Whimsical System

Chapter 1050: An irresistible tragedy

Chu Feng stepped into the palace, and when he crossed the threshold, a chill suddenly hit his face.

However, Chu Feng didn't pay too much attention. According to her mind, this might be due to the shade inside the palace, so the temperature was naturally slightly lower than outside.

The inside of the palace is pitch black, I can't see the whole picture, and I don't know what furnishings are around.

Chu Feng stepped inside, and the more he walked in, the shady feeling became more serious.


For some reason, when the shady feeling rose to a certain level, Chu Feng subconsciously coughed.

"Do you know where this is? An outsider would dare to break into this place, but is it really enough to live?"

And just after Chu Feng coughed dryly, a voice that seemed to be floating in the air suddenly sounded behind Yu Chu Feng at this moment.

Hearing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a numbness in his back, and the cold air rushed through his head.

Chu Feng hurriedly turned his head to look behind him, and what appeared in front of him at this time was the eyes that exuded the blue "color" light.

"who are you?"

Looking at those eyes, Chu Feng suddenly took a few steps back, questioning with a guarded look on his face.

"I should ask you this sentence, how did you get here? Who brought you here?"

The mysterious man's voice gradually became closer to reality, no longer floating in the air like before, but after the reality, his voice gradually appeared old.

Chu Feng slackened slightly, and the previous sense of mystery gradually weakened at this moment.

"My business, I am afraid it is not your turn to ask! I came here only because I was curious, wanting to see what's in it!

If it is unintentional to offend you, then I can only apologize to you, after all, that is not my intention! "

Chu Feng's attitude was pretty good. Of course, his current nuclear energy would not last long.

"I know you are curious. I don't know how many curious people have been here over the years, but it's a pity that they have never gone out since they came here!

Now, you have become like them, but I don’t know if you will end up like them! "

The mysterious man said with a dumb voice, and as he was speaking, his figure gradually became clear.

In fact, the palace is still extremely dark, but Chu Feng's eyesight has improved little by little!

"I can see you!"

Chu Feng blinked vigorously, and when his eyes gradually became clear from blurry, the appearance of the mysterious person in front of him also became extremely clear.

It was an old man with wrinkles all over his face like that dry bark.

A dark and faint clothing was tightly wrapped around his thin body, and his hands were folded in front of him.

An old-fashioned oil lamp hung on his right index finger, but the wick of the oil lamp was already burnt out.


Including the glass cover, it was also covered with red and black spots.

"You have consumed the last bit of energy from the oil lamp. If you can't leave here, I am afraid that no one will be able to enter this palace!

I hope you will become the lucky one. Of course, my hope will not play any role for you. After all, this is not originally decided by me! "

The mysterious old man slowly left his hands in front of him, then walked to the corner of the palace, and set the lamp Liu Dong on the corner of the wall.

Chu Feng stared at the old man intently, but at this moment, his eyes were also faint, and the light blue "color" radiated out.

However, he himself did not realize this!

"What is hidden in this palace? My curiosity about it is more than just seeing things in the dark!"

Chu Feng wanted to ask the old man some more questions. But he didn't want to make this topic too straightforward. After all, he didn't understand what the old man's temper was. In case he got annoyed by asking questions, Chu Feng was really worried that he would be unable to take it down!

After placing the oil lamp, the old man slowly straightened up. At this moment, he still looks thin and weak, but he looks a bit older than before.

"This palace has many places worth exploring, but before you explore, I can't reveal the slightest to you!

If you are interested, you can go to the depths of the palace to take a look. I can assure you that the scene inside is much more exciting than here!

But besides the excitement, there are also hidden dangers. If you are ready, then go inside!

I will guard the door for you here. This process takes three hours. If you can walk out smoothly after three hours, you will get an unexpected surprise! "The old man said.

"If I can't get out, does that mean I will die inside?" Chu Feng asked.

The old man shook his head and said, "No one knows where the failed person will go, because as long as the person who fails, he will never appear in this world again!

Whether it is people in this world or outsiders, this law will not change in any way, so if this happens, then only you will know what you will experience after failure! "

"It sounds like it's dangerous! But it's even more curious!

Also, if I don't go in! Does that mean that I don't need to accept such a test? Chu Feng then asked.

"You have no reason to refuse. As long as you come here, it means you are the one chosen by this palace! Whether you want to accept all of this willingly or not, as long as you come here, there will be It means you have made this decision!

So now you have no choice, if you want to escape, then I will be your greatest resistance!

And even if you kill me, you will never be able to leave this palace.

Believe me, don't try blindly, because my existence here is not unreasonable. At the beginning, I also felt that things did not seem to be that complicated!

But the facts proved that my thinking was wrong. Not only did I not leave here, but I was imprisoned here forever, my soul was looted, and my freedom was permanently lost! "

The old man seemed to be introducing his history of blood and tears to Chu Feng, and his whole body would tremble a little when he was excited.

In his verbal expression, Chu Feng believed that he shouldn't lie. If all this is an illusion, it can only be said that his acting skills are too good, and it is so good that it is unacceptable.

"Okay! It seems that this is indeed a kind of ordeal for me. Although curiosity killed the cat, I still hope that my curiosity will not make me the killed cat!"

Chu Feng sighed for a long time, but he made a decision!

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