Whimsical System

Chapter 1041: Two don't deal

"Chu Feng, you finally came back, how are things going? Can you find a suitable partner again?"

John said casually. In fact, he had already seen the arrival of the bloated guy at this time, but he was not sure what the identity of the useful guy was, so he did not directly talk about this topic!

Chu Feng shook his head: "Not only is it nothing, but it also caused a lot of trouble!"

"What's the matter? Is he the trouble you caused?"

When Chu Feng mentioned trouble, John's eyes fell directly on the bloated guy.

This time, he considered his goal to be certain. Since the bloated guy is not Chu Feng's partner, then this trouble cannot be avoided!

"It's a long story. I couldn't imagine that such a powerful person would be hidden in such a prison!

Moreover, there are traps everywhere in this jail, and you inadvertently leave the way of others!

As you can see, I was entangled by others, and this trouble can't be shaken off! "

Chu Feng complained to John, and the bloated guy was also suffering from John's eyes.

"There is such a thing, this is something I have never heard of! In this prison, there are criminals who like to take people's lives, and there are experts in the world who like to create peace, and I still I have never seen such a hemp guy who likes to follow others!"

John said sarcastically. At this moment, he obviously didn't know what the bloated guy was, but even if he didn't know it, it wouldn't make him feel merciful.

"Your name is John, right? I don't have any grudges against you, so why should you slander me! If you know the reason for this, maybe you won't say such things, not knowing right and wrong!"

After all, the bloated guy couldn't hold it back. In fact, he was not a person who was good at forbearing, so his return to the top also broke out directly after John's voice fell.

"Then I want to hear what the truth is about you, if this is not satisfactory, then I am afraid you will suffer from it!"

John clenched his fists subconsciously, and made a gesture of punching people. However, he didn't have that intention for a while.

"I don't want to say these useless things to you, not to mention that I won't tell you, even if I tell you, it will have no effect.

You can't "fuck" him, you are just one of his subordinates, I can see the status division between you! "

The bloated guy speaks very thoroughly, he is not afraid of John's threat, and John's words do not have any strength for him.

In short, right now, his goal is only Chu Feng, and as for other people, he can directly treat him as nothing.


"Okay! You are hard-hearted, but your hard-heartedness will not play any role in front of me! Although I don't know your identity and origin, since you have already appeared here, so too It means that you were once a member of this prison!

And since you are a prisoner in this prison, then you have no right to speak of, perhaps in your place, you have the power to make life and death!

But when you leave your nest and come to us, then you have to constrain your "sex" a little bit, after all, this is no longer a place where you can do whatever you want! "

John once again placed a ban on the bloated guy. Even though he knew that the bloated guy would not obey him, he would still insist on what he should say and do!

auzw.com"Your subordinates have a bit of courage, but you believe it or not, I will let him see how good I am!

And at that time, he probably didn't even have the opportunity to beg for mercy! After all, he doesn't have your ability! "

The bloated fellow leaned in Chu Feng's ear and whispered. At this moment, in his opinion, John had obviously become his enemy.

Although there was a Chu Feng between them, their struggle had already begun.

Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at the bloated guy. In fact, he hadn't figured out why the bloated guy came here with him.

On this point, he had also asked the bloated guy, but the bloated guy's answer was always only one sentence, and that would be known one day.

And when will this one day come, it is beyond Chu Feng's estimation.

"Chu Feng, this person turned out to be your trouble, so let me solve it! Anyway, you don't want to keep him. I killed him with the mobs!"

However, just as the bloated guy whispered to Chu Feng instructing him, John openly told the killing!

"You want to kill me? You probably made a wrong calculation! Do you know who I am? You want to kill me?"

The bloated guy "showed" a smile, as if he suddenly heard a great joke, and in this laughter, he also had a murderous intent!

After noticing this change, Chu Feng's face turned cold for an instant.

He is the one who has seen bloated guys, although the strength of a guy here is not stronger than in that space.

But judging from what Chu Feng currently understands, John's ability alone is probably hardly an opponent of the bloated guy!

After all, John never showed his strength from beginning to end, so Chu Feng didn't have much confidence in John.

Although all this is unknown, Chu Feng is not willing to take this risk.

Therefore, just as the conflict between the two was about to break out, Chu Feng also stood up in a timely manner, the contradiction between the two who attempted.

"You two, do you really want to do it in front of me?" Chu Feng sniffed coldly. At this time, what he needed was not the answer, but the attitude of the two.

"Chu Feng, you should also be able to see how arrogant he is. If we continue to indulge him, then he will definitely become a big trouble for us!

So you don't have to "intervene" in this matter, just leave it to me to solve it. I can assure you that this matter will have a good result, enough to satisfy you! "

John said vowedly. At this time, he just relied on a promise, that is, he wanted to directly collect the "life" of the bloated guy.

And compared to what John said, the bloated guy is much more decisive in doing things.

Under normal circumstances, he never likes to speak too much, just do some things, and just do it!

As for bragging about promises and the like, that is what he has always dismissed.

Therefore, it is at the most critical moment when the conflict between the two is aroused.

The bloated guy who hadn't responded for a long time, but took the lead at this time and launched an offensive against John.

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