Whimsical System

Chapter 1015: Self-sufficient

Bang bang bang...

The ground of the Colosseum that the beast hammered again and again, the ground that was originally extremely level, was now devastated.

And because the monster hammered the ground, causing the ground to sink extremely badly, it became more difficult for Chu Feng to avoid it.

In fact, when the frequency of monsters hammering the ground gradually became more frequent, Chu Feng also discovered some patterns from this.

According to his guess, the reason why the beast hammered the ground was not just to stop Chu Feng's movements.

It might be partly because the beast wanted to stop it, and Chu Feng was hiding.

Because if it destroys all the ground, it will be very difficult for Chu Feng to avoid him, and he will not even be able to escape from the pit for a long time, and that The so-called profundity is very convenient for the beast, and it can be very accurate to strike in the deep pit with Chu Feng.

As for the behavior of the beast, Chu Feng thought it was similar to the way that the river was cut off and the fishes were besieged.

Perhaps it used this method when it hunted fish in the ocean.

It's just that now it has come to land, so it has changed again, the way this method works.

Seeing the ground in the Colosseum has nowhere to hide, Chu Feng also gradually felt the urgency of the matter at this time.

And just when the critical moment was about to "close", Chu Feng resolutely adopted a bold approach.

I saw him jump, and his whole person lay down on the body of the beast, and then with the help of the dagger in his hand, he began to climb on the body of the beast.

Because the beast's body is relatively large and his ability to withstand pressure is relatively strong, when the dagger is "inserted" into its body, basically there is no pain in the first stage.

And Chu Feng just took advantage of this opportunity and began to gradually climb from the monster's legs to its body.

A few seconds later, when the Beast realized that Chu Feng had disappeared, its first reaction was to look for it on its own body.

It can also be seen from this that although the beast does not have the intelligence as intelligent as humans, its thinking ability is relatively sharp compared to ordinary beasts.

The result was when it was looking around, trying to find Chu Feng's whereabouts on its body.

Blame me, but Chu Feng suddenly stabbed him in the chest. Who knows that it was precisely because of the appearance of this knife that Chu Feng had directly revealed his position.

Even Chu Feng hadn't expected that the most vulnerable place of the beast was its chest.

The strangest thing is that the "hair" and flesh and blood on the chest of the beast are the thickest.

But this is the place that seems the least vulnerable, but it is fragile to the extreme.

As a result, it was precisely because of this accident that the Beast stretched out his hand to remove Chu Feng from his body even if he wanted it.

However, helpless Chu Feng, he had already locked the target, and the result was when the Beast wanted to reach out and tear Chu Feng.

In a short period of time, Chu Feng continuously stabbed several knives towards the chest of the beast.

And as the bursts of intense pain gradually emerged, the eyes of the beast gradually changed from the previous ferocity to anger.

In fact, the process of the beast's change has always been within Chu Feng's calculations.

Compared with the wild beast, it is nothing more than two things that can make it angry, one is the fight for prey, and the other is the physical damage.

Nowadays, it is naturally impossible to fight for prey. Injury to the body has become Chu Feng's only way to anger the beast.


Therefore, despite the actions that Chu Feng is currently doing, it seems to everyone that he did it unintentionally. But in fact, this is precisely part of his overall plan.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng knew that there must be an extremely fragile part in the beast's body, if he alone was able to cause fatal damage to the beast.

Even if that position is extremely fragile, but the degree of fragility has a big limit.

Therefore, if Chu Feng wants to kill the beast, he must borrow the beast's own power.

And currently he is doing this, which is also a way of Jie Familiar beast power.

Because, under normal circumstances, whether it is beasts or humans, as long as they are conscious and sensible.

Then they will never do things that harm their bodies, so if you want them to take action on themselves, you must first anger them.

And, the more irritated they are, the more serious they will be against themselves.

And the current behavior of Chu Feng is precisely to anger the beast.

Perhaps Chu Feng's current practice is not well understood, but what the beast will do next is to make everyone present instantly understand Chu Feng's intention.

I saw that just as Chu Feng stabbed the beast's body one after another, the extremely angry beast suddenly clenched the heavy hammer and slammed it down on his chest.

In fact, in its consciousness, it actually wanted to use this method to expel Chu Feng.

Therefore, in the process of this attack, it almost did not have the slightest reservation of its own strength.

However, just as the heavy hammer was about to fall on his chest, Chu Feng gave his hands abruptly, so he let his body fall from the midair.

And at this time, the beast's heavy hammer hit its own chest without any accident.

As a result, on the spot, it splattered flesh and blood on its chest.

And after that, its huge body fell straight down.

On the other side, Chu Feng, who fell from the midair, also fell on the ground of the Colosseum.

After all, he fell from a high altitude, and the force of this collision with the ground, although not comparable to the heavy hammer of the beast.

But its harm is also unbearable by ordinary people.

As a result, as soon as Chu Feng hit the ground, his chest was directly affected by severe pain.

And when he stood up, he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

However, his current injury, compared with the beast that the bicycle hammered in the chest, was still slightly slight after all.

After all, when the beast beat its own chest, it exhausted its life's strength.

Moreover, the location of the hit was still the weaker part of its body.

Therefore, the result of this is naturally conceivable.


About three minutes later, just as the audience was waiting for the beast to stand up again.

The beast suddenly lay on the ground and let out a deafening roar.

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