Whimsical System

Chapter 1028: Are you still alive?

"It may be that I said something wrong in some places, but I don’t want to apologize for this, because it’s not necessary at all. What’s more, since I have chosen you as my partner, then I should Accept whatever you say to me!

Besides, I shouldn't let you occupy my home court, because I am the one who really invited you, not letting you refuse me! "

Chu Feng deliberately catered to men's habits, and even the tone and attitude of his speech changed following the men.

However, when Chu Feng made these changes, the man suddenly became interested in Chu Feng.

"John Yemanson, this is my name, we can re-recognize it, you can call me John in normal times, although this is a very common name, but I have always insisted on its special "ness"! "

John introduced his identity to Chu Feng. In fact, he only said his name at most. As for his origin, he didn't mention a word!

"Chu Feng is my name, it's ordinary, ordinary in the mud, but sometimes it can be great, great sky!" Chu Feng introduced himself.

"I don't like your name because it has no characteristics, just like my name! But I like your introduction to yourself because you are very confident!" John commented.

"For the first time in so many years, I have heard that someone can read the meaning of my name! Although I don't know why you say this, at least your evaluation makes me very happy!"

"I don’t lie, and I don’t lie to someone at will. Although I have been doing some unclean things, when I speak and express myself, I will do everything very clean, even killing people. It is also a matter of artistic value!" John explained.

"Um... I'm sorry, I can't reach your height, so I don't understand some words very clearly. I hope you can understand!"

"It's okay, nowadays there are very few people as smart as you! But you will also listen to me! In fact, as long as you can maintain this state, then we can get along well, even I can. Go and listen to your cooperation or something!

If your plan can interest me, then I can consider and become friends with you!

I believe you should also have other meaningful understandings of the word friend!

How about it, would you like to further discuss the issue of friends with me? "

John had found a place to sit down, but Chu Feng was still standing.

In fact, there was still a seat beside John, but Chu Feng deliberately didn't sit down.

Because he wants to cater to John now, certain things must be restrained! Otherwise, the loss will be more than the gain!

"I can tell you that I am very interested in discussing this with you, and I am ready, if you are interested now, then we can start right away!" Chu Feng said.

"No..." John shook his head like a rattle. "This is not the time to talk about this topic. Right now I need to understand you. Although you have met my requirements in some places, I still Look more comprehensively, such as your identity, your past experiences, and your future plans!"

"This is a relatively new topic, and it is true that no one has ever asked me this question among so many people I know, but if you can use your own story as a reward, maybe I It can answer your questions!" Chu Feng said.

"Is the exchange of questions right? Well...it's quite fair! No problem, I can tell you what you want to know, but I have to ask you first!"

"Yes! I don't have any secrets personally, you can ask anything, even if it is privacy, I can tell you, as long as you can let me get what I want, we are actually doing transactions!"


Talking about this topic, Chu Feng subconsciously sat on the table.

That's right, even with a chair, Chu Feng didn't do it.

Perhaps he wanted to express his respect for John! It just doesn't seem to be too respectful if you are sitting on the table!

However, this behavior of Chu Feng made John quite satisfied!

Perhaps this is the so-called stinking concordance! Of course this is just a metaphor.

"You can ask me questions now, no matter how many questions you have, it is best if you can speak out all your doubts in one breath, and I can answer you all at once!" Chu Feng gestured.

"Maybe you think of me too complicatedly. I don't actually have that many questions to ask you. At most I will only ask three questions, and in response, I will only answer you three. Now My first question is: Are you alive or dead?" John asked.

Regarding John's question, Chu Feng really felt a little "touch" at a loss as to what it means to be alive or dead.

If it is dead, can it still answer the question? This question is too simple, Chu Feng gave him this definition!

But after thinking about it again, Chu Feng felt that John shouldn't ask such simple questions!

After all, this question is too stupid, if a simple one is alive is the answer!

For this transaction, John was too disadvantaged!

So in response to this question, Chu Feng also started to think about the storm.

In the end, Chu Feng never got an accurate answer.

"This question is not difficult. If you want to answer, you can basically answer it!"

Seeing that Chu Feng hadn't responded for a long time, John finally couldn't help but began to remind Chu Feng.

And based on his current reminder, Chu Feng seemed to have vaguely learned the direction of this answer.

"If you ask me to give you an accurate answer, then I might say, I am still alive now! Because it is because I am alive that I can stand here, communicate with you, and negotiate with you!"

"So your answer is that you are alive, right?" John made another confirmation to Chu Feng.

And when John blurted out this confirmation, Chu Feng also had no doubts!

"Yes, I'm still alive! The most normal, healthiest alive, without the slightest error!"

Chu Feng replied unswervingly. At this time, he had obviously made the most correct decision!

"Very good! This is the answer I need!" John praised.

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