Whimsical System

Chapter 1027: Prisoner in suit and leather shoes

"What are you looking at?"

Just as Chu Feng stood in place and meditated alone, it had never happened before, but the verbal Xiao Ru suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng and asked him a question.

"Huh? It's you..."

Chu Feng reacted like a world away, and responded with a smile on his face.

"You seem very sad, because you don't know what to do?" Xiaoru asked again.

"I don't know why. Anyway, I feel that this matter seems to be more difficult. Although I try to make a decision, these things seem to be not that simple!"

Chu Feng grumbled to the little girl with a sad face. This gesture was something he had never expected.

"Maybe you should think of a way to solve the current problems. If you don't know what to choose, then I can help you. It's just my method, which is relatively simple, and sometimes it will make mistakes!"

Xiao Ru offered to help Chu Feng, which surprised Chu Feng.

"Do you have any method, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, I just want to find a channel that can enable me to act!"

Did Chu Feng dream that he would be like a little girl, seeking answers?

But at the moment, he is indeed doing this.

"You can close your eyes first, then turn around here, and then stretch out your fingers to point in a direction. When you open your eyes, you use the direction you are pointing as your target. In this case, You need to make judgments again!"

The methods provided by Xiaoru are indeed simple enough, and they are basically the methods that children like.

"Haha... this is indeed a simple way!"

Chu Feng smiled, he didn't know how to make this decision. Even at this time, the advice Xiaoru gave him became one of his choices.

"This is a very simple method. I believe everyone can do it. If you want to adopt this method, you can try it now. Of course I don’t have the idea that you have to do it. After all, I just Give you a suggestion, because I don't want to see you too sad!"

The little girl's voice warmed Chu Feng's heart bit by bit. For some reason, the little girl seemed to possess some kind of magic power. Although Chu Feng was trying to avoid the interference of this kind of magic power on him, he still fell into this magic power after all.

As a result, after the little girl had finished saying this, Chu Feng really did it the way she said!

Moreover, he did come to the answer.

As a result, at the urging of the little girl, Chu Feng almost didn't hesitate to open the door to the prison!

However, what he didn't know was that his decision at this moment directly affected his future destiny!

"Excuse me, what should I call you?"

Pushing the door of the prison and walking into the cell, Chu Feng asked politely.

"There are always some rash guys here. I really don’t know how to answer your question now! Were you playing a game with the little girl? If I were your game goal, I would be thankful At the same time, I might feel a little sad for you too!"

In the darkness, a man in a suit and leather shoes came out.


Yes, this is indeed a very amazing picture.

It was in this filthy cell that this man was actually wearing a spotless suit.

Moreover, his beard and face are also very clean, as if he is always soaked in water.

"This image of you has completely subverted my imagination of prisoners. It seems that you are indeed a special person, and it is not accidental that I came here!"

Chu Feng said with emotion. In fact, his first thought was actually to compliment the man. It's just that sometimes, when the words come to the lips, they are often unable to speak, especially when they praise the kind words of others!

So in the end, Chu Feng didn't say what he should say.

"I will always keep myself in the most tidy state, life must have a sense of ritual, like their unkempt, life is better than death, that is simply a nightmare for me!"

The man behaves elegantly, and his mouth always rises slightly when he speaks, and a smile appears.

However, it is such a polite fellow who contains too many sins in his heart.

"This is indeed a good habit. In my opinion, your habit should always be maintained, and it will also attract others to learn!"

Chu Feng's words were finally like a compliment, but his compliment was extremely perfunctory.

"I don’t want others to learn from me. I’ve never done anything clean before! In addition, there is no second person in this world who can do the same thing as me, because I can reach me. The current level is basically dead in my hands!

So if you are smart, you should not learn from me, but pretend to be slower and stupid than me!

Because only in this way can you survive, and what I am talking about now is the perfect law to keep you alive! "

Driven by the man, the atmosphere of communication between the two suddenly seemed to become weird.

Although Chu Feng wanted to work hard to bring back the rhythm, the man did not seem to be very cooperative!

"I will remember your instructions! But since I'm here, I have to talk about me!

In fact, you just guessed that I was here to make the game, but it is not!

Actually, I came here to discuss a cooperation with you. Maybe you might find this thing a little ridiculous, but it doesn’t matter, because I’m used to this kind of reaction..."

"This is not a ridiculous thing, but the people who make fun of you are ridiculous!"

When Chu Feng tried to pave the way for himself, the man showed an extremely cooperative attitude.

Chu Feng was also extremely satisfied with the man's performance.

"You really are not an ordinary person, and your answer really surprised me!"

"That only means that you are making a big fuss. I have nothing special. If you are surprised by just saying a few words, then our cooperation like this is probably unnecessary, because you don’t Have the conditions for partners!"

The man's anti-personality was something that Chu Feng hadn't expected. However, no matter what a man is suitable to say, Chu Feng doesn't think there is anything in it, which is strange.

Because at this time, he has gradually become accustomed to the "sex" personality of men, and he also has a little expectation of what men will say!

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