Whimsical System

Chapter 1047: Aimless search

"Do you really intend to stay here all the time? He brought you here, maybe because of his purpose, but you can't get by here, waste your time, right?"

Chu Feng asked aimlessly. Although he had no direction to find at this time, he didn't want to waste the time he had.

"What can I do without staying here? I came here with you. If you have something to do, then I will go with you naturally. But now you don’t have one, so I can only be here. Wasting time!"

John's idea is relatively simple, anyway, as long as Chu Feng wants to do it, he will definitely follow Chu Feng to do it, and if there is nothing to do with the punishment, then he will naturally be happy.

"We are all the same, I just came here, as for what I will do next, I really haven't figured it out!

However, even if we find a place to stay, we can't stay here! After all, we have come to a new space, at least we have to understand what this space contains!

In case we get any benefits here, then we won't have it in vain! "

Although Chu Feng didn't have any specific direction, he knew that he shouldn't stay in one place, at least he had to understand it!

Besides, the bloated guys may still use them, and if they just wait here, when will the time end?

"Chu Feng is right. We really can't stay here all the time! When we were in jail, our food and drink were still able to be taken care of. I am here now. If we don't solve it by ourselves, I'm afraid we will have to Hungry!

John, you should remember, a few years ago, when the prisoner had a meal break! I believe you are definitely not willing to experience it again! "

The weird person said in a persuasive manner that five years ago, the prison had a period of no overlord due to the change of overlord.

During that interval, there were many hosts, starving to death in prison.

And those lucky guys who never starved to death also suffered during that period of time, and they have even become a painful memory that people dare not recall!

"It was indeed a painful experience. If I was given another chance, I would rather die in that hunger!

What's the point of you mentioning this to me now? Want to persuade me to act with you? It shouldn't be necessary, after all, you only need to speak Chu Feng! "John responded with emotion.

"Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't mean to expose your scars. I just want to tell you the current situation, which is actually similar to the situation when the supply was interrupted!

Although we have freedom now, if we abandon the freedom ourselves, then our fate is probably not much better! "

When John said this, the weirdo already understood his thoughts, but there are some things that are still to be said after all, and those explanations that should be done are also indispensable!

"I know! I didn't say that I must stay here... All of this, including Chu Feng, made this decision!"

John succeeded in returning the decision-making power to Chu Feng's hands. At this time, what Chu Feng held were the ideas of the three people present.

"Why are you all looking at me like this? I didn't say I want to stay here!"

When the eccentric Xiao Ru and John, Qi Qi cast their eyes on Chu Feng, Chu Feng felt a little "hairy" in his heart by the three of them.

"Of course we know that you won't stay here, but where you are going next is for you to come up with an idea!


Come on, where are we going next? We all listen to you! "The weirdo said.

"This..." Chu Feng lowered his head and thought for a while, and then decided, "I don't have any good ideas either. Right now we can only take one step and see one step!

I hope that before dark, we can find someone somewhere, have a good meal, and rest! "

"Well, in that case, let's start!"

Compared to John, the weird person is more interested, so after Chu Feng made this decision, he was ready to leave at any time.


Chu Feng nodded, then faced four directions and made a random choice.

"The temperature in the east is more suitable than the other three directions! If there are creatures here, the possibility of "sex" in the east will be greater!

Why not, let's go to the east to take a look, it's still early anyway. If we hurry up, I believe we should be able to find a place to stay before dark! "

"No problem! Do what you say, we all listen to you!" John responded without thinking.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Duhuo's decision was approved by the other three, the four set out on a journey to find the village together.

Desolate boundaries can be seen everywhere along the way.

The scorching temperature always makes people feel a little uncomfortable. Although it does not reach an unbearable level, it is after all inferior to the fire weather.

The long journey is a relatively severe test for everyone's physical fitness.

Currently, what Chu Feng is most worried about is Xiao Ru, after all, John and the weirdo are both rough-skinned adults.

But Xiao Ru is still a little girl, and she has been suffering in the Colosseum some time ago.

According to the weird person, Xiao Ru had not healed from her injuries until this time. However, in this situation, she had to follow Chu Feng and others to wander in this unknown space.

Although she has no uncomfortable performance at present, Chu Feng is always worried about what will happen to it.

"Xiao Ru, the environment here is rather bad. If you feel uncomfortable, let the mobs carry you! I believe that if it is because of you, the mobs will definitely do this!"

Chu Feng said casually, and the eccentric nodded silently.

At the same time, John on the side "interrupted" and said: "It's okay, if the mob refuses to recite, then I will recite it! Anyway, Xiaoru is not in the middle, even if I recite for a day, I won't feel tired!"

"John, aren't you afraid of getting your clothes dirty? I remember, you have a hygienic addiction! Could it be that your hygienic addiction has recovered after coming here?" Chu Feng asked half-jokingly.

"Chu Feng, what you said is a bit too serious! Even though I like to wear neat clothes, that doesn't mean I have a hygienic disorder! What's more, if I carry Xiao Ru on my back, it won't get dirty. My clothes!" John defended himself.

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