Whimsical System

Chapter 1008: Registered

"Do I still need to go through the formalities? This is quite formal!" Chu Feng smiled, but suddenly realized that his smile was awkward, so he stopped laughing, and then he followed the weird guy's footsteps with the weirdo and walked towards To the depths of the Colosseum.

Passing through the tunnel full of iron cages, the surroundings gradually become brighter. In fact, it is also a place of "dew", but within this place of "dew", there is indeed a thick wall. And the guards everywhere.

And it was precisely because of the appearance of the guards holding guns that Chu Feng understood that this place was not part of the assessment boundary at all.

Perhaps this is the only real space that can be connected to the assessment system. Although Chu Feng has not understood the situation in this regard, according to his guess, this possibility will be relatively large.

When passing here, the sun is still so dazzling near the evening, maybe this is the real world, and in this real world, everything around is so illusory and unpredictable.

"That window is the place where you are responsible for handling the identity of the hunter. You can go directly and let him verify your identity later. It won’t be long. I’ll be waiting for you here. Go and get back. !"

Coming to the center of a hall, the weird guy pointed his finger at the left window, and then gestured to Chu Feng.

"it is good!"

Chu Feng responded happily, and then ran to the window quickly, preparing to apply for registration materials.

Right at the registration gate, there was a young girl who looked like a human, but she had something more peculiar, such as her skin.

The girl's skin is light blue, like sea water, and her eyes are dark purple, like two amethysts.

"I'll apply for naturalization as a hunter, what do I need to do?" Chu Fengxiang asked the girl.

Upon hearing this, the girl looked up at Chu Feng, who clearly saw a trace of pity in the girl's gaze.

Yes, it is mercy. It was an extremely uncomfortable look, as if Chu Feng was in despair this time and couldn't help himself.

To become a beast hunter, you only need to sign. According to the regulations, before becoming a beast hunter, I have to confirm with you again. You are sure that you have to endure the unbearable pain and give up your previous power to become a beast. Fighting hunters? "

When the girl asked this question, Chu Feng suddenly felt that the question still contained a certain meaning. Although the words in it were not different from the information he had learned, he still had this meaning. It feels too appropriate.

"Um... can I ask, is this an impulsive behavior?"

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"I don't know what you mean?" the girl said.

"I want to say, I became a beast hunter, did it seem a bit too impulsive?" Chu Feng repeated the question in more detail.

"This is your own decision. No one will give you the correct answer. At the same time, there is no correct answer to this question!

If you have been carefully considered and no longer regret it, then this is right for you! "

The girl's answer was very official, almost without her personal thoughts, but even so, Gu Feng still found a trace of rejection in her eyes.

auzw.com Yes, this girl does not seem to want Chu Feng to be the beast hunter, maybe she has discovered something from it, or even she already knows the whole thing.

So when she answered Chu Feng's question, he couldn't help thinking about the result in his heart, so this also caused it. After all, her answer was mixed with her personal emotions.

"Thanks for your answer, I think I already know the answer!" Chu Feng nodded solemnly, and then thanked the girl.

"You are welcome, may I ask, have you thought about it?" The girl asked Chu Feng again, and this question still belongs to the official norm.

"Yes, I have already considered it, I want to become a hunter!"

Chu Feng's answer was very decisive, basically not thinking about anything, and for Chu Feng's answer, the girl no longer had the slightest emotion at all.

According to Chu Feng's own estimation, it might be because her decisive answer affected the girl, which made the girl think that Chu Feng had made the final confirmation, so she would no longer have any pity.

So, after Chu Feng finished answering, the girl was very proficient in taking out a form and handing it to Chu Feng. The densely packed text filled in on it, and a blank space was left at the bottom of the text to Chu Feng. Feng fills in his name.

After Chu Feng took the pen from the girl, he directly filled in his name in the blank, and in the process, Chu Feng hardly hesitated, or even paused.

"Okay! I have already registered for you, and a staff member will contact you later, please don't leave the Colosseum during this time!" The girl "shows" a professional smile, and can't help but bring a smile to Chu Feng. Kind, indescribable feeling.


Chu Feng simply responded, then turned around and returned.

And the moment he left the window, an extremely old man soon walked over.

As Chu Feng's gaze shifted, he had already seen a team next to him, waiting to fill in their names.

According to Chu Feng's observations, those people seem to be very old, and their physical fitness is not as good as his.

When those people arrived at the window and asked the girl for a form, the girl's eyes did not "show" the kind of pity he had "showed" to him.

Return to the original position and meet the weird guys and weird people again.

"Have you solved it?" the weird guy asked.

"I have already registered there, and she said that a staff member will contact me soon, telling me not to leave the Colosseum!" Chu Feng replied.

"Well...they will come to you later, and before they find you, you still have about half an hour of activity time!

You can make your own arrangements during this time, and within the next 24 hours, you will lose your freedom briefly!

If my calculation is correct, you will be the one to fight in the Battle of the Beasts tomorrow night!

At that time, you can naturally use your abilities to fulfill the promises you made before!

And I will prepare for you, your reward, and hope that when the time comes, you will not let my preparations go to waste! "The weird guy said.

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