Whimsical System

Chapter 1101: Come to the bottom

"I know what you want to say, this thing will eventually have a result, although there is no way to do this constant, but it is indeed right now, it is the best policy to leave here first!"

Chu Feng had the same thoughts as John. The situation in the building nowadays, if you rush to do something, the consequences would be really unpredictable!

Moreover, at this time, the strange man and Xiao Ru were still in a state of lethargy, so this caused Chu Feng to temporarily suppress his thoughts!

"Old Chu, please help me investigate first, what is worth noting around here! We are leaving here, we have to be cautious about everything, don't cause any trouble!"

Chu Feng said cautiously. Under the current situation, he couldn't help being careless. After all, he was holding the lives of three people!

"I know! I'll go to take a look in the corridor immediately, it seems that nothing should happen!

After all, this floor is not a conspicuous place! "

Although Lao Chu said so, he never stopped and went to the corridor to look for it.

In the pitch-black passage, the naked eye is basically unable to see things, but Lao Chu will not be affected by the darkness in front of him!

After a while, Lao Chu returned. From his expression, he could see that he had not noticed anything!

"How is the situation?" Chu Feng asked.

"Nothing. You can't even see a ghost in the passage. It is estimated that those people are guarding. It should be the guarding position!"

"Yeah! It's fine if nothing happens, John will take the two of them and let's go!"

Chu Feng stood up first, and subconsciously wanted to go into the corridor.

When Chu Feng was about to disappear at the entrance of the corridor, John suddenly stopped him.

"Chu Feng, wait a minute!"

"what happened?"

Chu Feng looked at John blankly, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart!

"You just go out empty-handed? They are two, how do you let me do it alone?"

John spread his hands and asked helplessly.

"Oh... I'm sorry... I thought you could do it yourself! It seems that I overestimated you. If that's the case, then I will help you!"

Chu Feng deliberately put on a disappointed expression, then slid back to John's side, and lifted the strange man from the ground with one hand!

"If you can do things, leave Xiaoru to me!"

Looking at Chu Feng's back, John showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. Xiao Ru's figure is relatively short, and his weight is naturally very light.

John simply hugged her in his arms, followed Chu Feng's back, and entered the dark corridor together.

"Thanks to the fact that I was lying on the corner of the passage, otherwise I'm afraid I would really pass you by!"

After entering the passage, John suddenly felt emotional and couldn't help but utter such a sigh!

"Luck you are better! I didn't know what was wrong at the time, so suddenly I had such an idea, I wanted to look down!

If it weren't for my thoughts, I'm afraid I would ignore you even if I came into contact with you!

After all, the situation at the time was very precarious, I really didn't have time to stay and think more!


If it weren't for Lao Chu to speak for you, I'm afraid you really have no chance! "

However, Chu Feng did not take credit alone, so he pushed all this great favor off to Old Chu.

However, unless this is done, it has no effect on John!

After all, in John's view, whether it is Lao Chu or Chu Feng, that is just one person!

Even if they have different ideas, they are an inseparable part after all!

Therefore, even if Chu Feng said this, the gratitude in John's heart still worked on Chu Feng.

It's nothing more than that when he said this, John changed his name slightly!

"It doesn't matter, whether it's Lao Chu or you, it's not all one person! Since it's one person, why bother to divide it so carefully!

Anyway, I just need to remember that you saved me, and as for what happened in the process, I don’t need to understand! "

John's words are indeed somewhat unfair to Old Chu, but fortunately, Old Chu is not very concerned. After all, whether it is kindness or not, it has no effect on Old Chu.

Lao Chu is just a personal identity, so whether it is the prescription to accept this kindness, or Lao Chu himself, it will not affect Lao Chu in the slightest!

"Whatever you think! Anyway, I don't plan to get any reward from you for this matter!

After all, the reason why you fell into this field, in the final analysis, is to save me!

But today I saved you, it was just to repay your kindness! "Chu Feng said.

"Although it is said that, there are some things that are not just to be said. Moreover, if things have already happened, then I must have to repay. After all, knowing the gratitude is always my philosophy!

Of course, now I may not be able to practice my own ideas, but you don't have to worry, since I have said it, then I will definitely be able to do it! "John said vowedly.

"Okay! If you insist on doing this, then I can't stop you! Do whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me anyway!"

Now that John had made up his mind, Chu Feng had no idea to dissuade him. No matter what he said, John would not change at all!

It would be better to save some tongue and let John do it himself.

Anyway, even if he wanted to repay his kindness, he had nothing else to give Chu Feng.

And if there is really something to reciprocate, it would be a good thing for Chu Feng!


After John replied in a low voice, there was nothing more to say!

Straight down the corridor, when Chu Feng and others reached the bottom, it was already ten minutes later!

Because of the ground floor, it is inevitable that there will be some pedestrians walking around.

John looked around in a panic, for fear of finding a familiar face here!

Their escape was undoubtedly a fluke, but if they were caught again at this time, it could be similar to this fluke, I am afraid there is no way to stage it again!

"Don't deliberately make yourself look like a fugitive is out of town, are you afraid that others won't recognize you?

Could it be that you can't be more calm like me? I tell you, as long as you are calm, you won't arouse others' suspicion! "

Chu Feng straightened his waist and stood in the lobby on the ground floor. At this time, he neither looked around nor made any noticeable movements!

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