When he looked carefully, he saw a familiar pink cherry color…….

He saw Haruno Sakura, her body covered with mud, her hair wet with sweat draped messily around her body, and she walked out helplessly.



Isn’t this Brother Ying?

Huang Mao looked serious:”Brother Ying, it’s great that you’re okay!”

Erzhu nodded in agreement:”That useless snake’s teammates (subordinates) will not be your opponent.”

Xiao Ying walked tremblingly In front of these two brothers.

She gritted her teeth:”You forgot about me, right?”

Naruto whispered:”I sent a shadow clone to take care of you……”

Sakura was furious:”Only three!”

“And they haven’t helped yet. They said they want me to gain practical experience. Just remember it! I will remember this grudge forever! Huang

Mao was ashamed, whistling and turning his head.

Sasuke also blamed himself a little, his cheeks were slightly red and he said,”I’m sorry, Sakura.”

Brother Ying’s little deer bumped into each other, and his heart rate soared:”Uh-huh.”……Forgive you!”

Naruto’s blood pressure skyrocketed: Why? Damn why!

Just because of his damn good-looking face!

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