Whimsical System

Chapter 1000: The origin of the imprisonment of the weirdo

Chu Feng's words seemed to be a metaphor for hope. Although his words were rather cryptic, weird people understood what they meant.

"What does it mean to have a chance? Do you think I can still be promoted?" The weird person asked this question straightforwardly, his whole person extremely serious.

"If you don’t give up hope, then this thing is more likely to succeed. Of course, what I said is only possible, not certain, so you should not have too much hope. After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. What we can do now is to find a way for you!" Chu Feng replied.

"Why do you want to make these considerations for me? Is it just because of me that can help you achieve some goals?"

When Chu Feng said that he could help outsiders, the weird man was already expressing confusion for him.

Chu Feng scratched his head, it seemed that this should be a difficult question to answer.

"How should I tell you about this! Maybe it's because I am more interested in you. I always feel that meeting you here is not the ultimate goal. If I can lead you out of here and go to the next assessment stage If you do, maybe you will be of greater help to me, and now you have been separated from the competition!

Therefore, you should be gone. For the final result of the competition, and for a host who can help me but will not compete with me for the final place, my help may be necessary! "

Chu Feng's purpose was very simple. At this time, he just wanted the weirdo to be his helper, and then it would continue until the next stage.

As for what the weirdo thinks at this time, Chu Feng can't predict it.

However, his next answer can be regarded as a ventilation for Chu Feng.

"Although I know that this may be a bit unfair to me, but it is strange that your purpose is just in line with my thinking! If your purpose is really only these, then I am not Mind helping you achieve this goal!

It’s just that I hope that when I enter the next stage, you can give me enough freedom. Whether as a helper or as a partner, I need to find a little bit of my own life, not a machine dispatched by others at will. ! "

"No problem, this is the most basic thing, and it is the only thing I can do for you now!" Chu Feng nodded heavily. His promise does not seem to be that important to the weirdo, but there is such a word. Existence is considered a good thing, at least it will not make people feel, it is too illusory.

"Hmm... Then..."

The weird did not finish the sentence, but from his tone, Chu Feng could hear that he seemed to already want to find her friend.

"Let’s take you to the Colosseum first. Since you think your friend might be there, let’s go there for luck. If we are lucky, maybe we can really find your friend there, but I have a premise that after getting there, you must obey my orders, because you don’t understand the situation in the Colosseum now, and even I don’t know much about him, so we must be cautious. , Don't say what the trouble is, otherwise your friend may be a little hard to find!" Chu Feng said.

"You can rest assured that when I get there, I will definitely obey your orders. No matter what the order is, I will listen carefully. However, I also have a premise..."

auzw.com "What is your premise? Let's talk!" Chu Feng motioned.

"If you find my friend there, you must take him away. No matter how difficult the process is, you must promise me. In addition, I will help you achieve this goal. Even, I will do my best! "

When he said this, the strange man showed an extremely firm attitude. Judging from his appearance, it seems that this time, he has already made up his mind to achieve his goal.

He didn't even plan to consider Chu Feng's ideas.

"I can consider your request, but I can't be sure of it, because neither you nor I know the situation there. For example, if something happens, there is no way for us to save your friend. , Don't you still want us both to be ruined there?"

Chu Feng's cautiousness can be regarded as more in line with his usual style. It's just that when his words fell into the ears of the weirdo, some changes vaguely occurred.

"I can understand your worries, but there are solutions to everything. Although I know this process is difficult, I still hope you can help me!

Because of that friend of mine, time is running out. If it is delayed, I am worried that he will completely disappear from here! "

When he said this, the stranger glanced at the token that was held in Chu Feng's hand subconsciously.

"I know what you mean, don't worry, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do everything possible to help you achieve it!"

This time Chu Feng did not shirk any more, because since the monster has already said that there is not enough time, then it is impossible for him to deceive Chu Feng. After all, this is the first cooperation between them. If the stranger lied in the first cooperation . Then there is no need for Chu Feng to cooperate with him anymore.

Therefore, when the weirdo expresses his thoughts, as a cooperative response, Chu Feng will naturally not shirk.

When the two left the prison, the guards of the prison did not even stop them from leaving due to the change in the image of the weirdo.

After all, when Chu Feng entered the prison, he also said that he was here to release his friends, so the appearance of this strange person would naturally be imperceptibly, and this strange person was classified as a friend of Chu Feng.

There is still this distance between the prison and that hidden space.

In this distance, the weirdo is full of curiosity about everything around him.

Looking up at the sky, when the sun shone on him, making his cold body gradually become gentle, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I don't remember how long I haven't been in contact with this sunshine! Although the surrounding environment has changed, as long as the sunshine has not changed, then I will be content!" The strange man said with emotion.

When the weird mentioned the concept of time, Chu Feng subconsciously asked the weird: "Have you been imprisoned here for a long time? But as far as I know, the history of this residence is not very long! Did you show up here before the residence was formed?"

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