Whimsical System

Chapter 1023: Two questions for weird guys

"I don't have to ask too much about the purpose of this matter, you just need to tell me whether you can agree to it!"

Chu Feng didn't say much to the weird guy. In fact, in Chu Feng's view, this matter was completely unnecessary, so he explained more to the weird guy.

On the contrary, if you tell the weird guys about this matter, you may also cause unnecessary troubles.

So when the weird guy asked this question, Chu Feng's first reaction was to prevaricate casually.

As a result, under Chu Feng's prevarication, the weird guy had to reluctantly and actively chose to stop asking.

"Well! Although your request at this time is slightly unreasonable, this matter will not affect us in any way!

If you are willing to replace your two young beasts with an adult beast, I can reluctantly agree to your request! "The weird guy, after all, agreed to Chu Feng's request. Although he had expressed a lot of embarrassment beforehand, in the end he still satisfied Chu Feng.

"Well, two cubs are just two cubs. Anyway, this young beast is not of much use to me! As long as you feel that you can do this without loss!"

When the weird guy agreed to Chu Feng's request, what Chu Feng showed was as calm as ever.

In fact, Chu Feng was very fortunate secretly, because in his opinion, if this matter was changed to him, then he would definitely ask the matter thoroughly.

However, who ever thought that when this matter was placed in front of the weird guy, he was much easier to talk than Chu Feng had imagined.

Therefore, when this matter was negotiated, Chu Feng then left the matter behind.

In the following period, Chu Feng also followed the arrangements of the weird guys. The non-stop attendees, banquets on different occasions, met and saw some fascinating guys at the banquet.

It's just that Chu Feng could also hear from the conversation. The reason why they wanted to invite Chu Feng was because most of them were actually thinking about Chu Feng's ability.

Because in their opinion, the biggest purpose of a host like Chu Feng is to ensure their smooth promotion.

However, what they don't know is that it is precisely this kind of host that they think may be used, but at this time they are carrying a heart to compete with everyone!

Therefore, when those guys showed that they wanted to hire Chu Feng, Chu Feng didn't hesitate, and rejected them all.

Even, at the most, Chu Feng had rejected a dozen people in a row.

However, the weird guy felt very strange about Chu Feng's approach.

He really couldn't understand why Chu Feng wanted to do this, even though she had clearly told Chu Feng that doing so might offend those people.

But Chu Feng still hadn't changed at all, and this weird guy couldn't help but raise some doubts.

He even wondered if Chu Feng had already been hired by someone beforehand, so he would not accept other people's employment.

Although this is just the odd guy's own guess, he is taking this matter very seriously.

auzw.com looked at him and began to wonder what the origin of the person who hired Chu Feng was.

However, this result is naturally very obvious, because Chu Feng has no one to hire at all, so in the process of his investigation, he will never find any clues.

A few days later, when the banquets that invited Chu Feng gradually decreased, until they disappeared completely, the weird guy finally decided to let Chu Feng leave.

However, before he did this, he wanted to take this opportunity to ask Chu Feng one last question.

"Chu Feng, it's about to be time to part with each other. Although the time we spend with each other is not very long, I still know you a little bit!

Even in my opinion, you have become my friend. As a friend, I hope you can answer some of my difficulties. I don’t know how you think about it! "The weird guy said.

"Say something that might upset you. In fact, all my efforts during this period of time are for my reward. As for you saying that you treat me as a friend, I don't realize it at all!

However, even though I did not consider you a friend, I can also answer some of your questions! "Chu Feng said.

The weird guy "showed" a wry smile and said, "Okay! Although you said that made me feel very sad, I am quite relieved that you can answer my question!

In that case, please, simply answer a few questions for me! "

"please say!"

In order to ensure success and rescue the stranger's friend, Chu Feng didn't say this sentence too far. In fact, if he followed his true thoughts, Chu Feng would not even agree to answer questions.

"First question, Chu Feng, are you currently accepting someone's employment? If so, it is not convenient for you to reveal the identity of that employer?" the weird guy asked.

"Why do you have this idea? I never said that I had been hired! Where did you get this news?" In response to this question, Chu Feng asked rhetorically.

"Okay! I admit that I came up with this matter myself, but before so many people wanted to hire you, they were rejected by you! So it shouldn't be strange for me to have this idea? "The weird guy explained.

Chu Feng nodded: "If you think about it from a normal angle, it's normal for you to have such a guess!

However, I was not hired by anyone! In fact, I don’t like the life of being hired, so I refuse those who want to hire me!

I don’t know if this answer of mine can solve the doubt in your heart. "

"Yes! This is indeed a reason. Although it deviates from my imagination, I can't ask you for anything!

Second question, can you tell me the story about you and your friend. He told me about you before. I am very interested, but he seems to be unwilling to tell you because of your reasons. I!

So I hope you can help me to answer the "confusion", and this is the last request I make to you! "

After some setbacks, the weird guy finally "confused" his initial doubts and "exposed" them in front of Chu Feng.

In fact, during this period, the weird guy thought about this problem more than once.

However, it is a pity that in the end he did not get a very accurate answer, so in desperation, he had to throw this question in front of Chu Feng, and then Chu Feng would tell him the answer.

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