Whimsical System

Chapter 1049: Palace in the middle of the square

"Of course you can rest assured about this, no matter what happens, I won't cause you trouble!

And, I also have experience in this area! So no matter what happens, I can usually solve it smoothly! "

John spoke confidently, listening to what he said, he really felt so confident!

"Okay! As long as you have confidence, you don't have much time, so let's go separate ways!" Chu Feng nodded, then decided.

"You also have something to do? Didn't you leave this to me? You just need to wait here!" John puzzled.

"There are so many things, and you can't be too busy alone. Nowadays, you only need to investigate the problems in this area! And we are looking for some suitable goals!

The act of stealing is also a very technical job. If you don't prepare in advance, then the chance of failure is incalculable! "

Chu Feng said in a high-sounding voice, if he was an unaware person, he thought he was going to do something great!

"Okay! I really haven't done anything like stealing things, but since you are so experienced in Chu Feng, I believe you will get it done!" John casually joked, at the moment between them The atmosphere of communication has gradually eased.

Chu Feng cast a blank glance at John, and said, "What do you mean by having experience? Do you think I am good at this kind of thing? I can't do anything about it. You can't do this kind of thing. I'm coming!"

"Hahaha... Don't be angry, I'm just making a joke, Chu Feng, you can't afford to make a joke?" John explained with a smile.

"Nonsense! Am I such a stingy person? However, it is indeed not the time to make a joke now, hurry up, time is too late!" Chu Feng urged angrily.

"Good, good...I'm leaving now, don't worry, I will definitely be able to come back before dark, when that time, whether it is good or bad, we will be able to get a result!"

As John spoke, he turned and joined the crowd.

After John left, the stranger asked Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, shall we do it now, or should we do it after John comes back?"

"Let's find the target first. No matter what kind of punishment this behavior will be punished here, if we want to survive, we must do this!

I asked John to investigate this matter. It was nothing more than to help us be more vigilant. So no matter the local law allows us to do this kind of thing, we will still do it! "Chu Feng replied.

"If that's the case, let's do things separately! Xiaoru and I go to the east and west of the city, and you go to the south and north of the city!

If we have a chance, let's do it. We are more at ease for you and me, and you don't have to worry about me and Xiaoru!

No matter what happens, we will do our best to get rid of the trouble. In short, we will meet here before dark. At that time, we will succeed or fail. "

In this matter, the eccentric has a relatively complete plan. Although this plan only worked on him and Xiaoru, for Chu Feng, it was a big trouble!

"Okay! Now that you have a plan, go ahead and follow the plan you set!"

Chu Feng didn't say much, he now has a basic plan for what to say and do.

Although things like stealing are often disgusting, in some special circumstances, they have to urge people to do so!

Chu Feng always felt that he was forced to be helpless. In fact, that was nothing more than that he himself gave himself a reason to act!

And, after he came up with this reason, they didn't hesitate to transmit this reason to the trio of Weird John and Xiao Ru.

auzw.com Now three people, under the persuasion of Chu Feng, have completely abandoned the aversion to the theft.

As a result, these four-person theft squads started their theft plan as soon as they entered the city.

After parting with the three, Chu Feng crossed the street alone and came to the most prosperous area.

It was an independent square. Around the square, there were some iconic buildings.

Its design style and practical use are somewhat similar to shopping malls in the real world.

It's just that here, there are not so many shops and vendors.

Looking around, although there are many pedestrians in the square, almost everyone is in a hurry and panic.

It's as if they are just a deliberate illusion here, and behind that illusion, there are other secrets unknown.

Chu Feng slowed down and shuttled among the crowd. About ten minutes later, Chu Feng came to the center of the square!

Through the gap between the pedestrians, Chu Feng saw a palace-like building in the center of the square.

On the whole, this building is more like a gorgeous residence.

Also, the front door of the building was open at this time, but no one walked in.

Seeing this situation, Chu Feng's curiosity was suddenly provoked.

At the moment they passed through the crowd and climbed the steps of the palace.

But when Chu Feng appeared in front of the palace's main gate, the pedestrian with a hurry expression stopped at this moment.

As if they suddenly saw something terrifying.

Right now, Chu Feng was facing the front gate of the palace, so he didn't notice the changes in the eyes of the pedestrians behind him.

And at this time, the main entrance of the palace seemed to him just a slightly gorgeous entrance.

Other than that, there is nothing special about it!

But when you look at the front entrance of the palace through the eyes of pedestrians, you can find a black figure standing in the palace.

Because the inside of the palace is well sealed, even if the main entrance is open, the sunlight still cannot illuminate the palace.

However, the figure appeared in the shadow of the palace.

If it were under normal circumstances, in such a dark environment, even if there were people in the palace, they would not be discovered at all!

What is strange is that this figure in the eyes of pedestrians seems to be an exception.

Of course, there is a reason for his exception. Because at this time, in the eyes of the pedestrian, the figure has two pairs of eyes that emit a faint blue "color" light.

And under the shining of the faint blue "color" light, in the pitch black environment, but the silhouette of the person can be vaguely seen.

Including, the old-fashioned oil lamp that he was holding in his hand at this time and holding it on his chest!

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