Whimsical System

Chapter 1093: Towering building

"This is probably the friendliest sentence I have ever heard in this period of time! If you can understand this, it will save me from getting upset!

Old Chu, we should go now, time is almost up! "

After the soul returned to the body again, Chu Feng briefly moved his limbs, and then greeted Old Chu to leave with him.

"Go, don't come back, you are such an annoying fellow!"

When Chu Feng and Old Chu left, their souls turned their backs to the two, their teeth clenched, and their voices were muffled between their lips and teeth.

"Don't worry, unless there is unnecessary trouble, I will never come back!"

Chu Feng said without looking back, the previous obstacles had disappeared at this moment, and the influence of the soul on Chu Feng basically ceased to exist!

Leaving that piece of void space, the exit to the outside world has also come to an end.

I saw a group of "mist" mist surging in front of him, just like the mist surrounding the mountains.

Chu Feng's eyes were blurred, and he couldn't tell what it was like. In short, the wet feeling was really uncomfortable!

When Chu Feng recovered again, he had already come outside the palace.

And the place he was at this time was actually the doorway where he entered the palace.

"It's like a world away! When I entered here, I didn't think about anything!

As a result, when I left, I had to go through so many hardships! But fortunately, all of this is over, and I have this ability for nothing! "

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth rose involuntarily, and then the red light spread from his surroundings.

"You should be more careful! In this space, we don't know much about many things! Be careful of your ability to leak out and be jealous of others!"

Old Chu reminded Chu Feng at the right time, except for the red light that Chu Feng just showed.

When he first came into contact with the soul, Chu Feng gained another ability.

The ability to separate his soul from his body, in fact, Chu Feng's adaptability is much stronger than that of his soul!

The soul thought that only he could take the soul out of the body of others, but in fact Chu Feng also mastered this trick in the process.

It's just that he didn't tell the soul, and for the soul, it was a gift given by thousands.

After all, if someone like him knows that Chu Feng also possesses this kind of ability, then he might be mad at death!

However, although Chu Feng already possesses this ability, he is not yet proficient in using it.

In addition, his strength has never been reached, and he can do such things in his body!

If you really want to take out the soul from the body, then Chu Feng must first remove his soul from the body.

As for this aspect of ability, Chu Feng has not yet mastered the proficiency, so if he really wants to use this ability, I am afraid it will take a certain amount of time to exercise.

And Chu Feng wasn't too anxious. After all, for things like this, you can't be anxious. Everything has to be improved gradually and gradually!

"It's time for us to go back, I have disappeared for so long, they must be anxious!"

After reducing the red light on his body, Chu Feng planned to go to find John and others.

auzw.com "I don't know how they are doing this investigation, I hope they did not violate your instructions!" Old Chu said.

"I feel more at ease about this. In fact, I am more worried about that guy!

You said that if I'm not here, if that guy suddenly comes to John and the others, will this cause any trouble?

After all, there is nothing too detailed between them and that guy. They were dizzy and agreed to him. Isn't it a trouble! "

What Chu Feng worries most is naturally referring to the bloated guy, and now he doesn't know how long he has spent in that passage!

If the time is really long, then John and others can't find it for themselves, then there may be other actions.

And if the bloated guy really came to them at this time, it would be really bad, what decision they would make.

Therefore, Chu Feng became more worried and worried as he thought about it, so he didn't want to stay here in the end.

It was just early at this time, and Chu Feng returned to his original position directly along the original road.

After some searching, Chu Feng actually found the traces of those people.

It's just that although the trail was found, no half of a person was seen.

After inquiries, Chu Feng learned that he had actually delayed two days in the palace.

What is strange is that in those two days, he did not feel any fatigue or hunger.

This seems to have entered a different time and space, and then has a time and space "chaos" with the real world. As a result, when he came out, he suddenly discovered that the real world had undergone earth-shaking changes!

After figuring out the reason, Chu Feng immediately made the decision to look for, John and others.

Afterwards, Chu Feng found a more prosperous street based on the traces he found and the narration of some hotel staff.

In the middle of the street, a towering building is extremely conspicuous.

At this time, according to the information currently held by Chu Feng, John and others were in this building.

It is said that the right to use this building is now in the hands of a mysterious figure named Lord Shisan.

At first, when Chu Feng heard the thirteenth master, he thought he had heard it wrong.

After all, in this space, how could such a real society name appear?

As a result, after repeated inquiries, Chu Feng gradually accepted this fact.

That's right, that mysterious guy is called Lord Shisan, that's just a title, a respectable title!

As for what his real name is, few people know it!

According to the owner of the hotel, this guy named Shisanye sent someone to contact John and others a day ago.

Several people discussed in the room for a long time, and then they followed the people sent by the Thirteenth Lord and left together!

As for why John and others would follow them to leave, the innkeeper didn't know the truth!

However, based on the situation described by the innkeeper, Chu Fengdian could also vaguely guess several possible "sex".

But now when Chu Feng came to the bottom of this building, the guess in his heart suddenly became blurred.

He didn't know whether his guess was correct. But anyway, now that you have come here, it is necessary to go in and take a look, no matter what the reason, you can know it by just taking a look!

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