Whimsical System

Chapter 1097: Ultimate screening

"For things like this, even I can't provide you with protection. There have indeed been many changes, but in this change, we can find some inconspicuous details from it!

Since this building can convene so many people in such a short period of time! It can be seen that most people are basically staring at the 64th floor!

Although we don't know what the stone-like thing is, it is basically certain that it is definitely a precious thing!

Moreover, many people should pay more attention to it, especially the mysterious Thirteenth Lord! "

After listening to Old Chu's analysis, Chu Feng also had some experience, but he was not very sure whether his experience was correct.

"Old Chu, do you think it might be money or something!"

"Money? It's possible, but not sure!" Old Chu hesitated.

"Of course I know I'm not sure! That's why I guessed whether this is money or something at the same price as money!" Chu Feng said.

"Hmm..." Lao Chu nodded intriguingly, "Listening to what you said about me, the causal relationship before and after is quite consistent!

In that case, you should keep it first! After we find John smoothly and leave here! We will naturally have time to investigate the origin of this stone! "

Lao Chu analyzed the primary and secondary aspects very thoroughly, and the most important thing at the moment is to look for John and others.

And Chu Feng naturally understood this, so after saying this, he put the stone close to his body.

There is nothing special on the sixty-third floor, and even a figure has never been seen!

In just one hour, two nefarious "sex" incidents occurred one after another, which was enough to attract everyone's attention!

But at this time, like the 63rd floor, there is no special thing on the floor, so naturally it will not attract the attention of others!

Moreover, it was precisely because of the emergence of this characteristic that Chu Feng suddenly found a way to reduce the scope of his search!

"Lao Chu, did you find out? In this building, as long as there are important things, there must be someone guarding them!

The same was true for the previous 64th floor, and the same was true for the top floor, but now the 63rd floor is only one floor apart from the 64th floor, but the gap between them is astonishing!

So, can we borrow this feature to find John and the others?

If John and the others are really left in this building, then there must be guards on the floor where they are!

Therefore, we only need to look for those floors where there are guards, maybe that's it! "

A word of Chu Feng can be said to wake up the dreamer.

After hearing Chu Feng's words, Old Chu couldn't help but wonder in secret! At this moment, his suddenly enlightened feeling is really hard to describe in words!

"Why didn't I think of it! This is indeed the most accurate way. If the floor where the guards exist has not been found, then it means that John and the others may really not be in this building!" Old Chu said.

"Whether they are in this building or not has yet to be known. In addition, even if we did not find them on the guarded floors, it does not mean they are not in this building!


My current method is just to reduce our search process as much as possible!

If we do not find them in a guarded place, then I will continue to walk in this building!

After all, our only clue now is this building, if we can't find John and the others in this building. I'm afraid we can only go to the mysterious thirteenth master! "

As he spoke, Chu Feng's tone became low, what kind of person is the legendary Thirteenth Lord? Chu Feng didn't know! It can even be said that Chu Feng doesn't understand him at all!

But even so, if the situation really requires it, then Chu Feng will definitely visit him resolutely!

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Chu Feng doesn't have to do so, after all, he has not yet reached that point!

"Not once, let's hurry up! Even if we just choose a guarded place to look for, that's probably not a small number!"

After listening to Chu Feng's analysis, Old Chu couldn't wait to start acting.

So, under the urging of Old Chu, Chu Feng also hurriedly set foot, looking for the way of John and others!

But since Chu Feng changed his identity, those who look for Chu Feng have gradually become much less!

It seems that although their energy is strong, their endurance is not long lasting, but this may also be because Chu Feng did not cause damage to the things on the 64th floor!

If the stones are really as precious as Chu Feng analyzed, then as long as Chu Feng dares to steal, it is estimated that this storm will be difficult to calm down!

Half a day suddenly passed, and Chu Feng's search progress was more than half past, and in this half day, Chu Feng had also seen all kinds of rare treasures!

While seeing the rare and precious treasures, Chu Feng also experienced some troubles again!

Although it did not cause a disturbance like the previous one, it is not uncommon to be hunted down!

In this secret process, the number of guards who died in Chu Feng's hands had already reached five!

"I have searched so many layers, and there is no result! Are they really not here?"

When the two reached the thirty-sixth floor, Old Chu couldn't help but sighed, and it could be seen that he was also a little tired!

"Are you tired? If you are tired, let's rest for a while! Instead of complaining here, it's better to accumulate your energy!"

And for some reason, since Chu Feng's purpose became clear, he never said anything similar to complaining.

On the contrary, it was Lao Chu who had taken up this responsibility in the face of danger.

"I'm not too tired, I'm just searching continuously, after all, I'm a little tired! So if I can take a break, this is naturally the best!"

Chu Feng's words made Lao Chu a little embarrassed, so he could only reluctantly respond. Of course, if he could rest, it was indeed what he thought in his heart!

"Alright! Let's take a break here! Going down from here, there are at most thirty levels. Although there are more guards below, there are people on each level, which seems unrealistic.

Therefore, we won't have to work hard for long, even if we are lucky, we can find John and the others in the middle! "

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