Whimsical System

Chapter 1017: Death of the beast

At this moment, the roar of the beast can be said to resounded through the sky, and even Chu Feng could feel it. There was also a strong smell of blood in the throat of the beast, as if at this moment it even made its own throat shake broken!

Although Chu Feng's approach was slightly cruel. But under such circumstances, Chu Feng couldn't afford the slightest pity, and even when the roar of the wild beast lingered in his ears, he felt a trace of victory.

And at the same time, the audience standing outside was also excited by the painful roar of the monster, and the crazy shouts began to sound from this moment.

I have to say that this is definitely a spectacular sight that has never been seen before.

As for the current audience's enthusiastic reaction, the weird guy who had been hiding in the dark and had been observing the changes in the Colosseum also showed a triumphant smile.

Originally, before Chu Feng played, he had already prepared Chu Feng's death.

Because in his opinion, this super Tier 1 beast can completely crush Chu Feng in terms of strength. With this crush, it can force the beast to such a situation!

Although he might lose a Tier 1 beast in this battle of beasts, if he is exchanged for a larger flow of people than before, it is in the eyes of a businessman. It's totally worth it.

At this time, the situation in the Colosseum was still changing rapidly. The beast was rolling frantically on the ground. The loss of eyesight and the pain of the wound had already made it close to madness.

However, even so, there was still some consciousness remaining in its mind. Although it knew that Chu Feng was above his face at this time, he did not dare to wave his hand to hit his head.

Perhaps the reaction on this point is just in line with the state of a beast.

It's just that this reaction doesn't make any difference to the current situation.

The beast rolled over for more than ten seconds, then gradually stopped.

At this moment, when everyone thought the beast had given up, the beast suddenly buried his entire body on the ground.

Due to the unevenness of the ground, many places are deep pits, and at this time, the monster's face is in contact with an extremely huge pit.

As for the current monster's move, Chu Feng was also able to guess one or two from it.

It did this, perhaps to let Chu Feng find a step down. Because this location was a huge deep pit, Chu Feng could use this opportunity to move away from the monster's face.

However, even though Chu Feng knew he could do this, he still did not adopt this method.

Just when the surroundings gradually became dark and terribly dull, Chu Fengzai had not changed the slightest.

The result was when the beast turned its body over and breathed air.

Chu Feng also returned to its face following the turning of the beast.

When the Beast noticed that Chu Feng had not moved, its anger gradually began to erupt from its heart.

If it was said that its anger was only acting on its own emotions, then its anger at the moment has reached a state beyond its emotional control.

A frantic roar, once lingering in Chu Feng's ear, immediately after the monster's palm slapped his own face.

There is no doubt that everything that happened this time was what Chu Feng had previously expected.

It's just that because the current monster has gotten up, Chu Feng's position at this time is too high.

auzw.com If, like the last time, he lets himself fall without trying to protect, then he is likely to be seriously injured or even killed directly. possible.

Therefore, when the palm of the beast gradually came close to his face, Chu Feng was also frantically looking for a way to escape.

As a result, when the palm of his hand fell on his face, Chu Feng still didn't think of a good way.

Helpless, he had to curl up his body again in the groove of his face. Although he knew that this was extremely risky, he had no choice.

As a result, when the palm of the wild beast fell heavily on his face and obscured the flesh and blood of his face, Chu Feng was also hit by this heavy blow and suffered great trauma.

Although the trauma is a little bit lighter than falling to the ground, the pressure involved makes him close to crazy.

After barely withstanding the fatal blow of the beast, Chu Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of the excessive force of the beast, its head has completely fallen into a coma state.

As a result, just before his palm could be removed in the future, the beast fell again.

Chu Feng also took advantage of the beast's fall to the ground, and then touched the ground.

I have to say that what happened just now is indeed thrilling enough. If the power of the beast increases a little bit, then Chu Feng may be completely shattered by it.

Although the current situation of Chu Feng is not so beautiful, at least Chu Feng still saved his "life", and his goal has been fully achieved.

At this time, the face of the beast was already shattered beyond recognition.

Judging from the current injuries, the injuries suffered by the beast at this time had clearly reached that life-threatening state.

Perhaps the beast will not die for a while, but this does not mean that the beast can save its "life".

Moreover, at this time Chu Feng was also hurrying up and planning to carry out follow-up actions.

Even if the damage caused by Chu Feng to the monster is not too great.

But the monster has finally entered a period of extreme weakness at this time.

Therefore, basically as long as Chu Feng is able to cause damage to the monster, it is likely to cause fatal injuries while hurting.

So just after Chu Feng took a rest, he held two daggers in his hand and cut them crazy at the neck of the beast.

Due to Chu Feng's excessive force, the current beast's neck was almost broken.

However, even so, Chu Feng was still cutting continuously, as if he wanted to cut off the head of the beast, in order to completely cut off the hope of the beast's survival.

As time passed by, Chu Feng did indeed achieve his goal.

After Chu Feng's continuous efforts, the beast's head separated from its body.

And along with the rupture of that last point of connection, the vitality of the beast was completely lost.

At this moment, the entire Colosseum was quiet inside and outside, and the audience had gradually awakened from the previous madness.

At this moment, what they valued is no longer the death of the beast, but how the second life of the beast should appear after its death.

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