Whimsical System

Chapter 1043: Jump system plan

"Okay! Chu Feng, seeing your face, naturally won't be as familiar with him, but I don't want him to cause us trouble!

We haven't discussed the next thing seriously, and now with him, I really don't know what will happen next! "

Although John agrees on the surface, in fact he is still separated from the bloated guy. He did not deliberately "expose" this gap, but in his words, this emotion has always existed. The.

"The speed at which things are changing is indeed beyond my expectations, but my plan is still being implemented smoothly!

So no matter what happened during this period, what happened, I think I should be able to settle it!

It's nothing more than spending more time. At present, there are questions about partners, and I may have to think about it after a while!

There are still many things that have not been resolved. There are already a lot of troubles, and most of the troubles are caused by myself!

So I have to try to solve them, and you, I also hope you can help me! "

Chu Feng made it clear that he had given up the idea of ​​finding a partner. In fact, this was not his intention, but the current situation had become more and more complicated, so that he had to make a move.

This year was a contradiction between John and the bloated guy, and that was enough for Chu Feng to have a headache.

If this partner's lineup is expanded a bit, then I don't know what will happen in the future.

Perhaps what the weirdo and John said earlier were correct. In this prison, all kinds of characters exist.

If you stare blankly for searching, you still don't know how much trouble you will cause.

Therefore, this time Chu Feng has also become honest, no matter what happens, no matter how big the difficulties will be afterwards, although they will be resolved, at least he can't create difficulties on his own!

So it is obviously very wise to give up at this time, and leaving this prison is also urgent.

"Since you have chosen to give up, it is naturally the best, but where we are going next, I don't have any clues. I have been in this prison for too long, and the contact with the outside world has basically been Lost!" John said.

"Chu Feng, you can make up your mind about this matter, Xiaoru and I don't have any specific plans!" The weird also echoed.

"I have a good place, don't you know if you want to go with me?"

However, before Chu Feng had made a certain decision, the bloated guy took the lead in making the proposal.

"Where can you go? At best, it is nothing more than an embarrassment for us!"

John can be said to have nothing to do with the bloated guy, basically every time the bloated guy says a word, John will take the initiative to speak back.

Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with him, anyway, his return to the top has never been lacking.

"John, let him finish talking..."

The John Chu Feng persuaded him to stop the conflict that was about to erupt between the two of them in time!

auzw.com "Huh! Chu Feng, you'd better consider this question yourself. You can see that you don't trust him, so I believe you can give us a satisfactory answer!"

Although John didn't bring it to target the bloated guy, some of his words were insinuating.

"I naturally know that I will judge everything, whether it is good or bad, only when our results agree with each other, I will believe this conclusion!"

Chu Feng made a guarantee, and then gave the bloated guy a chance to speak.

"Chu Feng, this place of mine may be a test for you, but you will also benefit after the test!

Now, although you and I have not reached a consensus, you took me out of here, but it is still my half friend. No matter what conflicts we have had before, now I want it to be written off!

I hurt you and you hurt me. If you feel dissatisfied in your heart, then I can make up for you in the future, but now, I hope you can promise me this suggestion! "

"Let's talk about it first! You have no reason to make such a sentence. There is really no way to make a judgment. At least, under the current circumstances, I still can't answer you!" Chu Feng motioned.

"Okay! I want to take you to another space, a space completely out of the system's advanced plan!"

The words of the bloated guy can be said to be amazing and endless.

What kind of place is a space that is out of the system's advanced plan? Although Chu Feng doesn't know what this concept means, he can guess that it has definitely left the realm of fire, and it is even more bloated than that. , The space in which it is located is even more mysterious.

As for this type of issue, Chu Feng basically did not have any consideration.

Moreover, he didn't know how to make a decision. Although he had this curiosity, he didn't know whether this curiosity would help him or harm him!

"What do you mean by leaving the system advancement plan?" Chu Feng asked after all, even though he had guessed it.

"You don't have to doubt, what I said is what you think! Now you are all in this plan, but I am out of the plan!

Moreover, it can also help you get out of this plan together. Just getting out of the plan does not mean losing your qualifications at this time!

That is to say, one day you will come back again, and when you come back here, then you yourself will change, let’s go and the others will not change at all!

Even the changes that have occurred at the current moment will continue to happen, and time will stop from the moment you leave!

You have participated in many assessments before, and in those assessments, the system has used this ability. I believe you should not feel confused about this! "

When the bloated guy introduced this, he targeted everyone, including John!

After his introduction, basically, several of them have more or less interest.

No matter what changes will happen after leaving this space, as long as they can come back here again and will not affect this place, then this is a good thing for them.

"It sounds like a very interesting thing, but I don't know if what you said is true or false!"

It's just that John has given up the job of questioning, and the weirdo has taken over his mantle.

"I can't answer your question directly, because now I can't prove it to you, so no amount of words will be able to convince you!"

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