Whimsical System

Chapter 1067: Free in the channel

"You seem to have completely mastered your red light ability?"

When the red light appeared, Lao Chu asked casually. At this moment, he wanted to get the answer, but he was not completely aiming at the answer!

"I have already grasped this rule when I was poured into the water. Although it is more complicated, it is much simpler than swimming in the water!

Although I don't know the origin of this red light, at least for now he is still harmful to me!

So I will use it for the time being, as long as it will not do me any harm, then I will let it exist forever! "

Chu Feng explained more thoroughly. Although he didn't mention a word about the details, he had fully expressed his thoughts and the like.

"Are you going in?"

After listening to Chu Feng's explanation, Old Chu never mentioned the matter of Hongguang again.

But the topic turned and returned to this channel again.

"Yeah! I am ready. Although my body has not fully recovered, there is still no problem on the way!"

Chu Feng nodded, and then opened the door to enter.

However, just as he was about to take a step, Old Chu reminded him again at this moment.

"Be careful of what's inside. Although I haven't seen anything, I always have such a hunch!

In addition, it is always good to be cautious, lest any accidents really happen and you have no way to deal with it! "

Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at Lao Chu behind him, then nodded softly, which was considered an answer.

Then he pushed the door and walked in, and when the door was completely opened, the whole picture of the passage was completely presented in front of Chu Feng.

In fact, relatively speaking, the passage that currently appears in front of Chu Feng is indeed just a passage.

The walls around the passage are very neat, and you can see that they were built by man.

Although there is a lot of dust accumulation on the walls, the patterns carved on the walls are still very clearly visible.

Looking around, it seems that the murals above the passage are connected together. Although I don't understand what is painted on it, it is undeniable that this mural does have some level of art.

"I have never seen anything like this! Originally I thought that this kind of crafts only exist in the real world. It seems that I am holding back!"

Chu Feng looked around and said with emotion.

"It's just some murals, and there is nothing magical. In fact, the level of these murals is relatively low.

It's just that its range is relatively large, so it looks very shocking! "

Compared to Chu Feng, Lao Chu seemed calmer, as if he had seen even more magnificent murals before.

Hearing Lao Chu's words, Chu Feng first turned his head and glanced, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "showing" a smile.

Although he didn't know why Lao Chu said this sentence, Chu Feng appreciated the rebelliousness that Lao Chu showed.

auzw.com is in the tunnel, everything around is quiet, not even the slightest sound of wind has ever appeared.

And in this quiet environment, Chu Feng could even hear his own heartbeat.

The passage is very long, and there is no end in sight. If it weren't for the difference in the murals, Chu Feng would think that he might be stepping in place.

"I don't know how long this passage is. This palace doesn't seem to be that big, but why are there so many weird places hidden inside!"

During the walk, Chu Feng complained every once in a while. In fact, it wasn’t that he really wanted to say this sentence, but that he was really boring, so he wanted to say it to relieve his boredom. Change your mind.

At this time, Lao Chu seemed to have guessed his thoughts, so when he complained, under normal circumstances, Lao Chu would not answer!

Unless it was in Chu Feng, when he took the initiative to ask Lao Chu, Lao Chu would respond with a symbolic "sex".

Although the length of the passage has certain requirements for physical strength, it is not troubled by Chu Feng.

In contrast, this boring atmosphere and the unknown fear were what Chu Feng really couldn't bear.

It's just that although it is said to be unbearable, it is only a statement after all. There is nothing in this world that is unbearable. As long as it is still alive, it can endure everything!

"I don't know how long it will be. Old Chu, can you go ahead and take a look, after all, your speed is very fast, maybe you can find something before me!"

After a long time, Chu Feng suddenly made this proposal, which made Lao Chu feel a little baffled.


Old Chu's question was also a little stupid. Since Chu Feng said this at this time, it meant that he wanted to let him act as soon as possible.

But he asked the time foolishly.

"The sooner the better, if you can act now, then start now!"

Lao Chu's question did not have much impact on Chu Feng, and when Lao Chu asked this question, he gave Lao Chu the most accurate answer.

"Okay! Then I'll go ahead and take a look first. You can slow down appropriately, so as not to be really dangerous at the time, you have no time to escape!"

Before leaving, Lao Chu made a random order, and then disappeared deep in the passage.

Since Lao Chu is currently in a personality state, his movement speed is absolutely unmatched by any living body.

After all, what he has is the ability to shuttle, not the ability to move, and this kind of shuttle is also based on his thoughts and is controlled at will.

That means that as long as Old Chu wants to do it, he can reach the end of this passage in an instant.

Three seconds later, Old Chu returned. Everything seemed like it had never happened before, and the only thing that changed was Old Chu's expression.

"what happened?"

Seeing Lao Chu's face turned pale, Chu Feng realized that there seemed to be something wrong with this matter, so he hurriedly asked.

"Things may not be very good, there seem to be some other people in front of them! It's just that those people seem a little strange, they all seem to be in an unconscious state.

But even if they were not conscious, they were still able to find my existence very easily. If it weren't for my ability to return instantly, I am afraid that at this moment, I was caught by them! "

Old Chu looked like he was still in shock, and from his expression, one could also see how thrilling what happened just now!

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