Whimsical System

Chapter 1085: Ask for soul

"I don't want to refute this. I did get a lot of benefits from you, but it doesn't mean that I want to obey your orders!

Now you are just a state of soul, no matter what your thoughts, you will never escape the shackles of the soul!

Chu Feng will return one day, he is the original soul, no matter how much you suppress, you can't change this!

Maybe during this period, you will want to do something that makes people feel very headache, but in the end, your disappearance is also an inevitable and certain thing! "

The threat of the dark side and the wind did not have any effect on Old Chu.

Old Chu still maintains trust in Chu Feng, even though so many changes have occurred in the process, even if the current dark side Chu Feng has appeared in front of him, he has never retreated in the slightest.

"It's a farce for one's own infighting!"

But just after Lao Chu finished this sentence, a ridiculous laugh suddenly came from behind the two.

Lao Chu and the dark-faced Chu Feng looked up together, only to see a figure suddenly floated behind the door.

It was a soul suspended in the air, which no longer existed from the waist down.

Some are just a plume of smoke, trembling slowly in the air.

And with his arrival, the previously familiar heat wave is also coming!

"The heat just now came from your hands?" Lao Chu asked with a solemn expression like the soul in front of him.

The soul made a face at Lao Chu, like a child!

"Does it feel amazing? That is the power of the soul, just like the energy radiated from my body about this matter, the power of the soul has been circling in this space for a long time, and it is difficult to disperse!

It wasn't until you opened the door just now that the space became a little more spacious.

However, the power of the soul has some harm to you. For example, the appearance of this guy is just a living example! "

The soul stretched his hand to the dark face and said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's nonsense, my appearance is entirely because of my own strength, what does it have to do with you!"

The words of the soul obviously angered the dark side, and saw that his already clenched fists were slammed directly at the soul at this moment!

"You think too much! I don't have any physical body at all. With the current attack method, there is no way to hurt me at all, unless you can..."

As the soul spoke, he stretched out his palm in the air and printed it on the dark-faced head.

Then his palm suddenly mentioned, and the dark side Chu Feng was directly grabbed from Chu Feng's body by him!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng immediately regained consciousness.

And when he saw this scene before him, his heart couldn't help but chuckle.

Although he couldn't figure out what happened during his coma, but the situation before him had already given him some reminders!

"How is this going?"


Chu Feng is naturally more calm than Chu Feng on the dark side, so even if the current situation is not understood by him, he can still patiently ask!

"Chu Feng, you have finally woken up! Although I don't know why things turned out like this, but fortunately, you can wake up.

But you better stop him. Your dark side has appeared, and he has grabbed it from your body!

Now he doesn't know what to do with your dark side, if he wants to erase it, then I will disappear with it!

Now I am in a state of personality, and there is no way to threaten him, so I hope you can stop him! "

Old Chu looked eager, even though he knew that Chu Feng might not be able to do anything at all!

But when there is nothing to do, his only option is to go to the doctor in a hurry and let Chu Feng take a risk!

"Don't worry, I know!" Chu Feng nodded heavily, and then asked the soul, "Why do you want to grab my soul? Are you the master of the space?"

"It's a new soul again! Looking at you, you should be the original soul of this body, right?

Yes, it seems to be kinder than him! Now that you have asked this question, then I might as well tell you!

This soul has no harm to you, and if I solve him now, it is equivalent to helping you a lot!

If I were you, I would never stop, and I would be grateful! "

The soul held it with one hand, and said with a triumphant expression on the dark face that had already been "fainted".

"I don't care what you think, in short, since this is my soul, it can't be left to you!

I tell you, it is precisely because I don’t want to give my soul to others, that’s why I chose to come here. If I came here and still lost my soul, then the pain I have experienced before, isn’t it Too wronged! "

The red light "chaos" immediately wrapped Chu Feng's body.

The blazing temperature gradually spread within this space, which is somewhat in line with the warmth radiated from the previous soul.

"The red light, is it another helper sent by that woman? But looking at you, it doesn't seem like you have worked with that woman!"

Looking at the red light on Chu Feng's body, the brows of his soul frowned slightly. At this moment, the face of a woman appeared in his mind, but that face was not the red light woman Chu Feng had encountered in the first place!

"I don't know what you are talking about, but since you know the red light, you must know how powerful this red light is!

So if you are acquainted, I advise you to return your soul to me, otherwise, I will definitely make you look good! "

Chu Feng warned the soul with an angry look. Although he also had some worries in his heart at this moment, in front of the soul, he did not "expose" this worry.

"Although I really want to be your enemy, but this soul is of no use to me. If you want it, then give it back to you!"

As soon as Chu Feng spoke, his soul directly threw the dark side of Chu Feng back to Chu Feng.

And at the moment when Chu Feng on the dark side touched Chu Feng's body, an ice-cold breath instantly penetrated Chu Feng's head.

Then it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Chu Feng subconsciously took a few steps backwards, the cold and bitter feeling was a bit more painful than the previous river!

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