Whimsical System

Chapter 1068: The power of fusion personality

"What exactly is the unconscious you are referring to, do they have no ability to think at all, or are they wandering around in the tunnel like no soul?"

Chu Feng didn't seem to understand this point of view, so he started to inquire about this point.

Old Chu took a deep breath, calmed his emotions a little, and then replied: "Their state at the time was not that they were not mindless, but that they had lost their subjective consciousness. In other words, they lost their personality. , But has a soul!

So this is because there is a soul, so they discovered my trace, and I can see from their actions, they seem to want to imprison me, and then make me their new personality ! "

Lao Chu's introduction instantly made Chu Feng feel the seriousness of the matter. What was said before is not important, and this last sentence, wanting to make Lao Chu their new personality, is the key.

If Old Chu's guess is correct, that is to say, those guys already have the ability to assimilate other personalities at this moment.

Although this was just Old Chu's guess, in Chu Feng's view, it was a very serious matter.

Because if it is true, that old Chu and Chu Feng's other personalities will be in danger.

So at this moment Chu Feng began to hesitate, how should this matter be resolved? There is such a hidden danger, whether this passage will go or not.

"Old Chu, it's not that I'm suspicious, but it's this matter.

In case they really want to seek personality. Then when I go over, it can really be said to be a sheep's mouth!

Not to mention whether I'm their opponent, it's just that they want to plunder the personality, that's enough to make me headache!

Moreover, they are still a group of unconscious guys, and since they are unconscious, it means that they are fearless at all, so it is even more difficult to deal with them! "

Chu Feng explained all his worries together, and at this time he had no need to hide Old Chu.

After all, he still needs Old Chu to make suggestions for himself!

"This matter does have certain risks, but now you turn around and go back, it is also not the way!

Along the way, you have experienced many things, but no matter how difficult it is, not all have survived!

If you go back now, both that woman and that old guy will become your enemies. Although my words are a bit too one-sided, this is also possible!

And the previous thing, that is just my speculation. Moreover, compared to the two guys before, I actually feel that the danger in front of the passage is even smaller! "

Lao Chu's mood at this time was more obvious, that is, no matter what, he didn't want to go back!

After all, they have already arrived here at this time. If they turn around and return, it will be equivalent to the previous efforts, all in vain!

First of all, this approach was not a good choice for Chu Feng, and it was no different, so he chose another disaster.

Under the influence of Old Chu, Chu Feng's hesitation was gradually changing.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't really want to go back, after all, he also knew what he would face after returning.

And the reason why he had this idea right now was because he was worried that Old Chu would be in danger.


After all, when Lao Chu went there just now, he had already experienced an extinction disaster. If he came again like this, the result would be somewhat unpredictable!

In addition, because of the large number of personalities in his body, there are many more directions for this kind of things to happen!

No matter which personality was plundered, it was not a good thing for Chu Feng.

Therefore, it is precisely because of Chu Feng's concerns in this regard that he has been hesitant to make a decision!

"Chu Feng, based on what I know about you, you are definitely not the kind of person who fears the head, and the reason why you have such worries right now is probably because of me!

In fact, you don't have to worry about this at all. No matter whether they have the ability to plunder personality or not, I can save myself!

Even if there is an accident at that time, we can merge with each other!

Until then, as long as we merge, even if they have moved and want to plunder my mind, they still can't do this!

Two personalities that merge with each other will be a weight that no soul can carry!

So about this, you don’t have to worry about it, we have our own way of security, and for us, they are just a group of irrational opponents! "

After Lao Chu found the cause of the problem, he immediately prescribed the right medicine and persuaded Chu Feng to come.

After listening to Old Chu's persuasion, Chu Feng also gradually relieved his heart.

The method proposed by Lao Chu can indeed solve Chu Feng's current doubts.

Although what Chu Feng was worried about at the moment was not just Lao Chu's personality.

But when Old Chu asked for personality integration, Chu Feng got hope at that moment.

Personality fusion, this has always been Chu Feng's enthusiastic direction, but in most cases to avoid swallowing Old Chu, such a state of fusion basically rarely occurs.

And when Lao Chu took the initiative to propose this idea this time, it was Dang Even that aroused Chu Feng's keen interest.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng is attracted by the dangers ahead, he is not afraid.

"Well! If the fusion personality can really achieve this effect, then it's not a bad idea to try it once!"

Chu Feng deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, but in fact he was already expecting it now.

"If you want to change your mind, it seems that only personality integration can help me!" Lao Chufeng sighed first with a smile on his face.

Then he comforted Chu Feng and said: "Don't worry, personality fusion will always be a state that is difficult for the soul to load!

Not to mention that they don't have many souls at all, even if they really have the right soul, then they absolutely can't do this!

After all, tearing the soul apart is a very dangerous thing! In addition, we can also give them the best and strong blow when they tear their souls. At that time, they will not only have no way to forcibly assimilate their personality, but will be forced to take their own souls as a price!

In short, no matter how you think about this matter, no matter from which level you think about it, we all have an absolute advantage! "

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