Whimsical System

Chapter 1021: End of the Colosseum

"Chu Feng is indeed a guy full of personality and charm. When I first met him, I was attracted by him!

And it is also of great significance to me, if it were not for him, I would never be here at this moment! "

The weird sighed, and the praise of the weird guy instantly reminded him of the scene when he first encountered Chu Feng in the prison not long ago.

"It sounds like there is a wonderful story between you. Maybe it is not appropriate for me to describe it, but this is the only word I can use to express at the moment!"

When the word "wonderful" was said, the weird guy felt more or less inappropriate.

Therefore, after uttering this metaphor, he followed up with an explanation.

But fortunately, the weirdo didn't seem to care about this. At this time, the weird still talked with self-centeredness, telling his feelings at this time.

"My acquaintance with Chu Feng is very weird, as if all this had been arranged long ago!

Although I did not anticipate the appearance of Chu Feng, when he expressed his thoughts to me, I immediately made a very positive decision!

It's as if all of this doesn't require me to think again, and I don't care about the outcome of this matter. All I want is a process of escape, a life of imprisonment, and a process of choosing freedom again! "

"Imprisoned?" The weird guy was a little bit puzzled by what the weird said.

However, weird people do not want to have too many explanations: "This question is not important, I am talking about the relationship between me and Chu Feng!"

"Okay, you go on to talk..." The weird guy did not pursue this issue too much, but once again converted the right to speak to the weird person's mouth and let him continue to narrate.

But because of the weird guy's interruption, the weird guy suddenly lost all his interest. As a result, when the weird guy asked him to continue, he suddenly shook his head.

"I don’t have much to say about him. Actually, I met him only in a short period of time. I don’t know him well, and he should probably be the same with me. !

So if you want to get any information from me, then you may have found the wrong person! "

The weird person's deliberate concealment made the weird guy very strange, but he didn't show any thoughts that he wanted to discover the truth.

However, just when he just wanted to ask a few more questions, the weirdo suddenly stopped all descriptions.

As for the weirdo's actions, the weird guys can't help but have some confusions that they shouldn't have.

"Actually, I'm just simply asking. If you think my question will cause trouble for you, then of course you can choose to be silent. After all, we are just chatting, not interrogating!"

The weird guy simply explained his thoughts to the weird guy. In the process of his explanation, many questions suddenly emerged in his heart.

Although he did not speak out these questions, all the doubts have made him feel imminent.

"I hope what you said is true, not to mention what I don't know now, even if I really understand something, then I will never tell others lightly!

Even if you are really interrogating me, then I will keep my secrets in accordance with the agreement. After all, this is the law of my behavior! "

auzw.com Originally, the weird guy only had some doubts about this matter, but after the weird guy made this assumption, the suspicion in the weird guy's heart has completely taken root in his heart.

In his view, there is definitely a special relationship between the weirdo and Chu Feng.

And the imprisonment mentioned by the weird man must have some reason.

It's just that he doesn't understand it at the moment, and the weirdo refuses to speak, so he is "confused" and stays there for a while.

However, the weird guy has completely given up on the occurrence of this confusion. Anyway, what he is interested in at this time is this secret, what is it.

What exactly should he do to discover the secret truth.

However, just when he was thinking about these problems, the battle in the Colosseum outside the window was already nearing completion.

The beast of the Colosseum is now covered with cuts and bruises, and at this moment, most of its scales have been cut.

Although a large part of it was caused by itself during the attack. But there are still some parts that cannot be ignored because of Chu Feng's attack, which was destroyed.

In fact, as early as when Chu Feng scratched the scales for the first time, he had already realized that the weakness of the beast was just under the scales.

So in every subsequent attack and counterattack, his target is the scales of the beast.

However, as time went on, their confrontations with each other became more and more frequent, and with the emergence of frequent confrontations, the damage to the monster's scales was gradually increasing.

As a result, gradually, the monster's body already had most of its position, and its scales were missing.

And those locations that were not covered by scales directly became the main direction of Chu Feng's attack.

Therefore, just after Chu Feng succeeded for the first time, the monster that had suffered heavy losses no longer had the strength to stand up and fight back.

Although the confrontation this time has always been in a one-sided trend, compared to the live atmosphere, this time it was indeed much more intense than before.

As for the current changes in the atmosphere of the scene, Chu Feng also gradually understood what the weird guy said before.

It turned out that what the spectators did in that Colosseum was precisely this kind of physical collision and the impact of blood. As for who would die in this battle, that was not what they cared about.

And through this test, Chu Feng also found some shortcomings from the sentence he said earlier.

In fact, what he originally said about defeating monsters will attract more people's attention.

Strictly speaking, it does not seem to be very realistic.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is not completely untriggered. Therefore, although Chu Feng discovered his shortcomings at this point, he did not need to pay for his shortcomings!

As for the changes he promised to the weird guys, he has done it now!

For the final attack of the beast, Chu Feng seemed very relaxed, because after Chu Feng's attack, the beast had no power to get up.

Therefore, when Chu Feng's dagger gradually opened the head of the beast, the behavior of the beast was just watching the dagger and gradually "close" to himself.

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