Whimsical System

Chapter 1048: Barren city

"Really? Then since you have this mind, why don't you carry me on your back, it just so happens that I don't want to leave now!"

In order to adjust the loneliness during the journey, Chu Feng "chaotically" joked to John.

"Chu Feng, are you serious?"

However, in John's eyes, Chu Feng's joke at this time did not seem to have that meaning.

As a result, just after Chu Feng said this paragraph, John Desser showed a very serious expression.

"What do you think?" Chu Feng smiled.

John shook his head: "I don't know how you think about it, but if you really need it, then I can carry you!

However, this period of time is not too long, because my physical strength is also limited, so even if it is to help you, then I have to be measured! "

John said it very seriously, without any joking at all.

And listening to John's response, Chu Feng suddenly lost all interest.

"Okay! Actually I was joking. I thought you were a person who can be joked at will! But now I found out that you are not suitable for being joked at all. It seems that I will pay more attention to it in the future, otherwise it will cause trouble. What a joke is really not ending!"

In Chu Feng's remarks, some of what he said didn't leave much to be desired! Although what he said is true, it is indeed a bit hurtful!

Therefore, after Chu Feng finished his remarks, John also thought deeply.

Even if the final response he made was a slight smile, he still struggled with this matter in his heart.

The awkward conversation ended with Chu Feng's words as the final point. For a long time after that, none of the four had any direct "sexual" communication.

After a few hours, the long journey finally came to an end when a city appeared.

Chu Feng's estimation was obviously correct. After a long journey, they found a city.

However, in fact, no matter which direction Chu Feng chose, they could find a city.

Because in this space, there is a city in each of the four directions, southeast, northwest.

Moreover, there are interconnected channels between each city, but this is a relatively secretive thing for the newcomers of Chu Feng.

The entrance of the city is an arched gate, and that gate is inlaid on a wall, and that wall rises into the sky. If you just rely on the naked eye to see it, you can't find its end.

According to local people, this wall was created with the space, and the top of the wall is connected to the top of the space.

In the four corners of east, west, south, and north, each has such a wall, but there is no connection between the four walls. As for the place that has not been connected, where is the end, that is this space. The creatures in it never knew it!

After entering the city, Chu Feng and others finally saw it, with a hint of richness.

And in that richness, the green "color" of life can be seen everywhere!

In fact, compared to the outside world, this city is not much different from Huoyu.

Except that there is no host here, there seem to be various creatures and various species in this space.

auzw.com When Chu Feng and others first arrived, it was inevitable that they would inquire about more things. After inquiring, they learned that the appearance of this space has a long history!

And in this space, there is also a distance from the city.

In layman's terms, each city has its own ruler, and at the same time, there is a treaty with the city!

And this space is also very defensive for outsiders. Although on the surface they will not make any special measures, but behind the scenes, whether they are official or civilians, they will be wary of outsiders.

Therefore, just after Chu Feng and others entered the city, they were treated differently!

Although the questions that should be asked and the things that should be done have been met, they have encountered obstacles in the night accommodation.

According to their understanding, there are at least dozens of hotels in this city.

Moreover, most of the above hotels are in a free state, of course, even so, there is still no hotel willing to accommodate them.

Of course, a large part of the reason is because all hotels here must collect money first.

And the currency circulating in this space is an item called wisdom spar.

As for what kind of effect this wisdom spar had, of course Chu Feng had nowhere to know.

Even, they haven't even seen it once.

Therefore, precisely because of this type of currency, Chu Feng and others did not find a suitable place to live until sunset.

"Chu Feng, are we going to'exhibit' on the street tonight? In my opinion, it's impossible, let's try to get some wisdom spar!

Anyway, the people here are all carrying this kind of stuff. We will grab some at that time, and that will be enough for us to use! "

John's idea is relatively simple, as long as everything can be solved by force, it is not a trouble!

Therefore, this matter is also true for him.

And when Chu Feng heard John's suggestion, he was also accustomed to "sexuality" and went to think about it!

In fact, if it is according to his ideas, John's proposal is not impossible.

It's just that he hesitated a little about this matter, after all, they have not yet understood the current city's public security management.

If what they do violates the regulations here, what kind of trouble it will cause is something they don't know.

So Chu Feng decided to do some understanding first, and after they thoroughly understood the situation here, they could make the next step.

"Nowadays, wisdom spar can be regarded as more important to us! Although John, your way is a bit risky, but it is currently the only way we can get wisdom spar!

However, before doing this, we may know a little bit more, at least we have to know how to avoid the punishment of this city! "Chu Feng said.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me to handle things like this kind of inquiries.

I like dealing with people the most. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as I want to know, no one can hide from me! "John said confidently.

Chu Feng exhorted: "This matter can be left to you, but you must not cause us trouble, don't forget, you are not the only one here!

So, no matter what your consideration is, you must never cause trouble! "

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