Whimsical System

Chapter 1062: Wrong cave

"The front should be the end of the passage! Although I don't know what is there, the feeling in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. I hope this feeling can make me psychologically prepared. I don't want to be that The guy who suddenly appeared was shocked!"

When approaching the end of the passage, Chu Feng made himself smile specially. Although there is nothing to please, but showing a smile, it will always make people look relaxed, even if it is reluctant!

At the end of the passage, there is a cave "acupoint" like a karst cave. Although this kind of cave "acupoint" appears here very unreasonable, its specifications and structure are not abnormal with the underground cave "acupoint".

Chu Feng walked slowly into the cave "acupoint", and when he looked around, he suddenly discovered that something seemed to be attached to the top of the cave "acupoint".

Chu Feng raised his arm high, and gathered the red light of his body with the arm to make it appear brighter.

And just as the light of the arm gradually illuminated the top of the hole, a black shadow suddenly came behind Chu Feng.

All of this seemed like a trap. The weird feature at the top of the cave first attracted Chu Feng's attention, and then came silently behind Chu Feng.

It's just a pity that his so-called quietness is due to lack of technology after all. As a result, when he came behind Chu Feng, Chu Feng instantly discovered his existence.

And immediately afterwards, Chu Feng retreated several steps, pulling a distance from him.

"What a long time! I have waited for so long and finally someone has come here! Did you come here to find me, or do you want to pass through here?"

The voice made by the black shadow was very peaceful, and even had a kind of kind feeling.

Just relying on the voice, you can't tell the person's "nature" at all.

Therefore, it is precisely because of the existence of this idea that Chu Feng's vigilance is even stronger.

"who are you?"

Chu Feng did not answer Sombra's question, but instead issued a rhetorical question.

"You don't even know who I am, you dare to appear here, you should look like an outsider, right?"

"Yes, I came here from the outside world! And this is everything I have experienced. It is an accident. Right now I don't want to trouble anyone, I just want to leave here!

If I did not offend you, then please give me a convenience and let me get out of here! "

Chu Feng said unsmilingly, even during this process, he had asked for the shadow, but his tone was not relieved by this.

"Your appearance is an influence for me, but I really like to be influenced by others. After all, I am alone here, it is too lonely!

In addition, although I don't want to tell you about this, I still want to remind you out of kindness!

Just now you said that you came here because you wanted to leave. Did you know that this cave has no so-called exit!

If you really want to leave here, then you cannot enter the river, because once you get caught in the river, you will definitely be taken here!

Once you come here and want to leave, it is not easy! Maybe what I said is more pessimistic, but this is true!

auzw.com Now if you have any other plans, you can try it too! As the host here, I like to be friends with outsiders, because maybe the two of us will stay here forever!

Therefore, in order to get along more harmoniously in the future, I generally do not want to conflict with outsiders!

In addition, I will not stop you from leaving here, as long as you are able to leave, then you can try, but in the process of trying, you have to make some corresponding contributions! "

The black shadow does have kind thoughts, and he is stranger than the old man and the red light woman Chu Feng had seen before.

However, Chu Feng's view of him only stopped before he said the last sentence.

When Sombra said that he needed to make a certain contribution, Chu Feng's face changed.

"What do you want me to give you? I tell you that under normal circumstances I don't make sacrifices voluntarily. You should be able to understand that since I can bear the pressure of the water to come here, it means that I still have a certain Strength!"

Although I don't know what the purpose of the black shadow is, Chu Feng has indeed expressed his attitude first!

"Don't be nervous, I never said that I wanted to rob you of anything! In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't give it. I will not "force" anyone, I just say if you think it is possible, then you can Choose to pay something, and then use it in exchange for other assistance!

Basically, you can understand my idea as a transaction. The two of us cannot try to be a businessman. As long as the prices are equal, then we can make a deal with each other! "

The words of the black shadow made Chu Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that he was nothing more than an exchange with Chu Feng, not a violent means such as plunder!

Therefore, after hearing Sombra's explanation, Chu Feng can be regarded as having a better impression of Sombra!

Of course, this good impression is always relative, at least until Chu Feng has fully understood Sombra, Chu Feng will never believe him.

"I don't have anything to exchange with you now, if I really need it, I will find you!" Chu Feng said.

"Okay! If you need it, just call me directly, I will always stay in this hole!

If you want to leave here, leave the cave and return to the river! As long as you can resist the gravitational force of this river, then you may leave here!

However, this process may be more difficult, and it is also dangerous! To be honest, someone has tried it before, like you!

They are just like what you just said, since they can come here, it also shows that they have a certain strength.

But in the end, they still died in the river, and after entering the river, they returned to the cave again. There was only one person for so many years! "Shadow reminded.

"What about that person?"

When Sombra mentioned the relevant case, Chu Fengdang was interested.

"How can there be any later, I will come back naturally when I come back, but the injury is already too serious to treat!"

In the end, he only lasted for three days before he was gone! Later, I thought it was troublesome to clean up, and just threw his body into the river. Now it should have been swallowed by the river too! "

Hei Yingfeng said lightly, he didn't seem to take this matter to his heart!

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