There was no long delay.

Xiang Rin gave up on the chunin exam, threw the Earth Scroll on the ground, and headed to the central tower with the trio of Team 7.

Here in Konoha, it was the first time she experienced this kind of……care.

I have to say, it’s very effective.

It made her look forward to the future a little more.

And here, after the four people left, the grass somewhere around them began to rustle.

The pig, deer, and butterfly trio emerged from the dark haystack.

“they are gone”

“Tell me, have they discovered us long ago?”

“Isn’t this nonsense?”

It is pure luck that the three of them are here.

However, since it is the Chuunin Exam, they are in a competitive relationship with Class 7. Even if they are brothers in normal times, they must be taken seriously during the exam.

Naturally, Naruto and others have no idea of robbing their classmates.

After they left, the only ones left behind were the Kusanagi who were still unconscious…….And the Earth Scroll that fell on the ground and no one picked it up.

Shikamaru observed for a while, and his shadow stretched out.

Then it turned into a physical entity and rolled up the scroll of the earth.

“The scroll we got is exactly the same as our Heavenly Scroll.”

No accident happened. Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief:”Let’s go to the central tower. We are lucky this time.”

In the final analysis, I still got the glory of Class 7.

Let’s treat them to a meal after the exam.

Here, Zhuludie is lucky and advances without any injuries.

Naturally, there are also those who are unlucky…….

“Sandstorm funeral!”

In the corner of the forest of death, Gaara clenched his right hand.

With a cold snort, a certain unlucky ninja wrapped in sand burped on the spot, and his flesh and bones were squeezed into a puddle of mud.

After killing this person, the sand It flew back into the sand gourd behind Gaara, and what fell to the ground was just a Scroll of Earth…….

“Yep, the same scroll.”

Kankuro glanced at it and sighed with pity. He killed a group of people in vain.

As he spoke, his eyes glanced somewhere:”I don’t know if the scroll of the other team is from heaven…….Or the ground?”

Class 8 hiding in a tree:”!!!”

What a coincidence, isn’t this!

It just so happens that we have the Scroll of Heaven!

Relying on the perception-type ninjutsu to determine the location of the enemy, and hiding next to it, there is a plan to fight for the fisherman’s profit. This is a standard tactic.

Little did he know that the opponent was terrifyingly strong and cruel!

Only one person took action and directly killed the team that made the rude remarks.

The fishy smell that wafted over and the murderous aura that had gradually spread made Inuzuka Kiba’s face turn blue.

“What, what should I do? Escape?”

“I don’t have the confidence to defeat them”


“Akamaru is right, we must leave quickly!”

The three of them exchanged a few words and tried to leave secretly.

Of course, they couldn’t escape.

A few minutes later, three siblings from Sunagakure Village blocked their way.

“Take the initiative and hand over the scroll, it’s for your own good.”Gaara’s brother Kankuro kindly advised.

Temari responded:”Yes, yes, we don’t want to hurt anyone.”

Gaara was silent.

But the sand around him was restless.

It seemed like they were going to rush out and kill each other the next moment!

To be honest, Temari and Kankuro didn’t care about the life and death of the Konoha ninjas, but now their brother was a little abnormal…….

He’s about to go on a rampage and want to kill someone.

If the rampage goes all the way, it might turn into a tailed beast.

The two siblings, facing a formidable enemy, no longer wanted to provoke Gaara with fighting, so they tried to persuade Gaara with good words, since they didn’t want to hurt anyone from the bottom of their hearts.

Class 8 looked at each other in confusion

“For you guys.”

In the end, it was Shino who made the decision.

He used insects to transport the Scroll of Heaven.

The two parties handed over peacefully and everything was fine.

Kankuro and Temari breathed a sigh of relief.

On the treetops, Naruto’s shadow clone who was secretly observing also breathed a sigh of relief..Fortunately, there was no fight.

Otherwise, the main body would have to work again.


At the central tower, Team 7 was the first to arrive.

According to the rules, after entering the central tower, they opened the scroll of heaven and earth and threw it on the ground…….The preset psychic skills are activated directly.

Smoke rose, and Chuunin Iruka appeared in front of everyone.

Sakura was surprised:”Iruka-sensei?”

Naruto greeted:”Hey, old class!”

Sasuke and Xianglin didn’t speak. One was usually taciturn, and the other was unfamiliar at all.

“You are the first to pass the exam.”

Iruka was very pleased to see the familiar faces of the students:”That’s right, you are the best students in my teaching career!”

Iruka, as the head teacher, knew the configuration of the three of them very well. Even if he didn’t know the full strength of Naruto and Sasuke, he knew that they would have no problem passing the second exam.

Then, Iruka briefly introduced the scroll of heaven and earth. Effect……This thing is a one-time medium, just open it and use it.

If it opens in the central tower, it qualifies.

If it is opened in the Forest of Death, you will be disqualified.

“Then Laoban, you are very busy. Naruto said:”There must be many people who secretly open the scrolls of heaven and earth and want to forge the scrolls to pass the exam.” Iruka said,”

Really?” After all, there are only a few candidates like this. So far, not one of them wants to cheat.”

It seems that due to the decrease in candidates, the original plot has been cut again.

Naruto asked:”Then, the second scene is over? Can we go?”

In the original book, because there were too many qualified candidates, a knockout competition had to be held temporarily to screen out half of the candidates.

But now……

“If you ask me, I don’t know.

Iruka spread his hands helplessly and said,”Go back and wait for the notification.””

Naruto suddenly realized, haha.

In the original book, Class 7 passed the exam on the fifth day and then participated in the temporary elimination round; but now that they have submitted their papers in advance, their treatment is naturally different.

The teachers and students chatted for a while, and then Iruka left.

“Let’s go! First go and apply for a temporary residence permit for Xianglin Jiang. I want to take her to the hospital, so she doesn’t have to wait for me for dinner.”

Sakura is still thinking about the injuries on Xiang Rin’s body.

After being sucked so many times, her vitality has been wiped out like a candle in the wind, right? If you’re lucky, you’ll have to rest for the rest of your life.

If you’re not lucky, you might die in a few years..She thinks so based on common sense and ignores the abnormal vitality of the Uzumaki clan…….And, the Xianglin standing in front of you is theoretically the one with the highest talent among the Uzumaki successors!

“Okay, you guys go back to Konoha first.”

Naruto warned Sasuke:”Orochimaru is probably targeting you. You’d better not go back to the Uchiha clan, that place is not safe.”

With Sasuke’s current strength, there is no need for the plug-in Curse Seal.

With Indra as a teacher, it is probably unnecessary to rebel against the village and find Orochimaru, so there is really no need to contact Aunt Snake.

“I know. Sasuke responded and asked again:”What about you?”

Naruto said,”I’m waiting for someone.””

He found a corner in the hall and hid.

Then the sun set and night fell.

Many acquaintances arrived one after another.

It was not until the early morning of the next day that the last batch of Class 8 arrived!

They only had one Scroll of Earth in their hands..Obviously

, he was eliminated.

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