Whimsical System

Chapter 1014: Short fight

Normally, all hunters who enter the Colosseum must abide by the rules of the Colosseum. Although some rules are shown on the surface, there are some hidden behind these rules. Everyone knows the rules, but they don’t state it.

And among these rules, this is such a regulation that there is a beast hunter who can't permanently avoid attacks from beasts.

Although this rule sounds a bit unkind, after all, if the monster wants to attack the hunter. Under normal circumstances, the hunter needs to avoid it, but if he is not allowed to escape, it means that the hunter must face the monster at a certain time, and the result will be very serious. It may kill the hunter.

However, even if everyone thinks this rule is a bit too cruel, no one can break this rule.

Because this rule is based on the profit of the Colosseum.

In fact, it is not too difficult to understand this issue. After all, the responsibility of the hunter, in addition to killing the beast and perhaps the monetary reward, also needs to take care of the profitability of purchasing the Colosseum.

What the audience wants to see is the fight between the beast and the hunter.

If the hunter blindly hides, and dare not fight against the beast, it means that this battle has lost all the viewing "sex".

Once such a situation occurs, the audience watching around may leave early because of boredom.

If this happens frequently, then the business of the Colosseum will suffer, and will even gradually decline due to this.

Therefore, it is precisely because this situation is to be avoided, so among the hidden rules in the Colosseum, there is such a rule that monsters cannot be frequently attacked.

In addition, in fact, Chu Feng at this time had already received such a reminder before playing, although he also thought that this rule was too unreasonable.

But in order to win the final victory, Chu Feng had to reluctantly agreed to this request.

But right now, he just happened to adopt the method of avoiding once. If he avoids frequently again, then there is no doubt that he violated this rule.

Therefore, in order to avoid not violating this rule, he had to force himself to adopt a method of avoiding and hitting back to avoid touching this rule.

When the distance between the beast and Chu Feng kept getting closer, Chu Feng could almost feel the monster's breathing, and he could still smell the rancid smell during that breath.

If he guessed correctly, the rancid smell on the beast should be caused by its consumption of raw meat over the years.

And under the stimulation of this rancid smell, Chu Feng subconsciously held his breath, trying to stop himself from smelling the smell.

The beast's arm was beating the ground one after another, and gradually "closed" towards Chu Feng.

This is its consistent attack method. Since its first offensive, its attack method has not changed.

And according to Chu Feng's observation, the monster doesn't seem to feel tired from this attack, at least at the current level of attack, it won't produce that kind of state beyond its power.

auzw.com A few seconds later, when the distance between the two shortened to a certain extent, Chu Feng began to jump to avoid the heavy hammer of the beast.

In the process of avoiding, the two daggers in his hand also began to wield frantically.

In fact, in this confrontation, the probability of the beast hitting Chu Feng was actually very low, because Chu Feng's figure was too short compared to the beast.

In contrast, the beast is too huge for Chu Feng. Basically, as long as he can get close to the beast's body, then he can use the dagger in his hand to stay on the beast's body anytime and anywhere. Scars after another.

At first, when Chu Feng just touched the beast, although the dagger in his hand could cause harm to the beast, it could not make the beast feel Chu Feng's existence.

In fact, when the dagger in Chu Feng's hand was completely "inserted" into the body of the beast, the trauma it caused to the beast hadn't even reached the position of the pain nerve.

As a result, after the successive offensives were launched, apart from Chu Feng himself panting, the beast did not have any changes as a result, even it was constantly looking for Chu Feng's position.

However, it was not until Chu Feng made a second attack on the same wound that the Beast gradually discovered the existence of Chu Feng.

And while discovering the existence of Chu Feng, it also felt pain that it had never felt before.

It is a kind of injury similar to that caused by ordinary injuries, just like a finger scratched by paper when flipping through a book.

Although there will be pain, although there will be blood, it is not a continuous "sex", and my own self-healing ability can completely offset the generation of this pain.

Therefore, it can basically be determined that the series of attacks that Chu Feng made earlier had absolutely no effect on the beast.

After some fighting, Chu Feng also summed up some experience. In fact, although the weapon that Chu Feng currently possesses can bring him some convenience, he cannot rely on it to defeat the beast.

And the attack method that can really cause the beast to suffer serious injury or even death, I am afraid that it needs another way to achieve it.

In addition, when the attack of the beast gradually became sharp and the strength increased sharply, the punishment was also obtained. From this, some key points that could be used were discovered.

According to his thinking, if he can use the monster's own power to hit the monster himself, then with the monster's own power, he should be able to hurt himself.

However, the most puzzling thing right now is what exactly should Chu Feng do to let the monster hit himself.

As a result, while Chu Feng was thinking about these issues, the monster that had just suffered from the pain was like a mad, hammering at Chu Feng one after another.

As the battle became more and more intense, the mood of the audience in the Colosseum was quickly mobilized.

When the mountain shouted like a tsunami and hovered over the Colosseum, the beast seemed to be stimulated.

Probably because of the long Colosseum and the experience of war, the beast has already adapted to this environment at this time, and it can also extract elements that can make itself excited from this shout.

As a result, when the sound became louder and louder, its power also instantly produced a huge span!

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