Whimsical System

Chapter 1087: Life of soul

"You seem to be very proud of this matter. Is this a good thing? Killing your own soul, isn't your survival also a tragedy?"

Chu Feng expresses his thoughts casually. There are many contradictions between the words of the soul and his thoughts. Although he cannot make the soul change his mind, he also wants to comment casually when there are things he can't understand. A few sentences.

"Is there any difference between us? Don’t forget, you also killed your own co-personality. If what I do makes you feel disgusting, then what you did may not be in line with your own. Ideas!

Therefore, there is almost no difference between the two of us, it's just that one is going too far, and the other is a little too much! "

As soon as the soul opened his mouth, he made himself and Chu Feng into a line, and his refutation made Chu Feng speechless!

"You're right, Chu Feng did kill his fellow personality. I think Chu Feng is reluctant to refute this point, but as a witness, I have something to say!

After all, this matter was not out of Chu Feng’s original intention. He killed his own personality, it was also to protect himself. If he couldn’t even protect himself, he would blindly inherit the ideas in his heart. What's the use?

So you are not qualified to talk about him, and there is a big gap between you and Chu Feng!

You are not the same kind of people at all, and what you think and do are not the same kind of things!

If you can understand what I said, maybe you should know what to do!

Although I don't know your identity at the moment, I can be sure of one thing, that is, your appearance does not help us at all, and you may even have an impact on us!

If you really have this mindset, I advise you to dispel it. After all, since we can come here, we will never fall there! "

Old Chu's hard-line attitude seems to have become stronger because of the advent of the dark side of the wind.

Even at a certain moment, Chu Feng felt that Old Chu had changed.

In fact, it is not just Chu Feng, even Lao Chu himself, he still thinks that he seems to have changed in some way.

And the changes in this area seem to be in a state of being unaware.

"The appearance of the dark side soul has an effect on your temper! However, no matter how great your temper is, you are just a personality after all!

Compared with the whole soul, the existence of personality does not seem to have any too specific effects!

You are arguing for him now, that is just to gain his favor, and I am extremely shameless to act like you!

Because if I were you, then I would definitely strive to fight for myself, not just to please others! "

Some changes that the soul deliberately said, what Old Chu thought, at this moment, the soul completely used itself in the position of Old Chu, living in the real place, talking about its own thoughts.

If you change to an ordinary person, even if you are unwilling to listen to the persuasion of the soul, then it may also be associated with this problem!

But this is not the case for Lao Chu at this time. When the soul said this, Lao Chu's first reaction was to ignore it.

No matter how vividly the soul speaks, Lao Chu always regards it as deaf ears!


Except for some noisy sounds, which echoed in his ears, he could no longer feel any noise!

The voice of the soul lags behind, and the corners of Lao Chu's mouth are raised slightly, and his face is relaxed, which makes the soul feel a little inexplicable.

"I really don't know if you listened to me or didn't listen to it! But looking at you, it seems that you have made your own decision!

Well, I don’t want to persuade me more! Anyway, the final result will be borne by you. As an outsider, no matter how much I say, it will not help you at all! "

"You can choose to give up, of course it is the best! After all, even if you say it, I won't listen!

But there is one thing that I want to discuss with you. You are a soul now, and you can live alone. That means you must have mastered the way of a soul alone!

I just don’t know, can you tell us this way, so that we can try your survival method temporarily! "

In a few words, Old Chu turned the topic to another place, and also brought up the most important aspect!

In fact, it is not uncommon for the soul to survive alone, because any capable host must have the ability to survive alone!

However, this type of situation seems to only appear between the hosts, and as to whether the current soul is the host or an ordinary creature, this seems to be an unsolved mystery.

Hearing that Lao Chu asked about the survival of the soul, the soul was also caught in a trace of past memories.

I think at the beginning, he also had a body, and he also had a soul, but unlike Chu Feng, because he is not a host, his soul state can only derive a personality.

Therefore, things like personality struggles will naturally not appear in him. However, since there is no personal struggle, the struggle between souls has become commonplace!

Years ago, when the soul was still interdependent with his co-living soul, his co-living soul had already appeared and wanted to monopolize the body!

Although in the end the soul won, but in this battle that lasted for several years, the soul gradually appeared degenerate.

In the so-called depravity, it mostly refers to depravity in thought.

And since killing his own co-born soul, the soul has been directly imprisoned here.

This space is like a cage, and within this cage, he is only imprisoned, the only guy who killed his reborn soul!

Now, Chu Feng's arrival can be regarded as bringing a trace of waves in his life to the soul.

In fact, there is one thing the soul has never said before.

That is, since he came to this space, Chu Feng was still the only one who broke into this place!

In fact, with the continuous transition of time, within this space, guys like souls who hunt down their own souls have gradually increased!

However, although they are also imprisoned here, they are not in the same time and space.

As for the relationship between them, it is also a kind of ethereal existence!

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