Whimsical System

Chapter 1039: Compensation follow

When Chu Feng subconsciously avoided the bloated guy's attack, the bloated guy did not predict his actions in advance as Chu Feng had imagined.

It can be seen from this point that the bloated guy seems to have lost the ability to spy on Chu Feng's psychology.

Therefore, regarding this point, Chu Feng provided some chances of winning.

The attack methods of the bloated guys are endless. Under basic circumstances, he generally wanted to attack Yu Chu Feng's head.

In fact, if it is in a normal combat situation, the enemy's most important thing is certainly the head.

So, if you think about it from this perspective, there is nothing wrong with the way the bloated guy attacks.

It's just that his attack methods are more sharp than normal.

Moreover, his strength and speed are far beyond what Chu Feng can resist.

Therefore, in order to avoid the bloated guy, Chu Feng could only reluctantly avoid the offensive of the bloated guy.

However, the more Chu Feng evaded, the more he inspired the bloated guy to launch an offensive against him. As a result, after several twists and turns, Chu Feng was already unable to retreat and unavoidable.

But the bloated guy is on the offensive, even a bit like a rainstorm.

In desperation, Chu Feng, who was desperate, could only counterattack passively, even though he knew that by doing so, he might suffer great trauma.

But he still chose this way decisively. And, after making the decision, his actions will follow!

The bloated guy crossed his leg and took Chu Feng's face straight. Chu Fengfeng was half-bowed, and his fists rushed to the bloated guy's forehead when the army was on fire.

Both of them moved very quickly, and the afterimages were clearly visible in the void.

Chu Feng never felt how sharp his attack was, and he also thought that his speed would never be as good as the bloated guy.

But even so, he still has the upper hand in this fight.

Perhaps the victory came so suddenly, but sometimes, even the winner himself can't figure out why he suddenly became a winner.

At this time, Chu Feng was just such a victor in the fight.

Because of the offensive of Chu Feng's double fists, the bloated guy's eyes turned black in a short period of time.

And from this point, it can be seen that Chu Feng's attack should have hit the bloated guy's optic nerve.

Although I don't know how Chu Feng did it, it is undeniable that his attack methods have indeed achieved great results.

Moreover, when Chu Feng sensed that the bloated fellow had lost his eyesight, his counterattack speed was also extremely fast.

Basically in that instant, all his attacks fell on the bloated guy. When that steel-like muscle touched his fist.

What emerged in Chu Feng's mind was the scene of hitting the steel plate with his fist in his hand.

Although he had never done anything like this before, he did indeed think of this scene.

After a series of attacks, in addition to feeling that he was covered with sweat, his fists were also red and purple!

At this time, looking at the bloated guy on the other side, the situation was extremely miserable.

Even though his body is very hard, when his hard body touches Chu Feng's fist.


After all, he was hard to resist, Chu Feng attacked like steel.

As a result, there were cracks on his chest at this time.

Looks like that, it's like a long drought, cracking the ground.

However, on the surface of the cracked skin, blood beads gradually began to condense.

The "color" of the blood bead was dark red, with a somewhat **** appearance.

And from the dark red "color" of the blood beads, Chu Feng saw some crystals that looked like grains of salt.

Chu Feng thought it was the salt grains left over after sweat condensed.

Later, after careful observation, I found out what kind of salt is this! This is clearly a special substance condensed in the blood "liquid"!

Although Chu Feng doesn't know what this special substance is, it can be guessed that this substance is very important to the bloated guy!

Because when this kind of salt crystals seep from the body of the bloated guy, the bloated guy's steel-like muscles are also extremely atrophy!

And soon, that muscle has disappeared to a certain extent.

However, unlike before, the disappearance of muscles did not exchange for the appearance of bloated fat.

It seems that this muscle just disappeared out of thin air, and the previous fat was completely replaced after the muscle appeared.

And after a period of shrinking, the figure of the bloated guy is also more than doubled compared to the previous one!

"What did you do to me? Why did my body become like this?"

However, just when Chu Feng was puzzled by the current phenomenon, the bloated fellow actually asked Chu Feng a similar question.

At present, it can be seen from his look and expression that he should be shocked by the sudden occurrence of this incident.

It's just a pity that even though this incident was caused by Chu Feng, Chu Feng didn't know the reason.

So when the bloated guy asked Chu Feng this question, what Chu Feng did was just spread his palms and expressed helplessness.

"Although I really want to beat you, it is just my idea! As for why, my wish has come true, but this is not even clear to me!

However, since the matter has reached this point, I don't want to pursue any reason for the beginning and the end!

Anyway, my goal has been achieved, and now you have lost to me, then you should send me away. This is your previous promise to me. If you don’t want to keep it, I’d be very happy to treat you again. Increase the punishment! "

Chu Feng took advantage of the topic, and even though he knew nothing about this incident, what happened now was a convenience for him to threaten the bloated guy.

As a result, just after he finished speaking. The bloated guy is also very serious, thinking about this matter.

And, judging from his frowning expression at this moment, and the state of sweat in his head.

Obviously, he still hasn't recovered, the ability to spy on the psychology of others.

After some thinking, the bloated guy also nodded reluctantly, but his current consent does not only mean that he will send Chu Feng away.

It was that he offered to leave with Chu Feng.

"If you want me to let you go, that's not impossible, but as a condition, I have to go with you!"

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