Whimsical System

Chapter 1061: Bottom of river cave

"Whether you want to believe it or not, no matter how you think about it, since my decision has been made, I won't go against it again!

I want to choose the fastest way, even if the final result is not satisfactory, as long as I make that choice, then I will bear all the consequences!

You don't have to think about good or bad things for me at all. Naturally, I will be responsible for the decisions you make, and you are just a person who advises me!

I need to leave here. Time is very important to me. Although my real time will not be affected by how long I stay here, this time I am not alone, so I have to be responsible for others!

Since you are responsible, you must have an adventurous spirit, so you don't have to do anything to confirm, this matter, long before I decided, there was already a result! "

Chu Feng's answer was definitely the ultimate and reliable. He didn't have any decision to change his mind. No matter how much red light said, no matter how many reminders, he would still not change.

"Okay! I never like to force others. Since you made this choice, I can only hope that you can do it yourself!

Time may not really be very important to you, but life is extremely valuable to everyone!

If you just bet your life for time, I really have no way to evaluate whether you are doing it right or wrong, because I have never seen a reckless person like you!

Recklessness, loss of reason, loss of one's true thoughts, but this is also a good thing, after all, things that need some mood to appear here, and new things must have some novel people!

Obviously you are the novel person, maybe your appearance will bring some changes here! At least, this is the result I hope! "

The red light woman has stopped persuading, at this moment, she just made some sighs!

"Where should I go next? I don't want to wait anymore!"

All Chu Feng's attention was focused on the next process, so the questions he raised at the moment were all about follow-up matters.

"But the red light on you may last for a long time, and during this time, you will be able to walk around in this palace!

I told you before that this palace is much more complicated than you think, and now is the real time for you to explore this palace!

Before this, no one can remind you, and no one knows what you will encounter next. In short, all this is unknown!

I know that the unknown is a horrible existence for any person, and it is precisely because of this horrible existence that most people stand still!

And now that you have gotten rid of this horror, then you can rely on your own ideas to move forward!

When the passage should appear, it will naturally appear in front of you, and your heart will tell you where to go!

The road is very long and it is destined to be a thrilling journey. In that passage, you will not feel the existence of time!

Three hours are enough for you to use, don’t worry, don’t panic, make your most correct decision until you find the real exit!

I will always be here waiting for you, I believe you will come back, because the red light will guide you here! "

The red woman seemed to have anticipated everything after that, but at this time she was unwilling to tell Chu Feng.

"Perhaps! After all, there is still a promise between you and me!"

auzw.com Chu Feng nodded, and then embarked on a journey to a new road.

At the end of the red light, there is a dark passage, and at the end of the passage is a river.

The river is swift, and there is a bare wall on the opposite bank.

Chu Feng stood on the bank of the river thinking for a long time, but finally jumped down.

He didn't know whether the next road was at the bottom of the river or at a certain corner of the river.

Always, he can't see the direction without going down the river, so there is nothing wrong with his decisiveness!

As soon as Chu Feng fell into the river, his body dropped sharply, as if there was a huge suction force deep in the river, pulling his body.

As a result, he couldn't get rid of the **** of that kind of pressure at all. As a result, under the action of that suction, Chu Feng's body grew deeper and deeper.

The powerful water pressure pressed Chu Feng's body, making him uncomfortable.

During the process, he tried to breathe several times, but he finally held it back!

After all, he also knew it was underwater, and if he really started breathing, his lungs would become a water bag filled with water.

And if that happens, his life will come to an end.

So just under his patience, even if the water pressure had increased to an unbearable level, he still tried his best to resist it.

Until the blood came out of his mouth, he was still working hard to resist the water pressure!

Finally, just when Chu Feng was about to reach the critical point of his life, this downward trend was finally relieved.

The huge suction suddenly disappeared without a trace at this moment, as if it had never appeared before.

And Chu Feng also saw the exit of the new passage.

The new channel is set up at the bottom of the river, but even under the action of strong water pressure, there is still no drop of water in the channel.

It's just that the "tidal" wet environment brings a strong sense of discomfort to people.

Chu Feng's body still emits red light, and under the reflection of our rainbow light, the dark hole "hole" also has a little light.

When he first entered the passage, Chu Feng couldn't help coughing several times, but until after walking for nearly a few minutes, the echo of Chu Feng's cough still didn't disappear.

From this we can also see how narrow and long this passage is.

"I have a strong hunch that there must be other people in this passage!" During the walk, Chu Feng suddenly said such a sentence, which he said specifically to Lao Chu.

"Why do you have this idea?" Lao Chu didn't know why Chu Feng had such a premonition, so he could do it right now. It was just a curious question.

"I can't tell the reason!" Chu Feng shook his head blankly, "I just have such a feeling, and I also believe that my feeling should not go wrong!"

"I have never seen it before, you are so confident, maybe I should try to believe it too!" Lao Chu responded in a low voice to Chu Feng, and at this moment, there was a mess in his heart.

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