Whimsical System

Chapter 1022: An adult beast


However, just when Chu Feng's blade was "inserted" into the beast's head, there was a sudden sound at the edge of the Colosseum, and he stopped drinking out of time.

However, it is a pity that because the atmosphere on the scene was too boiling, it was blocked at that time, and there was almost no stop, and it was rushed away by the shouts of such people.

Therefore, Chu Feng's blade was still scratched from the beast's head, and when it was scratched, Chu Feng deliberately "inserted" the blade to the extreme.

In fact, a large part of the reason why he did this was not because he heard the shout over and over.

So he deliberately used this method to express his anger to the person who shouted this sound.

"Do not……"

When the roaring staff member watched the beast die in Chu Feng's hands, he knelt directly on the ground.

At this moment, for him, the end seems to have come, and the responsibility for the death of the beast will all fall on him.

The high amount of compensation will make him lose his fortune instantly, and he will never be able to enjoy happiness.

As for Chu Feng, the initiator of all this, the staff had nothing but resentment.

But it is a pity that at this moment his anger has no effect on Chu Feng at all.

Now when Chu Feng turned his head and looked at the staff member, the staff member had already been taken away.

However, Chu Feng didn't care about the disappearance of the staff at this moment. He even naively thought that the staff left here because they had other tasks assigned.

Two hours later, when the late night starlight was about to illuminate the Colosseum, the only pool of blood in the empty Colosseum was the most conspicuous.

At this time, Chu Feng, who was also invited by the weird guy to a grand banquet.

At that banquet, almost many people came to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng had already become a legend in a short time.

Everyone rushed to see Chu Feng, and at the same time they met, many people also threw olive branches to Chu Feng.

As for the guys who invited him to come, Chu Feng didn't know any of them.

Although Chu Feng liked the atmosphere of being praised by others, the feeling of being surrounded by strangers made Chu Feng extremely uncomfortable.

Although the banquet went perfectly in the end, Chu Feng was disgusted by the banquet.

"It should be almost over too, right? I don't want this kind of life to entangle me!" After the banquet was over, Chu Feng complained and asked the weird guy.

The weird guy first glanced at Chu Feng with a smile, and then casually comforted: "I know you are annoying, but this is part of the cooperation after all. If you don't cooperate with us, then you can't get what you want. What you want!


In fact, if you think about it in another way, this kind of thing is not completely bad for you, after all, you can finally get what you want!

Besides, you can also meet some really capable people, if they have a good impression of you. I believe that you will definitely benefit from it in the future!

So, I advise you to relax your mind and face whatever happens next! "

"I really didn't expect you to say this kind of thing. I thought you really came to help me, but who ever thought that in your eyes, it was only your business!

However, although what you said does not completely persuade me, I can understand some parts of it. After all, you are businessmen. This kind of thing is very important to you!

But if I don’t cooperate with you, can you give me a little voice? "

Chu Feng followed the look of the weird guy and said with a smile, but when he finished his final statement, the weird guy's smile stopped abruptly.

"Chu Feng, if you want to try to "fuck" us, then all I have to say to you is "give up"!" the weird guy said.

"Stop stop... I advise you to stop as soon as possible! I didn't say that I have this idea, I just want to say that I can cooperate with you in anything, but can you also give me some rewards appropriately!

If it's just the conditions set before, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to do these things for you! So, I hope you can think about it, and I will consider it appropriately, how about? Chu Feng explained.

"I don’t understand what you want me to consider. If you want me to provide you with more convenience, then I’m sorry, I may not be able to help you do this! But if you want me to give more If you have some compensation, this can be considered, but it must be measured!"

The weird guy answered very rigorously. At this moment, what he fears most is that Chu Feng takes the opportunity to take advantage of him.

But in fact, Chu Feng didn't have such an idea. What Chu Feng considered here was just how to rescue the stranger's friend.

"Don't worry, I have absolutely no other ideas. I just want to ask for more compensation. In addition, this is about compensation. I can also give you a very clear answer!" Chu Feng said.

"Yes, as long as you can be measured! Let's talk, what do you want to ask me for!" The weird guy asked while nodding his head.

"I remember that in my remuneration, there should still be a beast pet, right?" Chu Feng asked.

"That's the reward for an ordinary beast. For the beast you killed, the reward will be appropriately increased. If you need it, I can give you two beasts as pets!" the weird guy explained.

"If you have two, it is actually not what I want! In fact, what I want more is an adult beast, in other words, I want a beast that can really board the Colosseum!"

Chu Feng answered this sentence very decisively, because he originally went for the wild beast, so whether it was one or two, all he needed was an adult beast.

"Why do you have this idea, the adult beast is so powerful, you haven't seen it! Even if we are willing to give you the adult beast, I am afraid you will not be able to take it away by then!

After all, it seems that you are just a full meal, and for you, it is just a killing machine that may threaten your life at any time. You are sure that it will really help you. ? "

The weird guy couldn't help feeling a little strange, because he really couldn't figure out why Chu Feng would propose this condition.

But one thing he can be sure is that the reason why Chu Feng said this sentence was definitely not because of a whim.

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