Whimsical System

Chapter 1040: Ghostly shadow

"Are you fainted? Just let me go, why are you leaving with me! Isn't this your space?

If you leave here, I am afraid you will lose a lot. What you should have!

Although I don't know what your purpose is, one thing is very clear, that is, you can't survive in the outside world at all, and neither the previous you nor the current you will be able to adapt to the outside world! "

Chu Feng almost didn't hesitate, but he refused the request of the bloated guy.

In fact, no matter from which angle things are viewed, it seems a bit unrealistic!

The bloated guy is definitely not a suitable partner for Chu Feng, let alone Chu Feng has no idea of ​​accepting him as a partner!

And if the bloated guy wants to leave with him, according to the bloated guy's temper, he will inevitably be dragged to Chu Feng.

Therefore, in order to avoid this series of troubles, and to stop the bloated guy's thoughts in time, that is nothing more than an important thing.

It's just that, currently Chu Feng's persuasion, there is no way at all, causing the bloated guy to change his mind!

The reason why another kind of guy didn't have this idea, it was definitely not formed overnight.

In fact, there is a large part of his existence in this space, that is, to find someone who can take him away from this space!

It's just that after so long, the bloated guy has gradually given up this idea!

But the good fortune is that when the bloated guy felt that this kind of thing was impossible, Chu Feng suddenly appeared!

And after Chu Feng appeared, he directly gave the bloated guy an unprecedented defeat.

And when this blow was gradually accepted by the bloated guy, the thought that had been hidden in his heart, just around the corner, was born again at this moment.

Therefore, the moment his thoughts appeared, Chu Feng's persuasion was destined to have lost its effect.

Therefore, no matter how much Chu Feng tried to persuade or stop him, there was no way he could find the key point that could really make the bloated guy withdraw his thoughts.

As a result, Chu Feng's departure is now directly linked to the purpose of the bloated fellow.

If Chu Feng gave up and left here, then he would naturally not need to face these troubles.

But if he chooses to give up, then Chu Feng also means that he has completely given up the hope of survival.

Therefore, after some negotiation to no avail! Chu Feng had no choice but to reluctantly, and agreed to the request of the bloated guy.

In fact, during this process, Chu Feng did not have any conflict with the bloated guy.

Because since the previous fight, the two of them have been a little jealous of each other.

Therefore, no matter it is the bloated guy or Chu Feng, they are not willing to fight each other again.

And it is precisely because of this that he has just become a bloated fellow who threatens Chu Feng's bargaining chip.

So helpless, although there were reasons for this incident, the final result was still somewhat unsatisfactory.

Leaving the space dominated by a kind of guy is not a difficult thing.

It's just that Chu Feng himself couldn't do it!

After a while, the two appeared together at the door of the prison.

However, at this time, the scruffy boy was still here.


But when the scruffy boy saw Chu Feng, his eyes were full of panic!

"You haven't left yet, it seems that you are so bold!

Do you know what I went through when I was inside? Now, I really want to kill your "life" by myself! "

Chu Feng's words were so sullen, but in his eyes, there was already killing intent surging.

At this time, the sloppy boy's face suddenly became extremely pale, and the fear derived from his heart had already made it hard for him to breathe.

And at the critical moment when this contradiction was about to erupt, the bloated guy suddenly grabbed Chu Feng's arm!

"He is my subordinate, it is better to spare his life for my face!

After all, he is also acting on orders, and you can't change the current situation if you kill him! Why don't you sell my personal affection along the way.

Let me owe you, this is always a good thing! "

The bloated guy is always talking about himself in everything, and he doesn't know that Chu Feng wants to kill the most, but it is him.

"Do you think you have a lot of face? I tell you, I don't want to kill him at all, but I want to kill you!

Don't forget, this is no longer your space! If you dare to violate my ideas, then I will deal with you without hesitation! "

Chu Feng's viciousness has not diminished in the slightest, but when the bloated guy said this, her hatred tended to increase significantly.

As a result, the bloated guy finally chose to give up under Chu Feng's threat.

And that sloppy boy, although he also saved his "life", but he was directly beaten and seriously injured by Duhuo.

The two broken arms hung on him like dead branches.

I don't know if he has the ability to heal himself. If he doesn't, then he may never be able to recover.

After Chu Fengyu's bloated fellow left, the sloppy boy who had already been "fainted" was lying on his back on the wall of the prison at this moment.

And in that gloomy passage, a ghost-like figure appeared directly beside the scruffy boy.

The cold dampness gradually spread in the passage, and the tingling pain like a needle piercing instantly caused the sloppy boy in a coma to regain consciousness.

However, at this moment, in the gloomy passage, in the eyes of the scruffy boy, a look of horror appeared again.

It's just that the duration of this expression is not too long, because at the moment that expression appeared, his eyes were directly covered by a cloud of dark mist.

But when the fog's "color" cleared, the scruffy boy swayed, leaning against the wall and stood up.

His two broken arms are now full of mist, gushing out.

In the mist, the broken wound was healing quickly, looking like a river flowing.

When the two arms returned to their original state, the scruffy teenagers all had a satisfied expression and broke his fist.

Immediately afterwards, he took that ghostly footsteps, walking farther and farther in the dark passage until he disappeared.

On the other side, the completely ignorant Chu Feng and the bloated fellow went all the way along the passage, to the previous, the torment of the imprisoned stranger.

However, at this time, the stranger Xiaoru and John were talking in a low voice in the prison.

When the three of them saw Chu Feng, they suddenly stopped communicating and stood up!

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