Whimsical System

Chapter 1086: Lonely soul

"Although you are saving your own fault, but now that you cooperate with me so much, I can barely thank you!

After all, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to wake up so quickly! "

The soul on the dark side was sent back, convulsed, and subconsciously let out a sigh of relief, and then whispered thanks to the soul.

"Chu Feng, why do you have to thank him! The soul of his family returned, it was originally to make up for his fault, and he did not help you!

do you know? The reason why this dark side was able to come out just now was because his soul power was at work!

If not, because of the soul power just now, the dark side may never appear again! "

Lao Chu didn't know where the grievance came from. As soon as Chu Feng thanked him, he immediately provoked Lao Chu full of grievances.

"Haha... it really is a personality derived from the soul, even speaking is so aggressive!

Now, if you can follow him, why not learn more with him? If you can cultivate your "sex" like him, perhaps the influence of this darkness on you can also be slightly reduced! "

For the current conversation between Chu Feng and Lao Chu, the soul didn't care too much.

Only occasionally, the soul made a warning to Old Chu.

It's really rare to think of things like this. Old Chu told Chu Feng from beginning to end, playing that mature and steady role.

But now suddenly someone jumped out to let Old Chu learn from Chu Feng, which is indeed a strange thing!

"It’s so strange! You don’t know me at all, why do you say this? To you, I’m just a stranger. Even if you are a soul, you can’t see through my heart. " Sex!

But there is one thing that you are right. I do belong to the dark side, but even if I belong to the dark side, there is a fundamental difference between me and him!

Otherwise, Chu Feng would definitely not allow me for so long! "

Due to the soul's judgment, even though Lao Chu felt it was unnecessary, he finally explained it to Chu Feng.

As the saying goes, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional. Even if Lao Chu feels that it doesn't matter anymore, he still has to consider Chu Feng's ideas.

In case Chu Feng really paid attention to this sentence, so that he doubted his own words, then this is really not worth it!

"What are you two talking about? Why can't I understand a single sentence? What is derived from the dark side, what on earth is Lao Chu all about?"

However, when Old Chu was still afraid that Chu Feng would understand all this, Chu Feng still didn't understand what was going on.

And when Chu Feng asked Lao Chu about this matter, Lao Chu was indeed in a dilemma for a while.

He really didn't know whether he should explain this to Chu Feng, after all, it was difficult for him to guess Chu Feng's thoughts.

In case Chu Feng had doubts "confused" to him from the dark side, after that, he really didn't know how to continue getting along with Chu Feng!

When Old Chu was hesitant, the soul on the side answered this question first.

"Looking at his embarrassed appearance, I guess he doesn't want to tell you! If that's the case, let me do it!


In fact, he came from the dark side, maybe you don't know his identity at all, just think he is an ordinary personality, but in fact, he comes from the dark side!

It's just that the dark side of him is a bit strange, maybe you know this, after all, he has to explain his origin to you!

Yes, he is from the future, the dark side of the future! "

The soul's explanation is clear enough, no matter how confused Chu Feng is, he can fully understand the beginning and the end of this matter from this explanation!

"It turns out that you are derived from the dark side. Although it is a little surprising, it is not surprising!

After all, Chu Yuenlang appeared with you. If one soul can derive two personalities, then the dark soul should be the two of you, right? "Chu Feng asked.


Who knows, just when Chu Feng thought there was nothing wrong with his guess, Lao Chu's answer was to directly let him slap him on the spot.


Chu Feng's eyes widened. He really couldn't believe that a guy like Chu Yuenlang didn't come from the dark side!

"Yes! Although Chu Yuenlang has the characteristics of the dark side, he is not the dark side!

In fact, he is in the same soul with you. And this is why, he insists on competing with you for this body!

Because he knows he comes from the original soul, his only competitor is you!

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, he should start planning for this matter! Although his plan failed in the end, his disappearance also weakened the power of your original soul!

If it weren't for Chu Yuenlang's disappearance, it might be impossible for other souls to suppress your original soul in terms of ability! "

At this moment, Lao Chu can be said to have explained all the previous mysteries. Whether Chu Feng knew it or didn't know, everything of this kind seemed to be connected at this moment!

"No wonder he can occupy your body. I thought it was my soul power that was helping him! It seems that there is something wrong with the body itself, and my soul power is only a urging effect. !"

The soul is more like a lively audience at this time. After he listened to Lao Chu's narration, he also made a comment with great interest!

"Could it be that no one has ever told you that there are too many words?" Lao Chu asked with an unhappy expression.

"Well... Someone has said before, such as the soul who was born with me, but he died later, I killed him personally!"

The soul said triumphantly, as if this was something worth showing off.

"Kill your own souls, I really don't know how you did this step. Could it be that you are also on the dark side?" Lao Chu said coldly.

"Of course I am not the dark side. Do you think the dark side is really so easy to appear? That is an extremely rare soul. Although the sound is very cunning, it is also extremely precious!

However, although I am not from the dark side, I can still do what the dark side can do!

It's just that in the past few years, I have been somewhat restrained, otherwise, from the moment you appeared, you would have died with me! "

The soul does not conceal his ostentation, as if anything can be said from his mouth, it will instantly become a good thing worthy of praise!

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