Whimsical System

Chapter 1044: Dissociate in each galaxy

To the questions raised by the weirdo, the bloated guy did not give a positive answer.

However, the matter is indeed as he said, such as space and other issues. If it is not verified by real life, then there is indeed no way to be convincing.

"Then... how do you think about it?"

After the bloated guy responded, Chu Feng asked closely.

The eccentric John Xiaoru and the three looked at each other, and then moved their eyes to Chu Feng's body together.

"We don't have any too fixed opinions. It's all up to you to decide!"

John acted very calmly at this time. He really didn't have any comments. After all, from the moment he came out of prison, everything he got was given by Chu Feng.

And until now, he hadn't given Chu Feng an overly definite answer, why he was willing to choose to cooperate with Chu Feng in the first place.

What he wants, if it's just freedom, it might be a bit too simple.

But, if it wasn't for this reason, what could it be?

Nowadays, many problems both plague prescriptions and other people.

However, no matter how many problems there are, Chu Feng has made up his mind to solve them all!

However, what they are facing now is just the problem of going to space.

"They have entrusted all the decision-making power to you! That is to say, I only need to ask you!

So now you can answer me whether you are willing or unwilling, and if you are willing, then I can take you away now. If you are not willing, then I will naturally not force it, but I am afraid you will decide where to go next, and while you decide, this timeline is always progressing! "

The bloated guy, although he didn't mean to "force" Chu Feng, his words did have this ability.

While thinking about it, Chu Feng has been struggling with this problem. There are still many things that Chu Feng needs to do in the fire area, and there are also a lot of troubles.

And if Chu Feng had to come up with a clue right now, it would be considered a more mind-consuming thing.

If you can, you can avoid other spaces first. Then, if you find a clue there, it's not a bad thing.

When Chu Feng thought of this, he suddenly felt suddenly enlightened, as if everything had become better.

"Okay! I have decided to go with you! I have to go back, but if I want to come back in the middle, then you must let me come back!

Whether you want to come back or not, I must come back, as long as you can promise me this, that's ok! "

Before agreeing, Chu Feng also put forward a condition, but the condition he put forward at the moment, it is really easy to solve for the bloated guy.

Therefore, almost the bloated guy didn't think about it, so he agreed directly!

"No problem, this can be used as a prerequisite. If you agree with my point of view, then I will naturally agree to your request, but after you get there!

I hope you can do me a favor. This is not a big favor, but in the meantime, it is destined to not be easy!


It is naturally best to say if you are willing, of course, if you are not willing, I will not embarrass you either, but maybe at some point, I will not be able to help you! "

While agreeing to Chu Feng, the bloated guy also made a request at the right time.

However, this request looks more like a request to the bloated guy.

"It turns out that he also asked us, now I finally know why he wants them to go there!"

John Dao complained and conflicted, and at this time he gradually began to show signs, but this time, he seemed to be more measured!

Basically, before Chu Feng had time to stop, he had already actively closed his mouth, and fell into silence immediately.

"No problem! No matter how they think about it, I will help you. At least you have provided me with such an opportunity to think. It is only a matter of time, and that is enough to give you a certain reward!" Chu Feng Promised.

"If I can hear your answer, then I am satisfied! If we consider it from this perspective, we should be considered as companions?" The bloated guy asked with a smile.

Looking at the guy who was slightly "treacherous" with a smile, Chu Feng really didn't know what to say.

But in the end, he also nodded, although he was reluctant, at least he passed this response to the bloated guy.

"Ha... it turns out that it feels like being recognized by others. Speaking of which we really don't know each other on the phone, but since we are partners, then I should also introduce myself to you!

This saves others from ignoring my identity and speculating on me in private! "

"Ye ye ye... This is really nice! Those who don't know think that who wronged a good person?

But since you want to introduce, no one will stop you! Anyway, we all want to hear your story, and as for the speculation behind it, slander, etc., I am afraid you have thought about it too much, we are not interested in doing this kind of thing! "

John said with a faint smile, the strange tone of Yin and Yang always makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

The bloated guy looked at John with a displeased look, then he withdrew his gaze and gathered it on Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, I'm different from you! You are both hosts, people selected by the system to participate in the assessment, and I am not the host. Strictly speaking, I should be considered part of the system, but I have a life of!

Generally speaking, basically in the universe, I can communicate with all galaxies!

And in the process of contacting, I will also get some of their abilities randomly, and over time, I will have this body!

It's just that this body is true and true, false and false!

And only when I have real emotions, then my body will properly derive a soul!

It's just a pity, I haven't found this opportunity yet! "

"Then why do you want to eat those hosts? Then you just want to breed a soul?" Chu Feng asked.

"It's all an illusion, that's just me deliberately deceiving you!

What do I eat them for, some worthless things, even if I eat them, it will not help me in any way!

In fact, it was just a drama I did, and those who served me were just addicted to my drama and couldn't help themselves! "The bloated guy explained.

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