Whimsical System

Chapter 1032: Same dissuade

Chu Feng's answer really surprised John.

Because according to John's guess, he thought that Chu Feng might provide him with some more definite "sex" material, or spiritual feedback.

However, in fact, Chu Feng did not do so, and what Chu Feng currently provided was an unknown "sex" feedback.

And this means that as long as John wants to get it, then Chu Feng can help him satisfy, and there is no limit to "sex" for this satisfaction!

Therefore, after Chu Feng made this answer, he immediately made up his mind.

"Your answer is really out of my expectation, and I like your answer very much! To be honest, what I lack is this unknown "sex", and you are truly able to give me satisfaction That person!"

John's response was indeed sincere enough, and his words made Chu Feng very happy.

Because, as long as Chu Feng finished speaking this passage, he has been thinking about whether he had said something wrong.

And when he heard John's response, he was also relieved secretly.

At least, he can think that he didn't say anything wrong, and his words also played a role.

"To be able to obtain your satisfaction, this should be my most fortunate thing in this period of time!

In fact, before I knew you, I still didn't have a too certain concept of the host!

Of course, I am also not too sure now! But at least, I have to know a little bit better than before!

So, while I thank you, I may need your help! As for whether you want to do this or not, perhaps you already have an answer at this time!

Therefore, this can also be regarded as a question of my heart! After all, you said just now that after I have answered your question, I can also ask you questions, but now my question, I wonder how you should answer it? "Chu Feng asked.

"Do you wish to take me away? If you wish, then I can agree! After all, this is an agreement between us, and you have said before that you want to cooperate with me!

Now, our answer is just a kind of cooperation! In fact, I have been waiting for someone who can cooperate with me!

And this waiting time is long enough. Now I feel that I have found it, and as for you, I believe it should be too? "John said.

Chu Feng nodded with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but a voice burst out from time to time: This is exactly the answer I needed, 100% sure!

"Yes! That's what I think in my heart, and there is such a considerate partner, which I never expected before, but this feeling is indeed wonderful, at least the cooperation between us can be said It's seamless!"

Chu Feng made his final statement to John. At this time, he no longer needed to express his thoughts because he knew that John understood everything. So, he only needs to understand John!

"Let's go! Take me to meet your friends. From now on, we will get along day and night. I hope they can get along with each other!"

John has always occupied the initiative, even when she leaves, she still has this initiative!

At this time, Chu Feng was more like a person who obeyed his orders. Although this was not the case, the situation now fits this metaphor more closely.

After Chu Feng took John out of the prison, he went straight to find the weirdo and Xiaoru.

At this time, the strange man and Xiao Ru came to the cell where the strange man stayed.


As in the previous environment, the weirdo still stays more comfortable.

"Let me introduce you a new friend, this is John, our new partner!"

Chu Feng took John to the cell and introduced John to them in front of the weirdo and Xiao Ru.

Then, Chu Feng turned around again and began to introduce the weirdo and Xiaoru to John.

"John, this is the little monster, this is Xiaoru! Although they are my partners, they are more like my friends!

And I also hope that you can become my friend, not just stop in the relationship of partners! "

At the end of the introduction, Chu Feng also took the opportunity to express his thoughts.

"If there is enough time and opportunity, I believe that our relationship will definitely develop to this level! At least in my opinion, I have enough interest to become friends with you!"

John straightened his collar, and his spotless suit was pulled very neatly by him.

"The two of you have the appearance that you hate to see each other late. If I didn't know the real situation, I would even think that you would have known each other long ago!

The caliber of the strange man's words at this time seemed more clever, obviously he was deliberately saying something the two wanted to hear!

He even though everyone knew his intentions, they didn't have any contact with it.

The reason for this is also clear to everyone.

After all, we just met, and the time to come will be very long.

If the seeds of hatred are planted now, then in the future, contradictions will emerge in endlessly!

After briefly introducing the three of them to know each other, Chu Feng emerged again, wanting to continue to find partners in this prison!

It's just that his view was just put forward, but it was directly blocked by John.

"Chu Feng, this approach of yours feels a bit of a rush to go to the doctor, although I am also the result of your random attempts!

But in this prison, your good luck will not always exist! To put it bluntly, the little monster and I were only found after you exhausted all your luck!

And if you want to try this again, then your luck will probably run out! So, if it is for me to decide, maybe we have to have a certain plan, at least you have to know what kind of person you are looking for.

What kind of identity do they have to meet your purpose!

And if you can't even determine this point, any of your next actions may affect all your plans!

So, I hope you can take this matter seriously. After all, your decision at this time is no longer just about you alone! "

For some reason, what John is saying is basically the same as the previous, weird persuasion!

It's just that John's dissuasion is more organized and "sexual". He is not good at giving examples, but is more practical!

So when John said this, it was more effective than the weirdo’s persuasion at the beginning!

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