Whimsical System

Chapter 1013: Unspoken rules in the Colosseum

Although it is an amphibian, it has the ability to fight together on land and water.

For example, at this time, it has completely changed its state, becoming a terrestrial animal.

And as his state changes, its combat capability will gradually begin to become suitable for the current environment.

In addition, in addition to the amphibious nature of beasts, I also have a very important point that I need to remind the audience and hunters present.

That is this kind of beast. It is by no means as simple as everyone has seen. In fact, it has two lives.

And these two "natures" also correspond to its aquatic and terrestrial characteristics respectively.

Therefore, if the hunter wants to kill it completely, it must ensure that its two "life" are all eliminated.

Otherwise, the monster's remaining "life" would also pose a great threat to the life of the hunter.

The explanation of the beast ended at this time, and it stopped.

During this explanation, Chu Feng received two important pieces of information. One is that this beast has amphibious characteristics, and the other is that this beast has two lives.

It can also be seen from these two pieces of information. How difficult is the current fighting beast event.

Chu Feng secretly digested the news he had heard, and then calmed down a bit.

In fact, since the monster's form was completely changed, the pressure that existed before has disappeared.

Although Chu Feng's heart was still plopping, he knew very well that what made his heart beat was definitely not the monster's previous actions.

It was his normal psychological reaction after hearing the information.

Therefore, when he completely digested these two important pieces of information, his rapid heartbeat also eased.

At this moment, one person and one beast were looking at each other in the Colosseum. Chu Feng had no intention of attacking first, and the beast had no intention of doing anything.

However, after the two had looked at each other for a while, Chu Feng agreed, and a little bit of murder was found in the eyes of the beast.

According to his previous knowledge, the staff in the Colosseum generally left the beast in a state of extreme hunger before the beast appeared on the arena.

Because only by doing this, will it completely arouse the anger of the beast.

Therefore, the current beast should be no exception. However, what made Chu Feng puzzled was that this was what it meant. The hungry monster was so calm at this moment.

And in many cases, it can still "show" the calmness that belongs to humans alone.

So, when Chu Feng discovered this weird point. In his heart, he is also secretly calculating.

As time passed, the spectators outside the Colosseum became quiet again from cheers.

However, just when everyone is waiting for what will happen next.

The beast, which was originally extremely calm, suddenly launched an offensive against Chu Feng.


Obviously, after a long wait, the hunger in the belly of the beast finally defeated its reason.

When the monster was about to "approach" Chu Feng, Chu Feng retreated several steps, and "approached" to the corner of the Colosseum in a straight line, trying to avoid the beast's attack.

The attack method of the beast is relatively simple at this time. It is nothing more than using the strength of the upper limbs to hit the ground, and then achieve the purpose of attacking Chu Feng.

From the point of view of its speed, it is not very sensitive, and sometimes it seems clumsy.

However, although its speed is relatively slow, the power it exhibits is extremely amazing.

Chu Feng never thought that it was just that seemingly powerless punch that directly smashed the ground of the Colosseum into a deep hole.

If he was in that position, it is estimated that this punch would be enough to break his bones.

The power displayed by the beast at this time also caused the audience who were watching the battle to take a breath.

Although they still maintain a very excited posture, it is undeniable that they have developed some fear of the monster's behavior, because if the monster's power is strong enough, then it may break. Yes, the iron net used to isolate the wall.

And if this way is destroyed, the spectators outside the Colosseum will be in danger of life and death.

Although this idea only flows into some audiences for a moment, the fear of beasts must be present in all audiences!

And just here, while the audience was in fear, the battle between the Beast and Chu Feng also began.

The biggest gap between humans and beasts, apart from the differences between the bodies, is the degree of mental acumen.

Based on the various phenomena currently displayed, Chu Feng has basically learned the difference between himself and the beast.

If Chu Feng wanted to face it head-on, it is estimated that even if Chu Feng had ten lives, it would not be enough to consume.

So if he wants to defeat the monster, he must rely on his mind.

Therefore, the first thing that Chu Feng had to solve right now was to find the weakness of the monster.

However, according to Chu Feng’s observations, this beast’s body’s ability to resist hits far exceeded his previous estimate, and even its endurance has basically reached the bottom of the mountain that day, Chu Feng and The monster Feng Suo encountered.

Of course, there is still a gap between this beast and that monster at this time, after all, that monster has a human mind.

But the current beast is nothing more than a beast.

Therefore, in Chu Feng's view, the current beast seems to be easier to solve than the monster of the day.

Even in the end, he couldn't completely kill him, but Chu Feng could also protect himself.

And just as Chu Feng was thinking about how to deal with the monster, the angry monster, of course, launched a series of offensives against Chu Feng.

Although on the surface, the monster's attack method is very sharp, and its strength is extremely huge. But when all this fell into Chu Feng's eyes, Chu Feng felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

After all, the space in the Colosseum is still wide enough, so if the beast is only chasing and attacking, then with the current ability that Chu Feng possesses, he can completely avoid the monster's offensive, even in the process of avoiding it. Give the monster a counterattack.

Of course, what Chu Feng envisioned at this time was just a state in his ideals. In fact, in this Colosseum, there are indeed underlying laws that he has never understood.

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