Whimsical System

Chapter 1033: keep searching

"Please believe me, but I don't know what will happen next, but my purpose is always to develop in a good direction!

Therefore, even if something happens in the process, I will definitely be responsible for it, as long as I can do it! "

Chu Feng is full of confidence in everything, whether it is what he has learned or what he has not anticipated, in short, as long as he thinks there is hope, then he is willing to try!

But Chu Feng's thoughts, in the eyes of both the weirdo and John, were a bit too risky after all.

After all, this is not something that can be achieved with just a few promises, and in some cases, it must be tested in reality before it can be known.

However, Chu Feng didn't have this idea. It was what he considered. It was just whether this matter could be successful, or whether it could be done.

And as long as it can be done, it is equivalent to no taboos for him.

Weird and John tried every means to persuade Chu Feng to give up this idea, otherwise they also found some clues from their persuasion.

Perhaps it was because of a certain situation, Chu Feng couldn't say that it was because of what kind of reason. In short, he felt that the two of them seemed to be hiding something!

"Chu Feng, we can provide you with good conditions for this matter, and we can also give you the most correct reminder! Hope, you can calm down on this issue! At least, your calmness will not bring you any harm. !"

John's persuasion has not stopped. On the current issue, he has more say than weirdo.

Because in his opinion, Chu Feng has completely chosen to trust him, so under the premise of this trust, it is very necessary for him to make some suggestions to Chu Feng.

It's just a pity that Chu Feng didn't take his trust to heart, and even the trust he showed in some cases was only what John thought he himself!

In the actual situation, Chu Feng didn't seem to have reached that state of absolute trust in John.

And all of this is nothing more than John himself considered and imagined!

"You will give me good suggestions, but in most cases, your suggestions are to make me give up this move!

I don't want to say more about the mobs, because it was my own decision at the time, and no one came to interfere with me!

And John, there are some topics to talk about! Before I found you, the mobs stopped me blindly!

Maybe you will not believe it if you say it, if I chose to believe in the mobs and gave up looking for it!

Then you are considered to be, completely lost the opportunity to gain freedom! If you think from this perspective, are you still willing to let me give up?

Don't you want to find some more powerful partners with us? Maybe you don't have a special understanding of this concept, because you have not experienced this process!

If necessary, you can ask the mobs. If the mobs feel that your appearance is troublesome for him, then maybe you are right!

But if it is not, then you may not be able to persuade me! "

Chu Feng brought the subject of the topic to the weird person, and when Chu Feng mentioned the weird person.

John is also used to "sexually" looking at the weird person. After all, all this is subconsciously initiative, so John's wait and see is not for any purpose!

However, even so, this is surprisingly frightening.

As a result, when John was watching the weird man, the expression of the weird man's face became a little weird!

"Little boy, I think you look a little strange! Could it be that what Chu Feng said is true? My appearance really caused trouble for you?"


John didn't seem to like to think about the problem alone, but when he had this idea, he asked the question directly.

But when John asked, he really stunned the stranger.

Suddenly she didn't know how to answer John, but Xiao Ru answered him.

"How is this possible! My favorite is friends, otherwise we wouldn't be friends!"

It’s just that the time you know each other is too short, so the mobs have no way to express this feeling. If you can give him some time, I believe he will be able to answer you seriously! "

Xiao Ru's answer no longer resembles a child, he answered very seriously, and at the same time solved the topic perfectly.

And Xiao Ru's answer was exactly what Chu Feng wanted.

So just after Xiao Lu made this answer, she was immediately appreciated by Chu Feng.

"It seems that the little monster doesn't think so! If that is the case, then it means that you should not reject the new friend!

Anyway, I uphold the mentality of looking for partners to do this!

As for the others, I don't think too much at all! So you don’t have to worry about anything else happening!

After all, we are already partners, and since we are partners, we should have trust in each other!

how about it? You should agree with me, right? "Chu Feng asked.

Because there is the previous example first, and there is no way for the weirdo to answer this question.

As a result, this matter, as of this time, is considered to be over!

John had no absolute reason to dissuade Chu Feng, and the weird man was already in a panic.

As for Xiao Ru, she has never been involved in this problem from beginning to end!

So now, almost no one can stop Chu Feng.

As a result, when Chu Feng set off to leave, the most ferocious weird and John who had clamored before also chose to remain silent.

Chu Feng left the cell familiar to the weirdo, thinking about the next target he wanted to explore.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ru ran out of the cell and asked Chu Feng curiously: "Are you going to find friends again?"

"Yes! Do you have any good suggestions?" Chu Feng asked.

"This time I don't have any, but you may be able to go a little further and choose again! At least that way, you can make more choices!"

Xiao Ru gave Chu Feng a suggestion. Although she didn't know how she considered it, Chu Feng still adopted her suggestion.

A little further away from the cell, the dark passageway looked a little muddy, although the ground was so hard, it still felt a little muddy!

"Is this dirt?"

Chu Feng said to himself while stepping on the ground.

At this moment, there was a burst of malicious laughter beside him.

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