After a while, Sakura already figured out what happened.

By the way, the stereotype of the two people has been deepened.

“Fortunately, Hokage-sama came early. She expressed her gratitude for the arrival of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also worried:”But if something like this happened in the Chuunin Exam, can we continue?”

Naruto snorted:”Why do you mean he came early? It was obviously me who informed me early!” If I hadn’t kept a shadow clone in the village, our three-generation corpses would have been cold by the time the third generation Lao Deng arrived.”

Sasuke looked strange, but didn’t say anything.

He watched the whole scene between Naruto and Orochimaru.

One of the three ninjas was beaten until he was injured.

And this yellow hair is still alive and kicking.

If the Third Hokage comes later, He probably has to collect the body of his apprentice.

I heard Naruto continue to answer Sakura’s question:”Don’t even think about canceling the Chuunin Exam. It was still possible before, but this is a joint exam, which is not comparable to the past.”

“Even if Konoha can’t do it, he still has to pretend to be fat.”

“Even Lao Den could pass the Chuunin Exam if he had to hold it in.”

For Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen has made many reforms over the years.

The Chuunin Examination was originally a channel used by the village to promote Genin, but once it came to the joint examination of other villages, it changed.

It changed It has become a”show” for the world!

Ninjas from all villages gathered together to show off their strength under the watchful eyes of many spectators and even dignitaries who came after hearing the news.

Whichever village performs well will gain a reputation.

This will allow you to get more tasks.

As the organizer, Konoha must bite the bullet and get the exam done no matter what happens! If the examination is terminated, it will definitely be a huge blow to Konoha’s reputation!

Moreover, the village today is undergoing reform.

The publicity was already full before the Chunin Exams. Now the floating population of Konoha has increased by one hundred thousand, and as the third exam approaches in a month, more and more people will come to Konoha to travel.

If it is really cancelled, it will not only lose reputation, but also the economy. and a series of chain reactions

“Oh, I don’t quite understand. Sakura tilted her head and said,”That means the Chuunin Exam cannot be cancelled, right?””

“Anyway, this place is too dangerous. Let’s go back to the village quickly. The village is safer!”

The second exam left a psychological shadow on her.

No matter how trashy Orochimaru’s two subordinates were, they still had chuunin strength. The two of them coordinated the attack and almost made Sakura jump on the street. It was a bit scary, it was

“Then go to the central tower.”

Naruto looked up at the sky. It was already dusk now. He could finish the exam before the sun set and catch up with dinner.

He suddenly paused as he spoke:”Wait a minute, where did Orochimaru’s Scroll of Heaven go? ?”

He remembered that Aunt Snake threw the Scroll of Heaven on the ground.

However, she arranged for him to tamper with it, so he ignored it. Now he thinks that the scroll should be there…….

“it is this?”

Sasuke’s voice sounded.

He took out a scroll from his arms, which was the Scroll of Heaven dropped by Orochimaru!

“It fell in front of me, so……”

Sasuke said this.

Huang Mao and Fei She had a fierce fight and had long forgotten about this thing.

So Sasuke picked it up after checking it.

Sakura:”As expected of Sasuke!”

Naruto:”What luck!”

Taking the scroll, he recalled the plot…….Forget it, as long as Orochimaru’s mind is right, he will not let the three sound ninjas come to die.

Skip the plot and just win!

The three of them were walking through the woods.

But before going to the central tower, there is one more thing

“By the way, let me introduce someone to you.”Naruto said seriously:”I just turned over from Caoyin Village…….What do you two look at? Did I do something?”

The eyes of the two teammates instantly became strange.

Sakura:”I guess it’s a girl again. Naruto was puzzled:”

Does this have anything to do with gender?””

Sakura:”This has something to do with Hinata-chan’s blood pressure.”

Blood pressure?

What, Hinata has high blood pressure?

Can the Xuetsugu who bites people to heal wounds still cure diseases?

Naruto thought that he could experiment in the future, but there is no need now. He asked something else:”By the way, Brother Sakura, you How are the medical skills?”

This is the area where she is confident.

Sakura smiled proudly:”The seniors in the hospital said that I can start training, but I feel that it’s okay…….”

Naruto asked directly:”Can you remove scars?”

The latter was confused:”What do you mean?”

However, Uchiha Sasuke, reminded by Indra in his body, had already guessed what was going on, and sighed in his heart: It’s really rare. blood inheritance limit……

Speaking of which, the Uzumaki clan was once as large as the Uchiha clan, and even slightly exceeded it.

However, like the Uchiha clan, they were all wiped out overnight.

Therefore, he can feel the same way: if he meets an Uchiha tribesman who is living outside the country and has not been poisoned, he will also lend a helping hand.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

It was a hidden tree hole.

Two Kusagakure village ninjas were tied and thrown aside, still unconscious.

The three shadow clones were lying on the ground, drawing circles and making crosses, and playing backgammon to pass the time.

Only the red-haired girl looked embarrassed.

Which young man took a fancy to his own abilities and left without saying a few words, leaving a few shadow clones to look after him?……

Care or surveillance?

The girl couldn’t tell the difference, but it was not like she had never experienced similar situations. It was estimated that before long, the boy would bring back many injured ninjas and ask for treatment…….

She had already accepted her fate.

Sooner or later, she will be sucked out of her life force and die like her mother.

Waiting, gradually arrived dusk.

As the sun was about to set, the boy came back.

Sure enough, he brought two companions…..兙. No injuries?

Looking closer, I saw that although the boy was still wearing the same clothes, his appearance had simply changed!

My nose full of pimples has returned to normal, the huge toads on my shoulders have also disappeared, and my appearance has gone from a frightening negative score to a sharp increase!

With extremely low psychological expectations, Naruto’s normal face actually gave her a perfect appearance.

“You two, this is Xiang Lin.”

Naruto introduced each other to them:”Xiang Rin, these two are my teammates, Sakura and Sasuke…….”

Before he could finish his words, Sakura rushed forward with a single stride.

He directly grabbed her arm!


Xiang Lin was startled and thought she was going to be bitten.

But after closing her eyes and waiting for a long time, she didn’t feel any pain.

“It turns out that this is what removing scars means!”

Sakura stroked Xiang Rin’s arm distressedly, feeling extremely distressed:”How on earth was this girl treated in Caoyin Village?”

Sakura, who was overflowing with maternal instincts, instantly threw away her previous complaints.

She just wanted to send Xiang Rin to Konoha Hospital to recover from her injuries.

“well?”But I can’t fix it for Xianglin.

I’ve prepared everything here, don’t you want to bite it?

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