Whimsical System

Chapter 1001: Chu Feng's Wrong Plan

"That period of time is relatively far away. I don’t know when this station was formed, but as far as I know, when I was imprisoned here, there shouldn’t have been this station, and this station The predecessor of is actually a huge prison. In this prison, there are an unknown number of hosts from various galaxies!"

"Why would the host be imprisoned? Don't they come here to participate in the assessment? Isn't this a place for group assessments?"

Chu Feng threw several questions to the strange man one after another, and these few questions were all he couldn't figure out at the moment.

"The matter is very simple. They are going to eliminate a group of people after all, but those who are eliminated are aggrieved in their hearts, and there are only those places for promotion. Therefore, some powerful forces will grab some lonely people. The host punishes me, so this has caused the tragedy for me and my friend!"

When introducing this matter, the weird man said very casually, as if all this, really as he said, everything has passed, and he has adapted to his current life, but he thought Let his friends be freed, because when a person feels satisfied, he should also think of his close friends!

As for this saying of weird people, Gu Feng has nothing else but admiration because there are very few people with weird thoughts in this world.

Nowadays, even if it is a friend, it will be jealous and fight against each other. Although sometimes the performance is not particularly strong, this feeling can never be erased, and for a guy like a weirdo, it has become Rare existence.

"If you are given a chance, do you want to let those who entrap you in the first place be punished?"

Chu Feng’s question was completely subconsciously asked. In fact, he just wanted to hear the thoughts of weird people. As for whether to do this, he did not have a specific plan at this time.

"Now I just want to save my friend and get out of the predicament. As for the rest, I haven't considered anything else, but since you have already mentioned this issue, then I will talk about my thoughts. If you let me make this choice now, Retaliation against them may make me happy, but this is obviously not a must!

In fact, when a person has lived in the dark for so many years and is constantly reflecting on it, his fault will become extremely obvious, and I have found the flaw in that constant reflection! "

The psychology of weird people is different from normal people after all. However, this normal person's mentality is mostly used for Chu Feng's thoughts. Perhaps if someone else is replaced, they will think that the weird's thoughts are correct, and Chu Feng's thoughts are wrong.

However, under the current circumstances, Chu Feng's approach is obviously to be more realistic, and his revenge psychology is gradually affecting the judgment of the weird.

"If I were to make this choice, I would let them suffer and let them know how wrong it was!

auzw.com In addition, I believe that there must be people like you in the prison. If I can rescue them all, then add you with their abilities, and he will definitely be able to Make that force "turbulent"! "

With the continuous exchange of the two, Chu Fengze has also obtained the basic plan. However, when the plan gradually revealed its appearance, the weird man also had some doubts and “confusion”. With his thoughts, Chu Feng rescued his own thoughts, borrowed his own abilities, and achieved help to himself. And if Chu Feng wanted to rescue all the former hosts in the prison, then this matter might not be that simple!

First of all, not all the people in the prison are the host who is framed, and even some people are really the most sinful ones. If they are also released, it will cause turmoil, I am afraid except In addition to those forces, it is very likely that it will have an impact on the entire host's promotion process.

And when the weirdo thought about this, he didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he knew that if he thought about it, the final result would become very obvious, and if that was the case, he should hesitate. After all, should this matter be told to Chu Feng.

So in the end, he still didn't say that sentence, because he didn't want to have this kind of entanglement, at least in the current judgment, he can still come up with the answer on his own, so he doesn't need to ask for trouble.

However, on the other hand, after Chu Feng proposed this idea, he did become more and more interested in his plan.

Originally, this was just a question without thinking, but when this sentence gradually became closer to the facts, Chu Feng did gradually put this matter into real life.

Even he feels increasingly that this matter is very feasible, and it will also be of great help to his future promotion plan, because those hosts have all been disqualified by the system, and their promotion at this time It is just an illusion. If they can borrow this illusion to achieve their own goals, it will be easier than competing with him.

However, what Chu Feng didn't understand was that the renunciation of promotion mentioned by the weird man was nothing more than his subjective consciousness.

But in fact, he still has the possibility of promotion, including those hosts who are already in Chu Feng’s plan and are about to be rescued. They also have the possibility of promotion, and there are still those hosts. Some hosts who are desperate for promotion exist.

He said that if these guys get out of the shackles and re-enter the host's promotion state, then Chu Feng's constraints on them will appear to be minimal.

Even Chu Feng himself would be implicated.

It is a pity that for the current situation, Chu Feng has already had a wrong idea because there is no reminder from strange people.

And under the influence of this wrong idea, a plan that may change the current competitive situation is gradually emerging.

"Although I don’t know how you think about it, I can guess what you think. If I were you, maybe I wouldn’t do it, because the final result will not only affect yourself. , Maybe it will have a direct "sexual" impact on the entire environment!" The weirdo didn't say things thoroughly, and even this can't be regarded as persuasion, it can only be regarded as a little vigilance, and it is still of the more obscure kind.

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