Whimsical System

Chapter 1051: The end of the narrow passage

"No one will say whether it is right or wrong. In fact, this matter is not a kind of ordeal. If you can benefit from it, maybe you will be grateful for it, but it is very Few people can do this!

At least in my age, no one has been able to do this! "

The old man's answer really made Chu Feng wonder whether he should be happy or sad!

The so-called disaster does exist at this moment, after all, the old man is a living example! As for things like benefits, although they are also from the old man, their true "sex" is still unknown.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided! I don't have any extravagant hopes. Since this matter has fallen on me, then I will consider myself bad luck!

I just hope that this matter will have a good ending, and I don't plan to get any benefits. I just want to be able to leave here safely! "

Chu Feng sighed for a long time, then he said goodbye to the old man and turned to the depths of the palace.

There was a cool breeze deep in the palace, and the temperature obviously dropped a lot when I first entered the palace.

That cold touch didn't just act on Chu Feng's body, even the surrounding facilities of the palace faintly exuded that kind of shady breath.

If it was a scorching summer day, then this would really feel so pleasant.

But at present, within this space, it is already close to late autumn. Although the afternoon is mild, it is not too hot.

And in such an environment, coming to such a place is not a good enjoyment!

Since Chu Feng was able to see the palace facilities clearly, he walked in the palace, and he has also become much more comfortable coming and going.

The place where he and the old man were just now was a hall, and its range was not too wide at least, but it was also enough to walk a certain distance.

After passing through the hall, the first thing I came to was a corridor where various calligraphy and paintings were displayed.

On both sides of the corridor, there were neatly lined up with locked doors.

And the door is still covered with dust, which shows that it should have been a long time without anyone cleaning it.

The corridor is very long and narrow, and the visibility is also very low. Even though Chu Feng can now see things clearly in the darkness, he still cannot return to his normal state.

Before leaving, the old man had told him that the true core of this palace was in the depths of the palace.

And if you want to reach the depths of the palace, you have to go to the end of the corridor.

According to the old man, it takes at least an hour to pass through this corridor, and you have to run as hard as you can!

Since Chu Feng's movement speed was higher than that of ordinary people at this time, in Chu Feng's view, perhaps he could walk to the end of this passage in less than an hour.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thinking was nothing more than his own guess.

An hour later, when he looked at the corridor that was still a little way, he couldn't help but "show" a wry smile.

At this moment, he seemed to be slapped by reality, and he didn't have any ability to resist.

auzw.com "The ghost knows why this passage was designed like this, isn't it an hour's journey? Why hasn't it come to an end now?"

Chu Feng was talking to himself, there was no sound around at this moment, and now there is no memory.

"There is no need to complain, the distance of this passage is originally fixed, but your speed is slower!"

About a few minutes after Chu Feng's complaint, Lao Chu's voice suddenly sounded.

Speaking of Lao Chu, this is the first time he has spoken in this space. However, Lao Chu did indeed have such a temper. Basically, he was unwilling to speak in normal times.

Only when Chu Feng suffered a catastrophe, or was bored in every way, would Lao Chu appear at this critical moment.

"Old Chu, I thought you would never show up again!"

For Lao Chu's appearance, this has basically become the normal state that Chu Feng recognizes.

Therefore, even though Lao Chu appeared very suddenly, Chu Feng was still not surprised at all.

"When a group of you stay together, what's the point of me showing up? I am afraid there is no help other than making them doubt you!

And now, when you are alone and helpless, if I don't show up, can you solve the current troubles alone? "

What Lao Chu said is more reasonable, and Chu Feng is indeed true about this. There is no reason to refute!

"Okay! What you said makes sense, but now this passage is really annoying, and my complaint just now was just a little annoying!" Chu Fengxiang explained to Lao Chu.

"Understandable! After all, your temper has always been like this. It's just anger to anger. Some things should be solved, and we can't relax!

From the current point of view, this channel should almost reach the end! It’s just that I always feel that there is something wrong with this, and I can’t say why! "Old Chu frowned, "showing" a sad expression on his face.

Chu Feng looked at Lao Chu, and asked worriedly, "Old Chu, things shouldn't be that serious! I have never seen you'showing' such an expression! Did I really encounter something this time? Big trouble?"

"It's still not certain, but this matter should not be that simple! Chemistry, we should really prepare for it, in case something happens, we should be prepared!"

Old Chu shook his head solemnly. At this moment, he had no way of guaranteeing this matter. Although he wanted to do this, sometimes it was not what he thought he could do!

"Hoo~Should I go there? It's really impossible. I just go back and forget it. Anyway, he doesn't know if I got here!"

Chu Feng let out a sigh of relief, and then asked Old Chu for advice.

"It's better not to take risks like this. Since he tells you, he will become like him when he goes back! Do you want to take that risk?

In my opinion, since we have come here, we have to go over and take a look anyway. Even if there are many dangers, it is better than unexplained bad luck! "

Old Chu can be regarded as giving Chu Feng enough confidence. Although he didn't have much confidence when he said this sentence, he finally said what he should say!

"Okay! Since you have said so, then I won't hesitate anymore! Let's go, I'll see what the **** is in front of me!"

With Lao Chu's encouragement, Chu Feng straightened his heart and walked forward with his teeth.

The long and narrow passage before suddenly became shallow and short at this moment. It was almost that the less Chu Feng didn't want to go forward, the shorter the distance!

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