Whimsical System

Chapter 1094: Fish in troubled waters

"Hello sir, please show your credentials!"

The entrance at the bottom of the building is guarded by specialized personnel, and besides the manned passage, there are many mechanical "sexual" objects blocking pedestrians!

"What credentials? I'm just curious to go in and take a look. Isn't this allowed?"

Chu Feng knew almost nothing about the situation here, and as for the documents mentioned by the guards, he had never heard of it!

So when he said this sentence, it was still forgivable, but his sentence directly exposed the fact that he did not have a document!

"Sir, sorry! If you don't have this, you can't go in. This is a place opened by someone. If you can't prove your identity, you can only wait outside!"

The guard's attitude was rather polite, but the current situation was somewhat different from what Chu Feng had envisioned.

"My friend is inside. They asked me to come. I'll find Lord Shisan. If you find this matter difficult to make people confident! Then you can naturally ask him, but if you delay my time, then this You will be responsible for the consequences!"

Chu Feng used a trick to fool the two guards!

They really don't know what kind of identity Chu Feng has. Although the name of the thirteenth master, almost everyone in the space knows it!

But like the kind of people who slander and deceive everywhere under the banner of the thirteenth master, they are very rare in this space, not to mention that this time Chu Feng still wants to enter the unique building of thirteenth master.

Therefore, they also had to consider this matter carefully.

"Is it convenient for you to wait here? I can check the situation for you first. If what you said is true, then we can naturally let you in!"

One of the guards had to be a little witty. When Chu Feng mentioned this, his first reaction was to check the situation!

Of course, when he verified the situation, it was just a cover, he was just a guard, how could he be qualified to verify the situation!

And the purpose of what he said was just to temporarily "sex", to verify Chu Feng's identity.

And, is this the only way to verify?

Because, if Chu Feng is a swindler, when he learns that the guard is going to verify the situation!

He is bound to be a little worried, and under his worry, maybe he escaped on the spot!

So if Chu Feng escaped, it would also mean that what Chu Feng just said was a lie!

But if Chu Feng did not leave, then it would also show that he at least has a certain amount of backbone!

Although this does not mean that he has the qualifications to enter the building, at least in the face of this test, he has persisted!

Moreover, the precautions in the building are sufficiently complete, so even if the two of them enter the building, it will not cause any "chaos", at most it will only trouble the building. The so-called staff, just put more effort into it!

And just when the guard wanted to use this method to test Chu Feng.

Chu Feng, who had already settled his mind long ago, wanted to enter the building, naturally, he would not show the slightest guilty conscience.


Therefore, under Chu Feng's firm insistence, he also successfully blended into the building!

"You really have you, the two of them can actually be fooled by you!"

After smoothly entering the building through the entrance, Old Chu said in praise.

"These are just small tricks. I was hitting luck just now. If they are really verifying the situation, then I will be verified soon!" Chu Feng explained.

"Then how do you know they won't verify?"

"I don't know! So I was hitting luck! If they really want to verify, then I will expel them at best!" Chu Feng said disapprovingly.

"What you said is very easy. What if they want to arrest you and then convict you? Have you ever considered the consequences, how much risk is hidden?" Old Chu asked.

"I don't know, I was also hot-headed at the time, and I didn't think about it so much!"

Chu Feng half-turned his head and thought for a while, and finally gave Lao Chu an answer.

"Ha ha... I know what's going on with you! What about now? Do you feel scared?" Old Chu asked.

"I'm not afraid of it. I feel like I'm quite reckless. I don't know what happened at the time. Maybe it was forced by the situation.

Chu Feng pretended to seriously consider it again, and the answer he gave was also dumbfounding!

"Alright! It seems that your thinking is indeed somewhat different from that of ordinary people, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, you have successfully entered here!

Even though the results discussed before are so thrilling, they are just some assumptions!

Now, what we have to face is to find John them! I just don’t know how to find them in such a big place! "

Old Chu said with a lot of emotion, and then he didn't know how to act!

"It is indeed not particularly easy to find them in this kind of place! However, since this is a tall building, it is better to look down from the top one by one!

Anyway, in places like this, there are generally more people at the bottom and fewer people at the top! If we start from the top level, we can be faster!

and. If there is an accident, then we can also go downstairs and leave at any time, without being blocked upstairs! "Chu Feng suggested.

"Well... it sounds like there are several reasons, but there seems to be something wrong, and as for what it is, I don't know exactly..."

Old Chu thought for a while, although Chu Feng said everything, but he always felt as if something had some problems!

But if he is really asked to find the problem, he does not know how to proceed, so he can only simply say his own thoughts!

As for other suggestions and decisions, he was not able to give Chu Feng at all.

"Okay! Since you can't find the problem, then you can keep your doubts first! Then without further ado, let's hurry up. My speed is faster, and your exploration ability is stronger. As long as we two It should be relatively easy for someone to cooperate and find the floor!"

Chu Feng felt that time was tight, so naturally he didn't want to spend more time here, and when he told the decision, he dashed directly to the top of the building!

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