Whimsical System

Chapter 1046: Deserted space

It's just that as soon as his thought came into being, it was straightforward and was obliterated by himself.

But the moment that thought came into being, he had various thoughts, he wanted to fade away, he began to doubt, even he thought it was a conspiracy!

When the light blue "color" aperture still exists and the darkness is still impenetrable, she has already realized that there is a problem with her thinking.

Therefore, in order to avoid other thoughts, he went straight to the darkness.

And this approach of his also directly put an end to all possible problems.

Whether it was the previous guess or the doubt in his heart, it was the moment he set off into the darkness.

It disappeared completely without a trace, and the process of disappearing still came so quickly, so unpredictable.

Passing through the aperture smoothly came to another space, it was a completely new world, but there was less vitality and a bit more desolate atmosphere.

Chu Feng did not separate from the bloated guy and the others. Because they came to this space through the same method, when he walked out of the darkness, the first thing he saw was the bloated guy and the others.

"I thought you wouldn't be here! They were all skeptical, and some people gave you the best reason!"

The moment Chu Feng appeared, the bloated guy said half jokingly.

But at this time, Chu Feng nodded suddenly, as if he didn't quibble about this matter.

"Your guess may be correct. I did hesitate just now. Although this hesitation time is not enough to change my mind, I still hesitate. This is something I cannot deny!"

"This is normal. No one will be full of confidence in others. No matter how close they are, no matter how close they are, no matter how good friends they are, this kind of emotion, this kind of thought will never fade away because of a good relationship!

Therefore, this is even more proof of how firm your will is!

Even in doubt, under the premise that this might be a trap, you actually came here!

And just such a trust is enough to make me extremely gratified! "

The bloated guy is not stingy and praises Chu Feng, although some words are only on the surface, and they don't have too substantial meaning.

But this still made Chu Feng feel so steadfast.

"If you can think like this, it is naturally the best! Just now I was worried about how it will affect you in the process!

However, it seems that this is not a problem, after all, you have completely seen me through, and I have nothing to hide in front of you!

In the next time, maybe we can also arrange it separately!

As for what you mentioned earlier, I will naturally fulfill my promise! But under the premise of fulfilling my promise, you have to give me a preparation time in advance, at least you have to let me see the whole picture! "Chu Feng said.

"You don't have to worry. You are not required to do anything from the beginning! What's more, I haven't encountered such trouble now. In fact, what I said before is just a possibility. , If there is a choice, then I would rather not have such a thing happen!

Therefore, in life here, you may feel a little bit free. Although this freedom is not long-term, it should be cherished enough for you! "

The bloated guy didn't mention what he said earlier, so when Chu Feng said this, he also made a judgment in his heart.


In fact, half of his answers are true and half false. Indeed, the things he mentioned are not in a hurry to solve them, but it is not that they may not happen as he said.

And the reason why he said that just now is that we just want Chu Feng and others to relax their vigilance, and then adapt to this space as quickly as possible.

As for the resolution and process of that matter, he would spend another time to think!

Now, the only thing that can affect this matter is the bloated guy alone!

As for the others, they basically won't affect anyone. Even if the bloated guy asks them, it has nothing to do with them!

"Since there will be no troubles during this period of time, then we might as well act separately, do what we want to do!"

After hearing the answer from the bloated guy! Chu Feng directly put forward this idea!

Only when he said his thoughts, what he got was the unanimous opposition of John and the weirdo.

In fact, John and the weirdo came here only to accompany Chu Feng.

If Chu Feng really let them act casually, then they really have no other place to go.

Therefore, if it is considered from this perspective, there is nothing wrong with their opposition at this time.

"Chu Feng, maybe you have your own things to do, but we can also guarantee that we will never affect you!

And when you are in trouble, we can also help you by the side, so, as for the separation of actions and the like, then I will never agree! "

John took the lead in expressing his attitude, and then so did the weirdo, who followed closely to express his attitude.

As for Xiao Ru, although he did not express his thoughts. However, basically what the weirdoer said directly represented what she meant.

Therefore, after John finished speaking, Chu Feng had no choice but to withdraw the decision he had made earlier!

As a result, after some discussion, the one who chose to leave in the end was just a bloated guy.

Moreover, it seems that it will not be too long.

According to the bloated guy, he is only a dozen minutes of free time at most.

After more than ten minutes, he would also return and return to Chu Feng's side.

And by that time, no matter where Chu Feng is, he can find Chu Feng anytime and anywhere.

After a while, the bloated guy left. Facing the deserted space, Chu Feng and others seemed to lose all directions in that instant.

Including Chu Feng himself, he also didn't know what he should do!

"Chu Feng, I thought you had a good place to go! It turns out that you were just like us!

However, although it is boring here, but fortunately, it will not affect the environment in the fire zone!

And during this time, we can also have a good rest! Otherwise, when we return to the realm of fire, we really don't have time to rest! "John lay on his back and said lazily.

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