Whimsical System

Chapter 1029: You are dead!

"Although I don't quite understand the meaning of your question, I always feel that this seems to be more than just a question!

Do you know if you can explain it to me? Why can such a simple thing be called a problem! "

Chu Feng had a keen interest in this matter. In fact, it was because he was too simple that he felt a little weird, and with the effect of the weird, his problems naturally arise.

"You think this is a simple question, right?" John asked rhetorically.

Chu Feng frowned, a little puzzled: "Does this really have any other significance?"

"Of course it makes sense, if otherwise, how would I ask you! Actually, we can communicate on this topic for a long time, because your life is not as simple as you seem!"

John seems to be revealing something to Chu Feng on purpose. It's just that Chu Feng didn't quite understand what he meant, and when he said this, Chu Feng was thinking about what he wanted to express!

"I still don't quite understand what you mean by this sentence, maybe you can say it more clearly, at least you have to let me know what you want to express!"

Chu Feng also wanted to ask John directly, but he felt that doing so might be a bit unruly. After all, John has always been a person who obeys etiquette, so he also said this sentence roundly. !

"It seems you don't understand this aspect at all! Well, since you want to know, then I will use this topic to popularize it for you!

In fact, as a host, not all groups have life. In fact, there are a large number of people who do not have life, and what they have is just a body with life!

So this also has the rumors of host somatology. As time goes on, few people have known this kind of rumors, but these can't obliterate this kind of rumors, the evidence that once existed!

And just when you just entered here, I directly doubted you! In fact, your appearance gave me a feeling that the rumors were confirmed!

It's just a pity that when I asked you this question, you told me that you were alive, and since you were alive, it also means that the confirmation of this rumor has disappeared again! "

At this time, Chu Feng saw the disappointment in John's eyes. It seemed that in John's heart, he even hoped that Chu Feng would be the so-called host who lost his life.

And when John raised this issue, Chu Feng followed his statement and gradually became hesitant.

Because, if you analyze it from the angle provided by John, Chu Feng really can't be 100% sure that he has life. After all, what he currently understands is only his life form and life characteristics.

If it is, if it only has a living body, then the conditions of Chu Feng's living body and life characteristics can also be satisfied.

In addition, Chu Feng didn't know what kind of characteristics the so-called inanimate host possessed, but before this matter was completely answered, Chu Feng was also subconscious and suspicious of himself. !

"Actually, when you asked this question, my instinctive reaction was to make an assessment of my current state of myself, because if I follow my ideas, then I must be alive!

Because I can breathe, my heart is still beating, my brain is enough for thinking, and I can feel everything around me at the same time!

So, if this is the standard, then I must be alive! It's just that when you brought up the topic about the living body, I fell into a state of not understanding!


Because I don't know what the living body you are referring to is, if all the dead hosts can possess this characteristic!

I am afraid that this cannot be used as a criterion for distinguishing, so I hope I can ask you about this issue, after all, this is something I have never encountered before! "

Chu Feng directly expressed his thoughts, but he did not hide it in the slightest, because in his opinion, this is indeed a blind spot of his knowledge, if he can also make a little understanding in this respect!

For him, it must be beneficial and harmless.

It's just that when Chu Fengxiang asked John this question, he also noticed a trace of anxiety from John's eyes.

At this moment, John's expression seemed to be looking at a pet in a cage, but in fact, John was the one who was being held.

Therefore, when John "showed" this look, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel an inexplicable panic in his heart.

"Why are you looking at me like this? This is a question to you, I really want to know the result!

If my question has any impact on you, then you can tell me directly! "

Chu Feng subconsciously avoided John's gaze, and his approach was completely derived from the body's self-protection consciousness!

However, precisely because of Chu Feng's actions, John suddenly made a very positive conclusion to Chu Feng.

"You are not a living host, you have questions about your own judgment, and even you don't even know why you are like this!"

John's words are very firm, as if he had only come to the result after a long time of judgment!

However, for Chu Feng, his results were very touching.

"Why do you say that I am not alive? I now clearly have all the characteristics of a living body. If I am not alive, then what am I?"

Although Chu Feng had a lot of confusion about this matter, he was also reluctant to admit that he was not a living being.

It's just that his acknowledgment and his resistance at present seem to be a little weak!

In fact, when John made this conclusion for him, the first thing that emerged in his heart was shock.

And since he has the shocking side, it means that at a certain moment, he has believed what John said!

However, this kind of trust is only a subconscious reaction.

In other words, the previous judgments made by Chu Feng were only derived from his subconscious.

However, when he really put his thoughts on this problem and then thought about it, he again doubted this conclusion, and because of his reluctance in his heart, it eventually led to this doubt becoming more and more serious. It's getting stronger!

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