After Gaara killed everyone, he didn’t even bother to pick up the scroll of the same type of land.

Go directly to the central tower and pass the exam.

But Class 8 was unwilling to be eliminated, so they picked up the Scroll of Earth and tried to find another team with the Scroll of Heaven…….

It turns out, no.

Thirty-three people, eleven teams, only five teams qualified.

When Hinata searched the entire map with Byakugan, she found that many teams had either been eliminated or had successfully reached the central tower.

The search continued until the early hours of the morning. The three of them ran around the central tower several times, followed the traces for a long time, and even had a fight with the ninjas of Kusugakure Village who woke up…….

It wasn’t until Hinata’s Byakugan saw the central tower passing the five teams one after another that they had to admit that Team 8 was out.

The five-day exam ended in just one afternoon.

The chance of pulling at all

“Yo, are you done with the exam?”

Seeing them appear, Naruto poked his head out from the side to say hello.

“Um.”Zhino hid half of his face in his collar and said in a low voice:”To explain why, it’s because we……”

“We are already the last team!” Inuzuka Kiba unconsciously interrupted Shino’s words and wailed:”Really, are all the candidates in this class monsters? I won’t talk about you Class 7, those three from Sunagakure Village are simply terrifying…….”

“Woof! Akamaru shouted in agreement.


I haven’t finished speaking yet.

Inuzuka Kiba vomited his bitterness and told his own experience.

Naruto’s shadow clone watched the entire scene and knew that Team 8 was really unlucky to meet Team 3 during the entire exam.

One team has the same earth scroll, one team has no scroll, and one team has the sky scroll…….But the holder is Gaara

“Luck is also part of strength.”

Naruto comforted:”It is unrealistic to become a chuunin right after graduation. The teacher who leads the team is mainly to let us gain experience.”

Inuzuka Kiba sighed:”That’s what I said…….You guys from Team 7 will definitely become chuunin, right?

Naruto shook his finger:”Not necessarily, not necessarily.””

It depends on whether you have a chance to perform.

If Orochimaru launches the plan to collapse Konoha before he comes on stage, then he will probably still have to be a ninja…….

It didn’t matter to Naruto whether he was promoted to chuunin or not.

What matters is the sealed book.

This time he had a fight with Orochimaru, and he urgently needed the book of seals to comfort his injured heart…….If the third-generation Lao Deng didn’t give it to him, I would definitely go berserk and show it to him!

After chatting for a while, Shino and Kiba left together.

Only Naruto and Hinata are left

“Hinata, what’s wrong with you?”

While they all left, Naruto came closer and asked,”You didn’t say much just now…….Are you still a little concerned about the test results?”

Hearing this, Hinata lowered her head and said softly:”Yeah…….”

“Didn’t even pass the second round of the Chuunin Exams……Father would definitely be very disappointed if he knew about it.”

Ah, this is a problem.

Hinata and Hinata’s requirements have always been stricter.

But Hinata’s talent and character are here. She has reached her limit. What can she do if her father is dissatisfied?

Hinata has not passed it. Discuss more family matters. After she finished speaking, she raised her head slightly and said,”By the way, Naruto……I saw it, your shadow clone has been following us, right?

Naruto scratched his head:” Did you find it?””

“Everyone found out. Hinata chuckled:”Shino’s bugs, Kiba and Akamaru’s sense of smell, and my Byakugan……After all, we are also a perception class.”

That’s right.

No one is omnipotent. Naruto is good at fighting, so he will inevitably have flaws in some places, such as tracking and hiding…….

Against ordinary ninjas, that’s okay.

However, it cannot be hidden from the perception ninja.

“This is not……Get some insurance.”

Naruto felt guilty for a second, and then said confidently:”The village doesn’t care about the lives of the genin, I can’t help it; but I can’t care about the people around me.”

Hinata showed a smile that said, ‘There’s really nothing I can do about you.’

Naruto’s attitude was very firm on this matter.

You said that overprotection cannot produce excellent ninjas, but he said that the profession of ninjas is deformed, so they can just mess around. mix……

“You’ve always been ahead”

“Will you be tired?”

She suddenly asked.

Naruto said:”Not tired, very fulfilling.”

“Liar. Hinata whispered:”You are obviously practicing very hard, you are obviously too tired to stand up, but you let the shadow clone force you to practice.”……”

“Several times, you were so tired that you cried, but you never gave up…….”

Naruto responded:”I didn’t cry!”

The next second, he came back to his senses:”You……Have you seen it all?

Hinata nodded imperceptibly:”After all, I am also a ninja of the Hyuga clan…….”

Good guy, you are peeping with your white eyes, right? What a heavy girl!

Naruto felt an indescribable embarrassment suddenly well up in his heart. Sometimes after practicing for a long time, the pressure accumulated, and it was normal to vent.

As for crying……

This was not just a matter of being annoyed by the expression of the shadow clone supervisor and seeing no one around, just to break the defense for a while.

At most it’s just venting and complaining, it shouldn’t be embarrassing.

Hinata happened to see it.

Embarrassed, very embarrassed, feeling like my image has collapsed

“I have always taken you as an example and learned to practice hard like you, sometimes even passing out from exhaustion…….But compared to you, I feel like I’m standing still”

“Today is the same. I thought I could test the results of my practice, but I didn’t expect that I was so scared by the ninjas from other villages that I didn’t dare to do anything…….”

“It’s so, so embarrassing……”

“Am I really not suitable to be a ninja?……?”

Hinata said, actually taking the initiative to get closer.

She reached out and gently took Naruto’s hand……index finger.

Even so, steam began to rise from the girl’s head……

It was obvious that she came for comfort.

Now it’s time for Naruto to show off!

“Logically speaking, I should comfort you and tell you not to give up on your dream of becoming an excellent ninja…….”

Naruto exhaled, followed Hinata’s movement of holding her finger, and took the initiative to hold her hand!


Yes, it’s a bit exciting!

The heart rate is high, the blood supply is insufficient, and I feel faint…….

Tolerate! I’m a ninja. A ninja is someone who endures everything. Even being shy can’t make me give up…….

Just listen to Naruto say:”But ninjas are still too dangerous. When I think of you………You may encounter strong enemies in the mission, or even sacrifice for Konoha or something, I have to be extremely afraid. Hinata

‘s face turned crimson and steam was rising wildly.

She whispered:”Yeah……Um”

“So, you must be careful when you go on missions in the future. First of all, you must not accept escort missions. Secondly, it is best to act when you encounter a strong enemy. Don’t risk your life…….”

Speaking enthusiastically, Naruto became energetic and couldn’t help but hold Hinata’s white little hand tightly.

The latter’s face turned red and he held it in for a long time before finally showing a relaxed smile.

“Naruto……I can not make it……”

These were Hinata’s last words before she fainted.

Not hurt, just stunned.

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