Whimsical System

Chapter 1019: Decisive integration

"Old Chu, why did you suddenly appear at this time?" Chu Feng asked subconsciously.

"At critical moments, if I don't appear, who can help you?" Old Chu said with a smile.

"Although it is said that, sometimes your help is not completely needed. After all, you are not alone now! All of my personalities have returned, and I can use them if I need them! Even I can swallow them completely!"

Chu Feng said half jokingly, in fact what he said at the moment was just a joke!

Because at the moment Chu Feng didn't have any certainty about the devouring of those personalities, and he didn't have the opportunity to do so. After all, under the premise of integrating personality, he must obtain the consent of other personality in advance.

If not, this matter may be difficult to do. Moreover, those personalities already have their own ideas. If they are forcibly integrated with them without their consent, it will also cause a lot to Chu Feng himself. Big damage!

So at the moment when he said this sentence, basically a large part of it was deliberately said to Lao Chu.

In addition, if it really needs to be integrated, then Chu Feng will mostly rely on Old Chu, after all, they have previous experience, and he and Old Chu have reached an equivalent, tacit cooperation.

Therefore, when Lao Chu suddenly appeared, Chu Feng was still more relieved. At least at this moment, with Lao Chu's assistance, his confidence in the conquest of the beast would have increased.

"Can you integrate with them? This shouldn't be an easy thing to achieve, right? In my opinion, for the sake of safety, we better cooperate for a while first!

Just take the initiative to ask you, you have the home court advantage, I will try to assist you! "

Old Chu thought it was Chu Feng who wanted to take the leading position, so he deliberately avoided this from happening.

So he gave up this position directly and simply, compromising Xiang Chufeng as always.

However, in fact, Chu Feng had no such idea at all, but when Lao Chu said this sentence, his subjective consciousness did not have the idea of ​​rejection!

"Perhaps I really can only choose you, at least it looks like this for now, but since you have said so, I am naturally too kind!

Well, if there is a need, I will ask for your help! As for who will play the leading role at that time, it will depend on the situation to decide. Maybe you will still play the leading role later! "

For no reason, Chu Feng drew a big pie for Lao Chu. Even though Lao Chuming knew that this matter was not realistic, he finally accepted the matter.

And still maintaining a very pleased appearance, with a smile on his face, he accepted the matter.

The beast that had just been resurrected had already fully recovered.

Although it does not currently have an offensive tendency, Chu Feng is very clear that this is just a preparation stage for the beast.

In fact, in this situation, even if Chu Feng didn't take the initiative to attack, the Beast would also take the lead against him.

It's just that if the Beast is the first to launch an offensive at that time, then Chu Feng won't have the advantage.

Therefore, after some secret thinking, Chu Feng finally decided to take the initiative.

auzw.com Although this will not bring much benefit, at least he will not fall into a passive beating stage.

In addition, he is also willing to believe that if he does this, then the audience will definitely cheer for him.

Although, this cheer for him will not play any supervision or help. But at least, he likes this feeling very much.

Therefore, as soon as this idea in his mind emerged, Chu Feng immediately launched an attack on the beast.

And the person in his hand is the two daggers. Due to the cutting of the beast's head, the other daggers showed signs of curling, but fortunately, it was not. can not be used.

Therefore, Chu Feng didn't choose to discard it, but put the two daggers into use right from the beginning.

The dagger that Chu Feng was holding was rushing towards the beast, and his speed could be considered relatively keen. With the inertia of the charge, Chu Feng's double-edged blades also directly penetrated the scales of the beast.

Compared with the skin "hair" of the previous beast, the scales of the beast at this time are much harder.

When the dagger collided with the scales, although it did not reach the level of sparks splattering, it was due to the muffled sound caused by the impact, and it was also in the Colosseum, and it seemed particularly clear!

"Ordinary weapons can't hurt it at all. Now its scale hardness is almost comparable to that of the monster we encountered before!" Old Chu whispered to remind the current situation. For Lao Chu, it can be said that it had been anticipated.

In fact, when the scales of the beast show "exposed", Lao Chu had already had such a illusion.

It seemed that he had returned to the depths of the mountain again, and then fought with the cruel monster again.

"Old Chu, if you didn't show up just now, maybe I wouldn't have such an idea, but now that you have already appeared, then we might as well have another fusion!"

After Chu Feng lost a move, he immediately made this request to Old Chu.

However, the time elapsed before and after is only a few minutes.

Maybe even Lao Chu couldn't think of it, just when Chu Feng just touched the edge of failure. He thought of himself in an instant, and he didn't even hesitate in the process.

"Of course...no problem!" Lao Chu was a little slow when answering this question.

In fact, this wasn't his intention, but he was thinking about it during this time.

He is thinking about how to solve this matter. If it is only the integration of personality that can achieve the goal, then this is too simple.

Only after thinking about it, Old Chu never thought of a good way.

In the current situation, Chu Feng has neither powerful weapons nor good helpers. If he can't forcefully improve his ability through personality fusion, Chu Feng's ability.

It might be really difficult to fight the current beast only relying on the resources that Chu Feng had previously mastered.

Therefore, just after Lao Chu gave Chu Feng an affirmative answer, Chu Feng immediately began preparations for personality fusion.

Although it was in full view at this time, the process of personality fusion was in a hidden stage at this moment.

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