Whimsical System

Chapter 1098: Surprise in the corridor

Chu Feng's remarks meant to comfort Old Chu, but all his remarks were nothing more than speculation.

Chu Feng had no way to turn things into reality, so the current guesses could only be satisfied with the thoughts in his heart!

After a brief rest, Chu Feng and Old Chu walked down the corridor again.

The passage was dark and dull, even though it was still early, standing at the corner of the corridor was still extremely dark!

But walking down layer by layer, the two have long been used to it, but at this time, in this dark corner, there are indeed some unknown secrets hidden!


When the punishment was about to reach the 20th floor, Chu Feng was at the corner and suddenly kicked something.

When he touched that thing, he made an extremely low voice, and a picture of a bag instantly appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

But when the picture appeared in Chu Feng's mind, Chu Feng really knew that he was definitely not a bag under his feet, because that kind of sound was not made by touching the bag at all!

"Old Chu, can you see what is under my feet?"

Chu Feng didn't move a single bit, but stood still, straightened his waist and asked Old Chu.

Lao Chu glanced down subconsciously. At this moment, in the dark corner, Lao Chu's abilities could still be realized!

And looking through Lao Chu's line of sight, I saw that there was a person lying on the ground at this time, a guy who couldn't distinguish between men and women!

"There is a person lying under your feet, and I don't know if you passed out, or there is no sign of life!"

Lao Chu said with a calm face, it seemed that the current situation was not enough to touch Lao Chu's emotions.

"Will a normal person lie here? I'm afraid it's a poor fellow being hunted down!"

Chu Feng whispered, then stretched out his hand and tested the man's breath according to Old Chu's description!

"He still breathes, but he is already very weak. If he is not treated, I am afraid he will die soon!" Chu Feng said after the test.

Old Chu asked: "Then what do you plan to do? Save him or let him die?"

Chu Feng lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "If I didn't meet him, then he might really be inevitable! But since I met him, then I can't let him die here!

Forget it, let's save him! Maybe he can help us think about this matter, it is not a loss of business! "

After making up his mind, Chu Feng directly assisted the person lying on the ground, and when he assisted the person and walked to the 20th floor of the corridor, Chu Feng suddenly realized that he fell in his arms at this time It is not someone else, but John who he is looking for!

"John? How could it be him! This is too dramatic! If I didn't save him just now, wouldn't it mean I would miss him!"

When he supported John to the corner and sat down, Chu Feng really didn't know what happened during this period.

John is indeed in this building, but the place where he is is really baffling.

"Is there any way for Lao Chu to wake him up as soon as possible? Only he knows what happened now. If he has been in a coma, then we will never find them anymore!"

auzw.com Chu Feng asked Lao Chu with a solemn expression on his face. He definitely didn't mean to make a joke at all. This is indeed a major event that cannot be ignored.

And Lao Chu naturally understood this truth, so he tried it right now!

Awakening the subject from a drowsy state was another ability of Old Chu.

The main details are simple, nothing more than going deep into the subject's consciousness and forcibly awakening his consciousness.

So as to achieve the effect of returning it to reality. But this way, although it is more convenient to drive, it will also damage the consciousness of the person being executed because it is too rough.

The lighter ones may cause memory loss or memory loss, while the more severe ones may cause them to pass out completely and never wake up again!

At the moment, even though Chu Feng knew that doing so might cause damage to John, for the safety of the lives of both Wei Ren and Xiao Ru, Chu Feng had no other concerns.

So, Lao Chu soon dived into John's consciousness. On the surface, this process was extremely fast. Even though Lao Chu needed to stay in consciousness for a long time, John's awakening was in an instant.

"Cough cough cough..."

John’s strong cough instantly proved his current state. He has recovered from his drowsiness. Although his mental state is not very good, at least there is no such thing as memory impairment.

"Do you still know who you are? Say your name!"

In order to make sure that John really did not suffer from memory damage, Chu Feng deliberately said the prepared questions casually.

"Chu Feng, are you okay? I passed out and I'm not stupid! Can I still forget my name?"

John's eyes were angry and muddy, but his consciousness was extremely clear, and this is enough to prove that he is currently normal and there is no problem!

"Fortunately, you finally did not have any problems, otherwise things will be in trouble!"

Chu Feng took a long breath, feeling a bit relieved.

"Why did you show up here? Didn't you get caught by them?"

When John looked at Chu Feng, in addition to surprise, there were some doubts in his eyes.

"Get caught? Who caught it?" Chu Feng asked.

"You don't know about this? When we went out to explore the road some time ago, you didn't come back!

Then came the news that you were arrested, so we started to rescue you together until that day someone came to tell us that you are in this building, so we are here!

Now, you happen to appear here. Could it be that they didn't arrest you? "

From John's questioning, Chu Feng could also vaguely guess the general situation of the matter!

It's nothing more than a group of people making use of Chu Feng, but they don't know who this group of people are and what their purpose is!

The first thing he thought of Chu Feng right now was the bloated guy. After all, from the current situation, the only bloated guy who could know Chu Feng and others in this space!

What Chu Feng didn't understand was that if this thing was really done by a bloated guy, then why did he do it? Would it be good for him?

Now Chu Feng doesn't understand this at all, and the strange things and Xiaoru are still bothering him!

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