Whimsical System

Chapter 1084: Souls appearing one after another

"You should understand that you will never be able to defeat him. He is the soul that really occupies the subject. If he disappears, you will eventually cease to exist!

I don't want to have a war between you. There is no hostile relationship between you. It's just that you have entered a misunderstanding that you have never understood. That's why you have this idea!

I can try to get you out of that misunderstanding, and I can also give you some relief, but I hope you can get along with Chu Feng peacefully. He does not know your existence yet, and you are looking for him In the process of sneaking out, your appearance is nothing but harm to him!

As his friend, I only hope to save him, not to hurt him! "

Old Chu said solemnly, at this moment he didn't think he could persuade Chu Feng.

What he thinks now is to wake up the real Chu Feng through his own words.

It's just a pity that the few words he just said didn't seem to have such a big effect. At least in the current situation, Chu Feng's awakening still has an uncertain "sex"!

"You want to save him. This is indeed a good wish. He is very lucky to have friends like you! It's just that you are just a personality of him, nothing more than the comparison of the time between you. Many, so I have a little understanding!

But if someone suddenly tells you that you do not belong to his soul, then will you feel alienated from him again! "

Chu Feng's words seemed to be faintly trying to express something, but he didn't finish the sentence, and those he hadn't said before became a more noticeable mystery.

"Whether he belongs to my soul or not, this will not affect the relationship between me and him!

He regarded me as a friend, so he said it was a friend relationship between personalities, but this one does not allow anyone to question it!

I don't care what you think about it, since I have already identified this matter. Then you will never be influenced by others, I advise you to put away your thoughts!

It is not my impulse to save him, but I know I should do it, so I must do it! "

Regarding the answer to this matter, Lao Chu hardly thought through his brain, and all the words spewed out like a cannon at that moment.

And the purpose is to completely dispel Chu Feng's current thoughts.

"Yes! You do have a bit of courage! However, this will not have any impact on me. I still use the previous sentence, this body is occupied by me, as long as I want to stay Here, no one can stop me!"

The arrogance that Chu Feng showed was actually an eye-opener to Old Chu, but the moment Chu Feng finished saying this, the green light in his eyes did suddenly flicker.

Immediately afterwards, it disappeared faintly, replaced by a black and brown "color".

"You may be too arrogant!"

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose slightly at this moment, and his abusive smile was indescribable.

At that moment, Lao Chu felt a familiar feeling, but the familiarity was too far away, so far away that Lao Chu could not imagine.

"Chu Feng..." Old Chu tentatively called out.

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Feng turned his head to him, while the corners of his mouth were still raised.

The smile made people look horrified, and a fierceness from the inside out was acting on Old Chu's body madly.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time? Do you remember me?"

auzw.com Chu Feng suddenly asked Lao Chu such a sentence, and it was precisely such a query that directly pulled Lao Chu's memory back to a long time ago.

"You are... the dark side..."

Old Chu's eyes widened. After that, he couldn't believe that the dark side of Chu Feng appeared in front of him again.

The green light Chu Feng just now clearly said that the dark side had escaped, but now the dark side had already appeared in front of him.

All of this is just like a dream, and the speed of time can no longer describe the current changes.

What a crazy thing this is, the extreme madness is unacceptable.

"Why did you appear? The soul just said that you are already..."

"What else does he know, confused guy, can't even grasp the timing!"

If he can have half of my mind, then he won't be replaced by me!

Old Chu, now I suddenly understand that you belong to me!

I've always ignored you before, and if it weren't for his reminder, maybe I would never have thought of this!

But now that I understand, then you can show me your loyalty quickly! As long as you can promise to work for me, then I won't be overly pursued for what you did before!

This is a steady profit without loss of business, as long as you trust me very much, then what you will get in the future will never be comparable now! "

Chu Feng on the dark side made a promise to Old Chu, and this promise seemed to contain a lot of things.

Whether it was betrayal or profit, it seemed that it was a good thing for Old Chu.

But even so, Lao Chu still rejected the dark side of Chu Feng.

"This is indeed a very interesting topic, but now I don't have the heart to think about it!

For me, besides being deeply shocked by your appearance, I am afraid that the rest is just worry!

Do you know how much trouble you caused us the last time you showed up? Your arrogance will eventually harm yourself, and I will also be implicated because of you!

So basically there is no need for you to narrate, I can clearly predict what kind of result I will have!

So, you'd better put away this thought! The two of us are not suitable. I work for you. Apart from letting myself face death faster, I am afraid there will be no other results! "

Old Chu's answer was very firm. While he rejected the dark side, he did not leave himself any retreat!

As a result, his words directly caused the dark side to be embarrassed and plunged into an embarrassing situation.

And in that embarrassing process, the anger of the dark side was also spontaneous!

"I thought you were a smart guy, but I didn't expect you to become so confused after leaving me!

Maybe you don't know that everything you have now is given to you by me. If you don't have me, you are just an ordinary personality! "

The dark face and Feng Feng glared at Old Chu, with both hands clasped into fists, as if he would shoot at Old Chu anytime and anywhere.

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