Whimsical System

Chapter 1031: Ascaris lumbricoides

"I don't want to be such a nightmare. I just hope that I can pass this assessment smoothly! Then, I can complete my goal.

As for other things, I haven't considered too much. In fact, if everyone can survive, it is not a bad thing. As long as they do not harm my interests, then I have no opinion! "

Chu Feng simply expressed his thoughts. From his point of view, his psychology was slightly more gentle than other hosts.

It's just that in most cases, his statement and his approach are quite different!

After all, not all hosts can live with him peacefully as he said, and if other hosts threaten his interests, then Chu Feng's decision will often be shocking!

"Your thoughts are certainly good, but under normal circumstances, your statement is not easy to come up!

So, this should also explain why you have done so many things that go against your own ideas along the way!

In fact, this is not your personal reason. Under the influence of this environment, you have no way to exercise your own ideas! "

John has a sufficient understanding of Chu Feng's situation, although in many cases it is his own guess.

But even if it was a guess, he was able to guess so accurately.

"Maybe! Actually, I haven't considered this matter. Normally, my thoughts are not on this! After all, what I need and what I consider can basically be equal!

But right now, what I am most interested in is the soul-related things, but you prefer to be like, you want to turn my thoughts away! "

Chu Feng said with a smile, but between words, he turned the topic back again!

"Okay! Although you and I are both responsible for this matter, it is indeed me who took the topic away!

As compensation, I can answer your question, any question, just like the promise you just made to me! "John said.

"Thank you! In fact, what I want to know, you should be very clear. Now I just want to ask you one question, how can we make those souls no longer interfere, or how can we use them?"

Chu Feng directly expressed his thoughts, as if he had nothing to hide in front of John, because John simply understood Chu Feng's situation better than Chu Feng himself!

"You want to use your soul. This is indeed a very bold decision. It's just that under your bold premise, you must also have a certain strength. In fact, among many hosts, you have used it successfully. The host of the soul!

It's just that those people are just taking advantage of a soul, and their abilities are much better than the current you!

Therefore, if this matter is to act on you, then I am afraid that you need your strength to reach a higher level!

And above this level, you have to reasonably control the relationship between yourself and each soul!

Because if you can't control this relationship, then you may be in a completely out of control state!

Even more serious, you have no way to master true sovereignty! For example, before, your soul was out of control once!

auzw.com As for the out-of-control results, according to my guess, it should be serious enough! Otherwise, you would never be so interested in the topic of soul! "

John seemed to be the roundworm in Chu Feng's belly. Although Chu Feng didn't introduce himself too much, John showed all of this clearly.

Under John's analysis, Chu Feng also has a direction that is easier to develop.

It's just that although it is easy on the surface, behind it is also full of impossibility!

Because of the so-called easy, that is to improve Chu Feng's current strength, and how to improve his strength is the most difficult step in the easy way!

"I have always been on this matter without a very positive measurement standard! Although I have listened to your analysis and you have made a detailed explanation, I still do not have a certain concept!

So now, what I hope is to get the answer from you!

Maybe I have more questions to ask you, but I don’t know if there is any chance, or if you would like to tell me! "Chu Feng expressed his thoughts implicitly, but this does not seem to be his "sex" personality.

"Answering your question is destined to be a long process! So if it is for me to decide, I may have to obtain certain things first, and then consider giving you feedback!

At the moment, I still have a question for you to answer me! So, if you really have a question, you want to ask me!

Then you are afraid, you have to answer my question first, and then ask me! "John said.

"Okay! This is what we agreed in advance. You can ask me first, and I will be happy to answer you. And my feedback will definitely satisfy you!"

Chu Feng made a random guarantee, and the current guarantee is indeed something he can do!

"Hmm..." John nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Do you have any specific plans? For example, if I leave here to follow you, what can you bring to me? You can let me get what?"

Compared with the previous question, the question asked by John at this time, the content of the question is obviously more than before.

And, more of it is also, completely acting on John himself.

As for John's question, Chu Feng felt extremely normal.

After all, only questions like this can better reflect a person's psychology.

Therefore, after John asked this question, Chu Feng, after a simple reflection, gave his answer directly to John.

"My purpose is only one, and that is to stand out in this competition!

Everything I do is to live, and if I want to live, I can only become the unique winner!

As for what I can offer you, this must be discussed from many aspects!

Under normal circumstances, freedom should be considered more important to you! Therefore, freedom is the first point I offer you!

In addition to freedom, I can do everything you want for you. As long as what you need does not harm my interests, then I can take time to help you achieve your goals! "

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