Whimsical System

Chapter 1100: Intention to leave

Even when Chu Feng led the two to leave the room, there was no obstacle.

"I thought it was so difficult to do! But who would have thought it was so easy, I just entered the room, and then took the two of them out, and the matter was over!

Ugh! The feeling of lack of accomplishment, although not exciting enough, is full of excitement everywhere! "

After successfully rescuing the strange man and Xiao Ru, Chu Feng couldn't help but want to express his feelings to John.

Although John didn't want to hear what Chu Feng said at this time, Chu Feng still kept talking.

"Chu Feng, when will the two of them wake up? If you can, you can wake them up first!"

Since the eccentric and Xiao Ru were still in a coma, John wanted Chu Feng to wake them up!

It's just that as soon as John said this proposal, it was directly rejected by Chu Feng.

"No need, let the two of them wake up by themselves! Forcibly waking them up, it will hurt them!"

"What do you mean? Is it possible to wake them up by waking me?

Also, you just said that waking them up will hurt your body. Wouldn't it hurt me if you wake me up? "

John's face was stern, unspeakably depressed.

"It was a last resort at the time. If I didn't wake you up, wouldn't I just stop coming out, Xiaoru and Xiaoguai!

You can just think about it, if you were asked to do this, how would you think about it? "

What Chu Feng is best at is to make people think differently. Although many people are unwilling to do this, Chu Feng has always been admiring this way!

At this moment, he still wanted to make John understand his own mind!

"Okay! I don't have to think about it anymore. Anyway, I have already done this. Even if I'm investigating it, there is no need!

What's more, this matter is only related to you, if it is because of your fault that makes them both difficult!

This is indeed unnecessary, so forget it, anyway, I have not suffered any damage, this matter will stop here! "

When John said this, Chu Feng understood that John must have considered his own difficulties, so he chose to understand, but he did not want to admit it, so he deliberately said this. words!

When John said this, Chu Feng naturally couldn't expose anything.

"Maybe if I make a joke, you will be angry! But I always feel that the current atmosphere should be active!

In fact, I don't think you should bear this ordeal, I just think it's all because of your chance!

If the weirdo or Xiaoru were discovered by me first, I will do the same and save you!

In fact, this is not because of who is biased, it is just a decision made by chance!

I hope that after listening to this explanation, you will feel more balanced. After all, there is only this I can do! "

After all, Chu Feng made a little more explanation. He thought it was unnecessary, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he should do it again!


So in the end he did it, and said something that should have been said long ago, which is not a shame.

On the contrary, after listening to Chu Feng's explanation, John felt a little sorry, but in the end he made him think that he had done something wrong!

"Chu Feng, I don't have it either. I care too much about this! If I really think so, then I'm afraid I won't tell you the news about the two of them!

So you don't have to take it too seriously, I'm just kidding, why should you take it seriously! "

John's explanation is a bit far-fetched, but the effect is wonderful. Although the current mutual forgiveness is suspected of not following the original heart, at least in this matter, they all got a better ending!

"It's best for you to think like this! Actually, I'm joking too. In fact, if it weren't for you, then I wouldn't do it at all!"

In the end, Chu Feng wanted to make the atmosphere a little more active, and his words did indeed achieve this effect.

"Forget it, I know you are joking! I don't want to catch one thing and just brood it like you think!"

"Haha...you really see through all of this! Well, if that's the case, then I won't mess around with you!

In fact, there are some things I need to consider right now, and on these things, maybe I have to listen to your suggestions! "

Chu Feng suddenly became serious, but it made John feel a little uncomfortable.

"What can you do right now? It's nothing more than these broken things that are happening right now!

Anyway, I have no clue, how about you? What did you think of? "

John didn't think much about it, he guessed Chu Feng's thoughts. In fact, there is nothing strange about this. After all, Baofeng has already expressed this attitude!

"I basically don't know much about this matter. Even if I know a little bit, I probably heard it from you!

So judging from the current situation, I can't come up with a solution that is too detailed, but since someone has shot us, then according to my temper, I don't necessarily have to fight back!

And what makes me most suspicious now is that the guy who brought us here, in fact, I am not particularly familiar with him!

Even before that, I had a conflict with him, but when he made this suggestion, I forgot the conflict!

But now, this kind of thing happened directly, if it were to say that he wanted to retaliate, it would not be an exaggeration!

After all, I had conflicts with him before, so he took this opportunity to retaliate against me, that's a matter of course! "

In front of John, Chu Feng spoke out his inner thoughts.

At present, no matter whether this matter was done by the bloated guy, in short, as long as the bloated guy did not stand up to explain this matter, then Chu Feng would always be suspicious of him.

When Chu Feng proposed this idea, John hesitated a little!

And this is not because John has anything to do with the bloated guy, but John feels that the bloated guy has no reason to do this!

And the bloated guy does not seem to have that great ability!

"Chu Feng, I can't make an accurate judgment on these things! What I can say right now is to persuade you to seriously consider this matter!

Then, you can make a specific plan, no matter what, we have to leave here first! "John said.

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