Whimsical System

Chapter 1018: The second life of the beast

The corpse of the dead beast lay quietly on the spot, nothing seemed to have changed, as if this matter had come to an end from this moment.

But even so, everyone present never gave up their observation of the beast.

In the previous introduction, I used to talk about the "characteristics" of the beast, so out of trust in the official personnel, the audience on the spot is still willing to believe that things will not end so easily.

After hunting down the beast, Chu Feng was also temporarily "sex", and he was relieved.

Originally, he thought that his strength was more than enough to deal with a beast. As a result, who would have thought that even such a beast that seemed to pose no threat to him had such a difficult ability to deal with. !

The surrounding environment is too quiet, and in the quiet, Chu Feng also produced a kind of incalculable fear.

Chu Feng didn't know when the beast would wake up. Although this was inevitable, Chu Feng still couldn't prepare mentally.

After all, the resurrection of the beast was not a good thing for Chu Feng. Although it would make Chu Feng one step closer to victory, he had various concerns about the resurrection of the beast.

The beast, it has two forms, now its head has been cut off by Chu Feng, if it is resurrected in this form, will its head return to its original position again?

Chu Feng didn't know what the outcome of this incident was. He tried to guess, but in the end he didn't get a more correct answer.

The resurrection of the beast seemed to take a long time, and within this interval, the audience also had a little riot and chaos.

Although the current death of the beast has opened their eyes to them, this new and exciting feeling has gradually become shallow with the continuous extension of time.

Even some viewers have already chosen to leave because they can't wait for the resurrection of the beast.

For those who left, the staff in the Colosseum could not be stopped, but for those people, it was a small part, so more people were still willing to wait for the resurrection of the beast.

After all, a beast like this super-first-order is not something you can encounter casually.

What's more, there is still a legendary figure like Chu Feng in the Colosseum, and how can this make those audiences not expect Chu Feng!

Time passed by every minute, and when it was about the tenth minute, the body of the beast finally changed.

And the current changes of the beast actually have a lot of similarities with the previous time when it just appeared.

The fur that was "exposed" on the outside gradually retracted, and some branches like tree and vines gradually emerged from the body.

And with the continuous shaking of these branches, the head that was cut by Chu Feng returned to its original position.

In fact, when these vines appeared, Chu Feng was subconscious, and he wanted to cut the vines.

Although he stopped this idea after some psychological resistance, he still had this intention in his heart.

Gradually, with the restoration of the head of the beast, all the fur of the beast has been replaced by scales.

Obviously, at this time, the beast has transformed into a water state again, and this aquatic state should be the embodiment of its second life characteristic.

And at the same time, the introduction that appeared when the beast appeared before appeared again at this time.


"First of all congratulations to the beast hunter for his success and kill the first life of the beast! However, I also ask the beast hunter not to relax too much, because the beast has inspired the second life!

As for the second life of the beast, generally speaking, it is stronger than the first life!

Therefore, this is still an extremely difficult battle! "

The sound stopped completely here, and the staff in the Colosseum had always maintained a state of confidentiality about this matter.

In the eyes of the weird guy, since Chu Feng had already killed the first "life", it also means that he has achieved the effect of the program he had previously promised!

Therefore, whether it was Chu Feng's death or the death of a beast, there was no big difference in the result.

Even if he is allowed to decide, he would rather hope that he can kill Chu Feng, because doing so is seriously ill, it can not only ensure his own flow of people, but also keep his own beast as a hole card.

And something like this that kills two birds with one stone is what he hopes most.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this kind of thought that the weird guy deliberately concealed the "characteristic" of the second life of the beast.

Otherwise, if it is in accordance with the previous regulations, then he needs to tell Chu Feng the characteristics of this second life, but in fact he has not done so.

Therefore, from this we can also see that the mind of the weird guy has been deflected at this moment.

However, although the weird guy wanted Chu Feng to die with his whole heart at this moment, he didn't do anything too much to harm Chu Feng.

In fact, the weird guy is just a little less helpful to Chu Feng in terms of support.

As for the real damage, the weird guy didn't do that.

Therefore, this means that as long as the weird guy does not admit this, then Chu Feng will not be able to find any handle from him.

Moreover, Chu Feng did not have time to consider these at this time.

Because since the introduction of the voice just now ended, the beast that has gradually changed form has stood up again from the Colosseum.

In addition, according to observations from the outside, the beast's body has been fully recovered at this time, and his body has indeed been strengthened.

Although Chu Feng couldn't see where he had clearly improved, Chu Feng could feel this powerful existence.

In fact, in the previous battle, Chu Feng had always resisted the coercion brought to him by the beast.

However, at this time, when the beast resurrected, the pressure that existed before appeared in the air again.

And the pressure that Chu Feng is currently feeling is also there, several times as much as the previous pressure.

As a result, when the beast twisted his head and screamed, Chu Feng's throat suddenly felt sweet, and immediately afterwards, blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

And at the same time, those audience members who were outside the stadium also roared and felt a little discomfort.

"This guy is indeed different from just now. It seems that we are about to get there again!" Just as Chu Feng was secretly considering how to deal with the beast, Lao Chu suddenly sounded in his mind. the sound of.

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