Whimsical System

Chapter 1095: Sixty-fourth floor

There is a connecting elevator from the ground floor to the top floor of the building. The angle of the elevator is rather tricky. Normally, the general elevator starts to rise from floor to floor.

But this building has only one elevator from the ground floor to the top floor!

Under normal circumstances, this elevator is basically not used by anyone, because few people are willing to directly reach the top floor from the bottom floor. First of all, there are not many specific facilities available on the top floor, and there is almost no purpose to the top floor, so The existence of this elevator only has an existential meaning!

However, now Chu Feng has just been able to use this elevator, and this elevator seems to be tailor-made for him. Generally, when he enters the elevator and climbs up, he can clearly see the lines between each floor. Display facilities!

During this period of time, he simply couldn't remember all the floors clearly, but when he reached the top floor, he also had a trace of the situation along the way!

When he reached the top floor, Chu Feng found that there were only two rooms on the top floor. And these two rooms are set up in the left and right directions respectively.

From the perspective of the entrance, the space of the two rooms should be relatively large, after all, they occupy the entire floor.

It's just that there are locks at the entrances, and the windows are completely closed, making it impossible to see what's inside.

In order to find out, Chu Feng directly broke one of the windows, probed in and looked at it.

After observation, it was discovered that there was actually nothing else in the room, and there was still a lot of dust. It should have been a long time that no one has used it!

"It seems that they are not here, this room may be just a spare, maybe after this building is built, these two rooms have not been used at all!" Old Chu analyzed.

"I didn't intend to find them on this top floor. If they were really locked up on the top floor, then I can only say that this guy named Thirteenth Lord, his head is too simple!" Chu Feng said.

"Go to the next floor! I counted it carefully when I came up. If nothing went wrong, there should be a total of 72 floors!

Even if there are only two rooms on each floor, there must be more than one hundred and four rooms! I can hardly imagine how long it will take us to check the rooms in this entire building! "Old Chu said slightly sadly.

"This is not a big problem. Although there are many rooms, the two of us can search at the same time. We can manage half of each floor!

If all goes well, it will directly shorten the search time by half! Of course, if there is any trouble, this will also extend the time! "

Chu Feng's mentality has always been better. Although the work of the search is more complicated and troublesome, he doesn't have any, so what kind of complaints he has!

It's just that there is more or less pressure in his heart. After all, some things are not as simple as he thought, and he also understands that those things are not as simple as they seem!

So before doing these things, he must persuade himself to recognize this fact!

Although the floor search is relatively simple, it is also troublesome.

After all, Chu Feng is an outsider, and he doesn't have any relevant documents or the like to prove his identity, so every time he searches, he must be careful, lest he see some people he shouldn't see!

But no matter how careful he was, the accident could not be avoided after all. The result was when he searched the 64th floor.

The trouble is that I went to him directly, and it also caused a lot of big troubles.

auzw.com The sixty-fourth floor belongs to a relatively special floor, and I don’t know what the sixty-four is in this space.

In short, with so many floors, after searching floor by floor, Chu Feng has never seen a luxurious location like the 64th floor.

The moment he stepped out of the stairs, Chu Feng was shocked by the gorgeousness in front of him.

The golden floor and the glazed lamp hanging in the air, no matter from which point of view, it is enough to describe the current scene with magnificence!

Although the passages on the floors are long and narrow, they are not lost in style. On both sides of the passage, there is a door every ten steps.

There were some words written on the door that Chu Feng couldn't understand, and under the words there was a round hole the size of a finger, and the round hole bloomed with silvery white light.

According to Chu Feng's guess, this round hole may be the key to unlock the door, and right now, the only thing Chu Feng can touch this round hole is his finger!

So Chu Feng didn't think much about it, but directly placed his index finger on the round hole.

However, it didn't matter if he let it go, but he was directly led into the corridor, shining with a variety of colors!

And with the emergence of light, there was also a trace of audio that resembled an ultrasonic segment out of thin air.

Because the audio band is so rugged that even the completely transformed Chu Feng can't find out what the audio represents.

However, within a minute of the appearance of this band, the entire corridor on the 64th floor was instantly crowded with people!

And those people are all fully armed, weapons held by everyone, and most of them are firearms and the like!

Chu Feng stared blankly at what was happening in front of him. Although he knew that all this happened because of himself, he didn't know why it suddenly became like this!

"Do you know what's going on?"

Lao Chu floated beside Chu Feng and asked Chu Feng in a low voice.

"It's good if I can know! I touched it, and it turned out like this. Is that an alarm? Or I touched something that shouldn't be touched!"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly, what is happening now is completely beyond his expectations.

He really didn't understand that just such a small silvery white thing would cause such a big trouble!

"Do you have a bottom line? If you can escape, do it as soon as possible, don't delay time, I'm afraid there will be more and more people!"

Old Chu reminded Chu Feng that running away is the only way at the moment, but sometimes running away may not be what you want!

"I'll continue to try it. Seeing this situation, they don't seem to want me to go!"

Chu Feng frowned tightly, and his entire face became a little ugly. At this moment, his hands and feet were a little numb!

Before, Chu Feng had escaped from many places, but the situation is like today, it can be said that it has been a long time, and he has not experienced such a...

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