At night, Princess Naruto came to the Hyuga tribe with Hinata in her arms.

Huang Mao’s blatant behavior made many Hyuga clan members’ veins bulge and their eyes open.

Even Hinata’s father, who usually kept a straight face and made sarcastic remarks, was secretly gnashing his teeth at this moment, feeling as if a cabbage was being humiliated by a pig.

Of course, the one who feels the most distressed is not Hinata Hizu.

But her little daughter, the sister-controlled Hinata Hanabi!

“What did you do to my sister!! ?”

Little Lolita Hanabi was angry.

Seeing her elder sister’s clothes stained with dust and being held by that yellow hair as if she was asleep, a sour taste could not stop pouring out of her heart.

That’s my sister, mine!

She Gen ran over as fast as he could, his eyes were glaring as if they were on fire, and he was muttering something unknown.

Naruto looked at this cute little girl……


A winner’s smile suddenly appeared on his face!


Naruto handed Hinata to Hanabi:”Sister-in-law, here you go.”

The latter quickly took over his beloved sister.

Just when he realized that there was something wrong with this title and was about to correct it with a loud voice, Naruto directly reached out his hand and touched her head.

He said:”Be good, take care of Hinata-chan for me.”

Hanabi was so angry that she opened her mouth and bit.

Naruto quickly retracted his hand, suddenly feeling very interesting, he stretched out his hand again and rubbed the loli’s head angrily!

“don’t want——”


“touch mine——”




” He stretched out his head and bit it several times without success.

Steam came out from the top of Hanabi’s head.

He was angry.

After making steam come out of the two sisters’ heads for one night, Naruto seemed to have achieved something. Satisfied, he flicked it and her brain collapsed.

“Take good care of your sister, I’m leaving.”

After saying that, under the gaze of many Hyuga clan members, Naruto jumped up and disappeared at an extremely fast speed…….

Only Hanabi was left roaring on the street:”Remember!”


After a while, Naruto arrived at Konoha Hospital.

He did not forget the blood bag of his own race.

At this time, with the help of Sakura, Xianglin has been successfully hospitalized.

Outside the ward, Naruto asked his teammates:”How is the situation?”

“fine.”Xiaoying took the physical examination report and said:”Although the patient has signs of overdraft, it is not serious.”

“You just need to rest for a while and it will be fine……Although the report is written like this, it is too exaggerated! This vitality is really scary!”

As she spoke, Sakura looked at Naruto and said,”There is an old doctor in the hospital who said that apart from the ninjas of the Senju clan, only the Uzumaki clan has such tenacious vitality…….”

“I know.”Naruto said:”It was introduced in the library’s detailed explanation of the Blood Successor Clan that the characteristics of the Uzumaki Clan are red hair + strong vitality.”

Sakura understood.

Sure enough, it was the Uzumaki clan.

After checking the information, I found that it was also a clan that was wiped out.

What a coincidence, Naruto is also named Uzumaki.

Team 7 actually gathered two descendants of the wiped out clan, and Both of these people are so powerful that it’s hard to imagine how their families were wiped out.

“Why do you have yellow hair?”Sakura is puzzled.

Naruto:”Mixed blood is like this.”

But there is no red at all, which is really rare.

Look at Xianglin again. Although she is in the hospital, she is sitting on the bed and receiving an IV drip. She is also wearing a hospital gown…….

But his expression was even more uneasy than when he was in the Forest of Death.

As if facing a formidable enemy, as if he wanted to run but couldn’t.

“What’s up with him? Huang Mao asked.

Xiao Ying said:”It should be psychological trauma. Although she tried hard not to show it, she seems to be afraid of environments such as hospitals.””

After saying this, Naruto understood.

Xiang Rin has always been the one who saves lives and heals the wounded.

And most of the time she saves lives and heals the wounded in the hospital.

It is really a psychological shadow.

Even if she puts on a hospital gown now, her mentality has not changed for a while. , even more frightened than during the chuunin exams……

This is also true.

In the ward, Xianglin couldn’t help but tremble.

Konoha Hospital is so big and has many patients…….

I can’t save it by myself!

What should I do? It will be sucked dry, right?

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the door of the room being opened. She was frightened, but realized that it was not a sick person…….

But the yellow-haired boy named Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto:”Hey, are you getting used to living there?”

Inexplicably, his nervousness quickly calmed down.

Xianglin adjusted her glasses with her free hand, nodded slightly and said,”Yeah…….Don’t worry, I can do it all”

“I have heard what the doctor said about your condition.”Naruto sat on the hospital bed and said:”My vitality is overdrawn. I need to rest for at least three months before I can slowly replenish my body.”

“No matter how powerful your blood inheritance limit is, you still won’t use something like this.”

“I heard that if you continue to smoke it so recklessly, you will have to drain all your life force in three years at most!”

Xianglin was confused.

She only felt that her body seemed to be getting more and more empty. She didn’t feel much else, but she had foreseen the ending in her heart.

So she asked in a low voice:”Then……When do I start saving people?”

“You are really rushing to die. Naruto was shocked:”Didn’t you hear what I said? Can you survive if you are sucked in like this again?”

Xianglin was puzzled:”Yes, but……”

“If you don’t need me to save you……Why did you bring me here?……?”

Naruto pondered for two seconds and said,”Because you are in trouble with your fellow tribesmen, why do you want to help? Well, that doesn’t seem to be the whole reason…….”

He finally smiled and said:”Because I want to, because I can”

“Don’t worry, I still have some weight in Konoha. Since you are the person I personally protect, even if they covet your abilities, they won’t do anything to you. Xiang

Lin seemed to understand, but nodded.

Then he carefully tried to figure out Naruto’s thoughts:”In other words, you protected me, so……Are you the only one who can use me?”

A powerful ninja takes a fancy to his own abilities.

He regards himself as private property and refuses to share it with others.

If she explains it this way, she understands.

If this is the case, her ending will be no better than being sucked dry to death in Kusayak Village. Is dying a hundred times better?

Thinking of this, a look of hope appeared on Xianglin’s face

“Can you still think so?”Naruto looked enlightened.

He understood. It seemed that Xianglin was really unloved when she was in Caoyin Village. She lived a life of fear every day, so her thinking was different from ordinary people.

Naruto knew that it was necessary to correct his three views. This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

So he said:”Just treat it like this”

“However, you may not be needed because……”

As he spoke, he raised his hand.

Chakra exploded, and the wind attribute cutting appeared, cutting a slender wound on the back of his hand – which made Xianglin’s eyelids jump: Is this the beginning of a test of ability?

As I thought, I instinctively stretched out my arms.

But before that happened, Naruto put his index finger into his mouth and bit it hard!


Putting his index finger in his mouth, he cried out expressionlessly, indicating that he was in pain.

Then, under Xiang Lin’s astonished eyes,……

The wound on the back of Naruto’s hand healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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