Whimsical System

Chapter 1009: Single beast

"Finally fulfilling the promises and so on, now I don’t dare to say anything, because I don’t understand all of these things. Maybe I need enough time to understand the inside story of all this before I make relevant preparations. !" Chu Feng responded.

"You do need enough time to do this understanding. In terms of time, I believe you should be able to arrange it. After all, there are still 24 hours for you to consider. With your ability, you should find all the rules within these 24 hours. It's not difficult!"

The weird guy gave Chu Feng nothing but praise. It seemed that the words of praise at this time were already at his fingertips.

"I hope I can really find this opportunity, but I don't want to think about that long time. If possible, I hope you can help me arrange it for me to play this evening!

I am a more eager person, whether in front of a good thing or in front of death, I have this eagerness!

So, I hope you can make arrangements for me. Those hunters in the past should all need enough time to make this preparation! Then I will do good deeds and give them my 24 hours! "

Chu Feng's decision was always so unexpected. When he said that he didn't need time to think about it, although the weird guy agreed with it, he was also curious about Chu Feng's ideas.

If it is under normal circumstances, it is estimated that few people are willing to choose to start in advance in the face of something unaware.

However, Chu Feng is exactly like this, so this can't help but make the weird guy feel suspicious.

"You have already decided? This matter, once you get the affirmation, there is no way to undo it, so I advise you to think carefully before making a decision!" The weird guy confirmed to Chu Feng again.

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Yes, this is the result of my serious consideration!"

"Okay! Now that you have decided, then do it according to your decision! But before that, I also want to remind you that the beasts tonight are more ferocious than usual, because tonight is the weekend !"

"Is there any difference on weekends?" Chu Feng asked.

"In the Colosseum, there are a total of three ranks of beasts. Under normal circumstances, beasts of the second and third ranks will be selected at will in normal times to participate in beasts activities!

The first-order beasts will only appear on weekends. Due to the powerful strength of the first-order beasts, we will send multiple beast hunters to participate in the event almost every day at that time!

So this time you participate in the event, you may be with multiple hunters. However, this does not guarantee your safety! Even, because you don't understand the rules, maybe you will be used by other hunters and become their shield! "The weird guy introduced.

"Oh~ it turned out to be like this! Then can I ask you one more thing?" Chu Feng asked after thinking a little bit more.

"What do you still need me to do for you?" The weird guy has long been ridiculous about Chu Feng's request. Anyway, he has enough power here, so he reluctantly agrees to Chu Feng's request. This is nothing. Difficult.

"I hope to get rid of me and all my companions! Let me participate in this war tonight. If one of them wants to play, then wait until I'm killed by the beast. Let them play!

Anyway, they will definitely agree. After all, my appearance will consume the beast's physical strength first, and this should be a good thing for them! "Chu Feng thought preconceivedly.

"Do you want all those people to go off the court, and then you will fight it alone? Do you know what this means?" the weird guy asked in surprise.

"It's nothing more than a one-to-one war, what else can this represent?" Chu Feng said casually.

"This means you will fight alone without any assistance, and your opponent, he is a big guy who can never be defeated!


And you want to use your strength in front of this big guy, or even kill him, do you think it is possible to succeed? "

The weird guy listed all the disadvantages one by one and placed them in front of Chu Feng. What he said about this matter was actually to make Chu Feng understand that this matter was not as he imagined simple!

However, Chu Feng's performance is still as arbitrary as he wants.

Even, he didn't feel the slightest fear for it.

"I've considered this point. I'm all **** now. The horror of beasts is far less powerful than those of beast hunters!

After all, the beast doesn't have much brains. Although its attack looks sharp to me, it is not unavoidable!

But if it is those hunters who want to attack me, then I really can't defend it!

So in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, I think it is better not to do that! At least, there will be only one enemy, not a group! "Chu Feng said.

"Okay! I understand what your concerns are, and I will try my best to satisfy your ideas. Although my abilities are limited, at least, there are some things I can do!"

After understanding Chu Feng's thoughts, the doubts in the weird guy's heart were resolved.

In fact, in his opinion, there is nothing wrong with Chu Feng thinking this way, after all, the disputes between hunters are no less than in the Colosseum.

And Chu Feng was able to think of this, and it just so happened to prove that Chu Feng had an excellent ability in this regard.

"Thanks a lot!"

"You are welcome, this is my business!"

While Weird would respond, he suddenly stretched out his hand and said hello to the distance.

The two of Chu Feng followed their gazes, and at this moment, a person hurriedly walked towards them.

"Master, why are you here?"

The visitor is an older man. At this time, he is wearing extremely standard work clothes. Then there is a sign hanging on his chest.

Chu Feng didn't know a few words written hastily on the sign.

"This is my friend, he has just registered for the hunter, I will send him to the court tonight, alone against the number one monster!" the weird guy introduced.

"He... is he alone?" When the weird guy introduced Chu Feng to the staff, the staff couldn't help "showing" surprise.

"He is alone, this is my privilege to him, how about it? This matter should be arranged?" the weird guy asked.

"Yes, it's okay, but this matter is really too risky..." The staff "showed" hesitantly.

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